Yeah....I thought death was too easy for this creep. That jail cell is like a box in that prison. Wanted him in a cage but death is ok. A win win now matter what imo
They should send him here to Oklahoma. They haven't quite got this lethal injection stuff down right. The chances of hitting a wrong vein are pretty high here..
Of all the times to suggest torture, this would be the last on my list. If we are going to use torture at all then there should at least be some positive outcome. Like some would argue that using torture on a terrorist who has information that will lead to hundreds of lives being saved directly from the information that could be obtained.. "a necessary evil"..
Giving this guy lethal injection is definitely the easy way out.
He should sit in a supermax prison facility out in the desert in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day with one hour to go outside into a small area to walk just so his legs don't atrophy. And he can sit and think about his actions for a miserable 75 more years until he withers up and dies.
After a few years at Supermax security prison with the Unabomber, the World Trade Center Bomber and a 9/11 terror conspirator he would be wishing for death to take him away. Death is easy.
"The Supermax is life after death," said Hood, who served as ADX warden from 2002 to 2005. "It's long term. ... In my opinion, it's far much worse than death."
Not a good thing at all. Now he'll be looked at as a martyr by all the other aholes and will think that he'll get all those virgins. Would rather that he slowly went even more completely insane than he already is.
Not a good thing at all. Now he'll be looked at as a martyr by all the other aholes and will think that he'll get all those virgins. Would rather that he slowly went even more completely insane than he already is.
Got what he deserved. I'm glad he'll be permanently gone soon. I wish they could send his whole famy with him. Bunch of terrorists and criminals that clan is.