Craig James - are you ready for this one


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I am on record of not being a fan of the James Gang, Craig or Adam. I have had a hard time trying to figure out why Craig is running for the Senate in the state of Texas. Anyone familiar with his part in the demise of the SMU football program and the effect his wimpy son had on running Mike Leach from Texas Tech would also wonder why someone would want to subject themselves to the beating political candidates take now days. Well we finally have the answer:

James dismisses a suggestion he’s considered a long shot and believes he was called by God to run for office.
“That doesn’t mean God says, `You’re going to win, Craig,”’ he said. “But I would far rather have done this than let God down and not do what he had called me to do.”

By the way Leach was turned down by the Texas Supreme Court and will not get any money but he still has a suit pending against ESPN, Craig's employer.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
As of about a month ago, of the 8 or 9 candidates running for senate in Texas...James had the least favorable rating.

Jesus would have to come to earth and work a miracle for Pretty Boy to win. Jesus is not coming and James ain't winning.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
I still wonder if any of the beatwriters at ESPN need to treat Leach some special way because of his run-in with the James gang over lazy Adam's work habits when he played for Leach at TTU. You all remember that ESPN cut Bruce Feldman loose when Leach's book was published because he co-authored it. (ESPN denies it of course.)

We've not seen the last of this war and personally I can say that ESPN has lost a lot of credibility with me due to the Texas TLN/Big-12 fiasco as well as their involvement with the sudden downturn in Mike Leach's career which I am 100% certain they were behind. Craig James was the key player in that story because of the way Leach supposedly treated his son. (fuck him) That proves to me that James didn't do very well raising his family because Mike Leach needed to step in and play daddy for the sake of the team. I'm just happy to see Mike Leach land on his feet at WSU.

Screw Craig James even if he is running as a Republican. My principles run deeper than just to be a party boy.

Jan 25, 2009
For our youth (the ones who like football anyway) who are losing faith in the American dream, the political process, and the idea of sport as the great leveler between the washed and the unwashed, this should finish the job.

Why do I just have an urge to see Hulk Hogan or Hank Williams Jr beat the hell out of James Sr? I don't know.... some things can't be explained I reckon....

I wonder what kind of coverage we'll see on ESPN next year with regards to the Cougars?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
For our youth (the ones who like football anyway) who are losing faith in the American dream, the political process, and the idea of sport as the great leveler between the washed and the unwashed, this should finish the job.

Why do I just have an urge to see Hulk Hogan or Hank Williams Jr beat the hell out of James Sr? I don't know.... some things can't be explained I reckon....

I wonder what kind of coverage we'll see on ESPN next year with regards to the Cougars?

ESPN broadcasters and colormen would be well advised to muzzle their mentioning very much of Leach's successful background and especially about the conditions where he was forced out as TTU's HC. I have seen Ted Miller uncharacteristically hold back on too much praise of Leach's past accomplishments. I've also seen the same in the Pac-12 blog from one of the newer ESPiN Pac-12 beatwriters who's name escapes me at the moment. However, if I was working for FOX in the broadcast booth at a WSU Cougar game, I'd talk it up every chance I got... and I REALLY hope to see it happen and it wouldn't surprise me to see that it did. This will be interesting.

New member
Feb 20, 2005
For me the bottom line is that Craig James is no longer at ESPN. I am usually tolerant with announcers and the job they have to do, but I just never liked him as an analyst. This has to be a win-win for ESPN, who needed a way to separate from him and all the back stories.

ESPN broadcasters and colormen would be well advised to muzzle their mentioning very much of Leach's successful background and especially about the conditions where he was forced out as TTU's HC. I have seen Ted Miller uncharacteristically hold back on too much praise of Leach's past accomplishments. I've also seen the same in the Pac-12 blog from one of the newer ESPiN Pac-12 beatwriters who's name escapes me at the moment. However, if I was working for FOX in the broadcast booth at a WSU Cougar game, I'd talk it up every chance I got... and I REALLY hope to see it happen and it wouldn't surprise me to see that it did. This will be interesting.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
I don't like or respect "Special Boy ESPN James" and was wondering if anyone had any news on his run for congress. I'm a republican, but I would vote for the democrat before I would support James' ass.

Oct 16, 2004
Unless the religious right gets him elected, James probably has way too many skeletons in the closet. Starting with allegedly getting paid as a player from the SMU sludge fund which ultimately helped give them the death pernalty. Then we have the whole Mike Leach fiasco in which James did a great job of stretching the truth with his ESPN spin about his son being locked in a dark equipment closet. In reality it was a big lit media room. James also has a few internet demons that have followed him around for years. Somebody planted a Google bomb about him killing 5 hookers. Of course it didn't happen, but it is pretty damn funny when you Google "Craig James Killed 5 Hookers"

New member
Nov 20, 1998
I heard that Craig James never killed any hookers (that we know of.) He did have 5 hookers locked up in well lighted media room with the intention of sharing all 5 of them with his son. They were all fine looking too so the dark closet angle was utterly preposterous.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
James and his ESPN BASTARDS distroyed a good thing at Texas Tech.

Heard the Texas Tech coach (Tuberville) was accused of some bad financial stuff.

Washington State is laughing their way to the bank....big doners are on board with Leach.

Money coming in bigtime for the program.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
Yeah I heard that WSU's scholarship donors doubled in number since Leach was announced as the new HC at Wazzou.

If you've followed WSU football much over the last decade + you'd know that fielding a team with an offense that proliferates is just their style. Price had them winning Rose Bowls in the early 00's with the same formula. Aside from Ryan Leaf who was one hell of a good QB until he wasn't, there have been a parade of highly talented offenses that represented the Cougar football team. For WSU's AD Bill Moos (an Oregon grad) to snatch Leach when he had the opportunity was a stroke of genius (and good luck for all that money to show up when it did.) Leach may turn out to be the best HC ever in the history of the school. We'll see. But at the very least he's a perfect fit.

Oct 16, 2004
I heard that Craig James never killed any hookers (that we know of.) He did have 5 hookers locked up in well lighted media room with the intention of sharing all 5 of them with his son. They were all fine looking too so the dark closet angle was utterly preposterous.
Somebody should start another internet bomb: "Craig James comes out of dark closet, and reveals he's gay."

New member
Oct 26, 2005
I hope at some point in the not to distant future T Tech and WSU play in a bowl game, that would be nice

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Yeah I heard that WSU's scholarship donors doubled in number since Leach was announced as the new HC at Wazzou.

If you've followed WSU football much over the last decade + you'd know that fielding a team with an offense that proliferates is just their style. Price had them winning Rose Bowls in the early 00's with the same formula. Aside from Ryan Leaf who was one hell of a good QB until he wasn't, there have been a parade of highly talented offenses that represented the Cougar football team. For WSU's AD Bill Moos (an Oregon grad) to snatch Leach when he had the opportunity was a stroke of genius (and good luck for all that money to show up when it did.) Leach may turn out to be the best HC ever in the history of the school. We'll see. But at the very least he's a perfect fit.

What year did I sleep through?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
What year did I sleep through?

It figures that a Big-10 guy would find a discrepancy like that and call me on it. WSU didn't win but they got there in 1998 and 2003. It was Washington not WSU that won the 2001 Rose Bowl. But if you are trying to hoot over the B10's post season record by putting down the Cougars, I'll counter that with the fact that the Big-10 conference won the Rose bowl only once in the last decade.

However, the point I was making was not to hoot over winning a Rose Bowl so don't get sidetracked and miss my point. It was about the quality of team that WSU had roughly between 1998 and 2003, two years they played in the Rose bowl and the years in between when they were highly ranked with a powerful offense in the not so distant past- a perfect fit for Mike Leach.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
It figures that a Big-10 guy would find a discrepancy like that and call me on it. WSU didn't win but they got there in 1998 and 2003. It was Washington not WSU that won the 2001 Rose Bowl. But if you are trying to hoot over the B10's post season record by putting down the Cougars, I'll counter that with the fact that the Big-10 conference won the Rose bowl only once in the last decade.

However, the point I was making was not to hoot over winning a Rose Bowl so don't get sidetracked and miss my point. It was about the quality of team that WSU had roughly between 1998 and 2003, two years they played in the Rose bowl and the years in between when they were highly ranked with a powerful offense in the not so distant past- a perfect fit for Mike Leach.

Didn't realize providing accurate information was so difficult for you weed smokers

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Didn't realize providing accurate information was so difficult for you weed smokers


Mar 31, 2008
Wow......."old' Craig James........that's why it pays to stay informed here on the Rx.

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