when they cant copy and paste or call any lefty unamerican....they really dont have much
in dave's case, it's blind hatred towards obama because he's black. he's stated it before that he wouldn't vote for a black guy. lot of his posts have racial undertones.
if you really read about palin on abortion, her wanting to overturn roe vs. wade and not provide abortions for even rape victims, then you'll understand why nobody from the republican party is discussing this.
obama would have a baby who is born prematurely (due to a botched abortion) left on a table to die.
so what. if the mother doesnt want the kid, she shouldnt be burdened to it especially when we have too many people as it is. sometimes problems happen, we get over it and move on.
this overturning roe vs. wade thing is throwing womens rights 100 years back.
you want botched abortions.....when it becomes completely illegal under any circumstance and girls start going to the alley doctors...you will lose mother and child
if you have ever read any of my posts about abortion im against it unless.........rape or incest or the mothers life is in danger just so you knowsteak it will never become fully illegal. 20 of the last 28 years we have had a republican in the white house so roe v. wade is not getting over turned anytime soon.
with that said infanticide is unacceptable no matter what your view on women's right to choose is. if a child is born alive it should be treated like a human with a right to live.
anyone who disagrees is a sick bastard which is why GTC is now on ignore. i have respect for people who represent the left but i have no respect for people who would condone the death of a prematurely born infant.
as far as palin being against abortions for the raped compared to obama being alright with an infant, out of the womb, being left to die on a table.. there really is no comparison. if you think there is you are messed up in the head.
no, abortion is a necessary thing. especially with all of the non responsible people having kids these days. its better to abort and move on then give birth. she's going to throw it in a dumpster anyways if she don't want it.