Agents bring the players to the "shop"
There are several types of agents,below there is brief description on how they work and how they report to the house
Split (Dutch): The Agent Shares with his reporting agent in the wins and looses of the bettor and Agents below him. The Agent’s Percentage indicates the Agent’s share of the wins and looses that are passed up from bettors and subordinates Agents. Te Wins and looses that are passed up to the Agent, less the Agent’s Commission, are passed up to the Agent’s senior Agents.
Red Figure: The Agent shares with his reporting agent in the losses of the Bettors and Agents below him. However, he is not responsible for the winnings. When the Bettor’s and subordinate Agent win, the Amount of the win is tracked and the Agent does not earn commission until future looses exceed wins. The amount of wins that must be overcome by looses is called the Agent’s Makeup Figure (or Red Figure) In the long run , the amount of commission paid to a Red Figure agent and a Dutch agent is the same. The difference is just that a Red Figure agent doesn’t go out-of-pocket of the Bettor wins in the short run.
Reverse Red Figure: This commission Type is very similar to Red Line. The difference is that in this case , it is the Agent who is responsible for the Bettor wins. The Reporting agent shares in looses. When there are net wins, the Agent is responsible for the entire amount and the reporting agent does not earn commission again until the wins have been “made up” by looses.
Profit: A profit agent is similar to a Red Figure Agent. He shares is losses with his reporting agent, but does not share responsibility for wins. The difference is that a Profit Agent does not have a Makeup Figure and earns commission again the next time there are losses of any amount.