I leave to go work out and they are up by 22. Come home and they are up by like 18-16 with 5 minutes and some change. Get out of the shower and they are down by 1 with a few seconds? Unreal.
Creighton was up by 7..... 71-63 with one minute left and somehow managed (I have no idea how this is possible) to not score a freaking point until they hit the game winner at the end to win 63-62.
luckily i had creighton in parlay with drexel so there was no fucking chance i was cashing that. drexel was getting beat like a high school girls team.
wsu hit a three with like 6 seconds left to go ahead by 1. creighton brings it down and it goes out of bounds with 1.8 left. 3 timeouts later creighton hits a 15 footer to win it.