PS-She is the hottest thing alive..I did smell her panties early on too...They smelled armpit sweat and pee pee-poo poo..but damn she is smokin..just wash it good before chowing down, ya dig?
PS-She is the hottest thing alive..I did smell her panties early on too...They smelled armpit sweat and pee pee-poo poo..but damn she is smokin..just wash it good before chowing down, ya dig?
Back in the mid 70's when I was a young buck, I had a hot, I mean smoking, Italian broad named Lisa Ferr_ _ _ _ _ _ (I know her name I just don't want to post the whole thing) she had the most incredible body, to die for and beautiful face like you couldn't imagine. Only problem, her **** fucking smelt, I mean rotten fish smell, not the general musty smell bitches sometimes get but downright fucking "I've been dead for 3 weeks smell" I was able to bang her once but had to dump her because she stunk, Good luck with your new rancid pussy girlfriend!
The Capt.
PS-She is the hottest thing alive..I did smell her panties early on too...They smelled armpit sweat and pee pee-poo poo..but damn she is smokin..just wash it good before chowing down, ya dig?
you made a mistake if you only smelled once. Might've just been a really bad day or maybe she couldn't wash because she had an infection (the same one you received the following week).
If she was that great, you have to sample at least 3 times before making judgement on smell.
The Rx is well aware where the attacks are coming from and we will make sure that they will be defeated very soon.
Unfortunately the people behind the attacks show little concern for the backbone of the Offshore Post Up industry which is partly represented by the thousands of small to medium sized bettors that vist this site daily in order to procure information that might help them improve their bottom line.
To punish the very people that support you by posting up at your books by sending in a well known IT outfit to execute a DDOS against their website can only be described as shameful.
I just wrote a long blow by blow description of how I kept trying to overcome the smell, when I went to submit it the fucking web site went down again at 9:27 est. Bottom line is I tried over and over and over and over, the bitch just had a polluted womb and there was nothing I could do about it, the smell wouldn't go away!
The Rx is well aware where the attacks are coming from and we will make sure that they will be defeated very soon.
Unfortunately the people behind the attacks show little concern for the backbone of the Offshore Post Up industry which is partly represented by the thousands of small to medium sized bettors that vist this site daily in order to procure information that might help them improve their bottom line.
To punish the very people that support you when they post up at your books by sending in a well known IT outfit to execute a DDOS against this website that these players rely on can only be described as shameful.
You are the only poster here that literally creeps me out! I guess some people like that. I hope you never leave therx since you provide great humor.
I also hope that I am never alone with you in an elevator...
Dude..I swear I was inches away from posting her face, legs, feet and cleavage..I also thought about asking her to hold up some pictures bashing certain RX posters in humor..we'll need some photo's to verify what you say, please feel free to post here or start a new thread either way's fine with me.:missingte:missingte:missingte