Coulter goes after Trump for the The Great Stall


Oct 15, 2018
We need to get this agent of Israel out of the White House. Let's get woke here people!

JDEUCE got to close and look what happen to him...murdered, in jail, worse?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
1. Where can we find decrees, immigration laws, and property rights of the Native Tribes prior to settlers arriving, to check if anything was stolen?

2. How did Native Tribes acquire land prior to settlers arriving?

3. What was this country called before it became the U.S.A.?

(I await the deflection and or insults without answering the questions... its the liberal way....................Well... guess completely ignoring the questions since it would destroy your narrative works just as well lmao )

Dec 15, 2017
1. Where can we find decrees, immigration laws, and property rights of the Native Tribes prior to settlers arriving, to check if anything was stolen?

2. How did Native Tribes acquire land prior to settlers arriving?

3. What was this country called before it became the U.S.A.?

(I await the deflection and or insults without answering the questions... its the liberal way....................Well... guess completely ignoring the questions since it would destroy your narrative works just as well lmao )

I got his answers:

1. Ummmmmm... I just know white people are bad!

2. I'm not sure, but it mustve been fine because they werent evil white men. Only white men do it wrong

3. Errr.......ummmm.......America sucks!

Sep 20, 2017
I got his answers:

1. Ummmmmm... I just know white people are bad!

2. I'm not sure, but it mustve been fine because they werent evil white men. Only white men do it wrong

3. Errr.......ummmm.......America sucks!

No Trump...No KKK ...No fascist USA lol

Oct 8, 2006
Agree with you! Especially the part about bombing Syria, when the government wasn't involved in chemical attacks. And, we are still helping the so called "rebels", who are nothing but thugs!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Agree with you! Especially the part about bombing Syria, when the government wasn't involved in chemical attacks. And, we are still helping the so called "rebels", who are nothing but thugs!

What do you know about Syria and chemical weapons being used?

Was 9/11 and inside job?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
i agree with her...if Trump was serious about this he knew it had to get done before the midterms. Now that the Dems have the house I see no chance of a wall being built. Not the biggest Coulter fan but glad she has the sack to challenge him on this

For those of us who were ecstatic the night Donald Trump was elected president, who watch election night videos over and over again, it used to be easy to defend him against the charge that he is just a BS-ing con man who would say anything to get elected.

It’s getting harder.
Trump was our last chance. But he’s spent two years not building the wall, not deporting illegals — “INCREDIBLE KIDS!” — and not ending the anchor baby scam.

Within 10 seconds of Trump’s leaving office, there will be no evidence that he was ever president. Laws will be changed, executive orders rescinded, treaties re-written and courts packed.
Trump will leave no legacy at all. Only a wall is forever.
We had no choice. No one else was promising to save America.

“On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above- and below-ground sensors, that’s the tunnels. Remember that: above and below. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels …” –Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

But then he signed a spending bill expressly prohibiting him from building any part of the wall.

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.” — President Trump, after signing a spending bill that blocked any funding for a wall.

Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spending bill that will give him no money for the wall.

Anyone want to bet me that he won’t?

So much for the world’s greatest negotiator.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief. He doesn’t need Congress’ approval to defend the nation’s borders.
But as long as his excuse for not building the wall is that Congress hasn’t appropriated money for it, why on earth would he sign a spending bill that doesn’t give it to him?

There is no tomorrow on this. Republicans are about to lose the House. It’s now or never.

We didn’t need someone to tell us how hard it is to get anything done in Washington. We knew that.

That’s why we hired a builder. We didn’t care what Trump’s position on the lira was. We didn’t care about Syria. We were just looking for the best contractor we could find so we would finally get a wall.

If we were talking about a golf course in Scotland, I think Trump could figure out how to get it done.

But instead of winning, we’re getting whining. We’re told it’s Congress’ fault for not giving Trump money to build the wall! The ACLU will sue! A judge will stop him! Blame Paul Ryan! (Possible Trump epitaph: Chuck wouldn’t let me!)

President Reagan bombed Libya in retaliation for two U.S. serviceman being killed by a bomb in a West Berlin discotheque — TWO!

But Trump thinks he needs the preapproval of Congress, the ACLU and a district court judge in Hawaii to do something about tens of thousands of Americans being killed every year by illegal alien heroin dealers, drunk drivers and straight-up murderers.

Reagan invaded Grenada because the country was becoming a Soviet client state. No Grenadian threatened to touch a hair on any American’s head. One wonders what Reagan’s reaction would have been to someone telling him, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! THE ACLU WILL SUE!

If Reagan had Trump’s advisers, we’d be speaking Russian.

The ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the other anti-American groups opposing Trump on immigration were the very same groups that opposed Reagan. They would have been happy if the U.S.S.R. had nuked this country.

Sadly for them, Reagan kept his promises, and we won the Cold War. So now the back-up plan is to destroy our country
by flooding it with the Third World.

We needed Reagan and got P.T. Barnum instead.

Evidently, Trump knew he could bomb an innocent country based on false information about the Syrian government using nerve gas in April 2018. (Actual reason: Ivanka cried.) No less than the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons spent months testing the bodies allegedly killed by nerve gas. Conclusion: No nerve gas.

But we’re supposed to believe that Trump doesn’t realize that he’s also allowed to defend the citizens of this country. Does he know he’s president?

Even if noted constitutional law scholar Jared Kushner has convinced Trump that he needs congressional approval before he’s allowed to repel invaders at our border — but doesn’t need Congress to bomb an innocent country because Ivanka cried — the president could order the troops to invade Mexico and build the wall 10 yards in.

But all we get are bombastic tweets and useless half-measures. The conservative media have been excitedly reporting that Obama put illegal alien kids in cages too! Obama used tear gas on the invaders too!
Yes, exactly — and none of that worked. That’s why we voted for the guy who promised to build a wall.
Unlike the president, we knew that the deluge of poor people flooding our country would never stop until we had an impenetrable border.

And whatever happened to that executive order on anchor babies? Is Trump “trying” to sign that, too? Maybe he got writer’s cramp.

Trump also promised to deport illegals — even the ones Democrats have given cute names to.

“We’re always talking about ‘Dreamers’ for other people. I want the children that are growing up in the United States to be dreamers also. They’re not dreaming right now.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

“The executive order (on “Dreamers”) gets rescinded.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

Is it Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump did a 180 on “Dreamers,” called them “INCREDIBLE KIDS” and tried to give them amnesty?

Every day that Trump does not keep his promises on immigration, thousands of immigrants turn 18 and start block voting for the Democrats, while thousands of traditional Americans die off.

Florida and Texas are about five years away from turning solid blue. Trump was our last chance. After this, the country is never going to elect a Republican president again.

So the next time you watch one of those election night videos, remember: If Trump doesn’t keep his immigration promises, Hillary might as well have won.

Trump will leave no legacy whatsoever. Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble.



New member
Nov 10, 2010
i agree with her...if Trump was serious about this he knew it had to get done before the midterms. Now that the Dems have the house I see no chance of a wall being built. Not the biggest Coulter fan but glad she has the sack to challenge him on this

For those of us who were ecstatic the night Donald Trump was elected president, who watch election night videos over and over again, it used to be easy to defend him against the charge that he is just a BS-ing con man who would say anything to get elected.

It’s getting harder.
Trump was our last chance. But he’s spent two years not building the wall, not deporting illegals — “INCREDIBLE KIDS!” — and not ending the anchor baby scam.

Within 10 seconds of Trump’s leaving office, there will be no evidence that he was ever president. Laws will be changed, executive orders rescinded, treaties re-written and courts packed.
Trump will leave no legacy at all. Only a wall is forever.
We had no choice. No one else was promising to save America.

“On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above- and below-ground sensors, that’s the tunnels. Remember that: above and below. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels …” –Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

But then he signed a spending bill expressly prohibiting him from building any part of the wall.

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.” — President Trump, after signing a spending bill that blocked any funding for a wall.

Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spending bill that will give him no money for the wall.

Anyone want to bet me that he won’t?

So much for the world’s greatest negotiator.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief. He doesn’t need Congress’ approval to defend the nation’s borders.
But as long as his excuse for not building the wall is that Congress hasn’t appropriated money for it, why on earth would he sign a spending bill that doesn’t give it to him?

There is no tomorrow on this. Republicans are about to lose the House. It’s now or never.

We didn’t need someone to tell us how hard it is to get anything done in Washington. We knew that.

That’s why we hired a builder. We didn’t care what Trump’s position on the lira was. We didn’t care about Syria. We were just looking for the best contractor we could find so we would finally get a wall.

If we were talking about a golf course in Scotland, I think Trump could figure out how to get it done.

But instead of winning, we’re getting whining. We’re told it’s Congress’ fault for not giving Trump money to build the wall! The ACLU will sue! A judge will stop him! Blame Paul Ryan! (Possible Trump epitaph: Chuck wouldn’t let me!)

President Reagan bombed Libya in retaliation for two U.S. serviceman being killed by a bomb in a West Berlin discotheque — TWO!

But Trump thinks he needs the preapproval of Congress, the ACLU and a district court judge in Hawaii to do something about tens of thousands of Americans being killed every year by illegal alien heroin dealers, drunk drivers and straight-up murderers.

Reagan invaded Grenada because the country was becoming a Soviet client state. No Grenadian threatened to touch a hair on any American’s head. One wonders what Reagan’s reaction would have been to someone telling him, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! THE ACLU WILL SUE!

If Reagan had Trump’s advisers, we’d be speaking Russian.

The ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the other anti-American groups opposing Trump on immigration were the very same groups that opposed Reagan. They would have been happy if the U.S.S.R. had nuked this country.

Sadly for them, Reagan kept his promises, and we won the Cold War. So now the back-up plan is to destroy our country
by flooding it with the Third World.

We needed Reagan and got P.T. Barnum instead.

Evidently, Trump knew he could bomb an innocent country based on false information about the Syrian government using nerve gas in April 2018. (Actual reason: Ivanka cried.) No less than the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons spent months testing the bodies allegedly killed by nerve gas. Conclusion: No nerve gas.

But we’re supposed to believe that Trump doesn’t realize that he’s also allowed to defend the citizens of this country. Does he know he’s president?

Even if noted constitutional law scholar Jared Kushner has convinced Trump that he needs congressional approval before he’s allowed to repel invaders at our border — but doesn’t need Congress to bomb an innocent country because Ivanka cried — the president could order the troops to invade Mexico and build the wall 10 yards in.

But all we get are bombastic tweets and useless half-measures. The conservative media have been excitedly reporting that Obama put illegal alien kids in cages too! Obama used tear gas on the invaders too!
Yes, exactly — and none of that worked. That’s why we voted for the guy who promised to build a wall.
Unlike the president, we knew that the deluge of poor people flooding our country would never stop until we had an impenetrable border.

And whatever happened to that executive order on anchor babies? Is Trump “trying” to sign that, too? Maybe he got writer’s cramp.

Trump also promised to deport illegals — even the ones Democrats have given cute names to.

“We’re always talking about ‘Dreamers’ for other people. I want the children that are growing up in the United States to be dreamers also. They’re not dreaming right now.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

“The executive order (on “Dreamers”) gets rescinded.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

Is it Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump did a 180 on “Dreamers,” called them “INCREDIBLE KIDS” and tried to give them amnesty?

Every day that Trump does not keep his promises on immigration, thousands of immigrants turn 18 and start block voting for the Democrats, while thousands of traditional Americans die off.

Florida and Texas are about five years away from turning solid blue. Trump was our last chance. After this, the country is never going to elect a Republican president again.

So the next time you watch one of those election night videos, remember: If Trump doesn’t keep his immigration promises, Hillary might as well have won.

Trump will leave no legacy whatsoever. Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble.

Actually not just about 2 US Citizens

During the 1970s and ’80s, Qaddafi’s government financed a wide variety of Muslim and anti-U.S. and anti-British terrorist groups worldwide, from Palestinian guerrillas and Philippine Muslim rebels to the Irish Republican Army and the Black Panthers. In response, the U.S. imposed sanctions against Libya, and relations between the two nations steadily deteriorated. In 1981, Libya fired at a U.S. aircraft that passed into the Gulf of Sidra, which Qaddafi had claimed in 1973 as Libyan territorial waters. That year, the U.S. uncovered evidence of Libyan-sponsored terrorist plots against the United States, including planned assassination attempts against U.S. officials and the bombing of a U.S. embassy-sponsored dance in Khartoum, Sudan.

In December 1985, five American citizens were killed in simultaneous terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports. Libya was blamed, and U.S. President Ronald Reagan ordered expanded sanctions and froze Libyan assets in the United States. On March 24, 1986, U.S. and Libyan forces clashed in the Gulf of Sidra, and four Libyan attack boats were sunk. Then, on April 5, terrorists bombed a West Berlin dance hall known to be frequented by U.S. servicemen. One U.S. serviceman and a Turkish woman were killed, and more than 200 people were wounded, including 50 other U.S. servicemen. U.S. intelligence reportedly intercepted radio messages sent from Libya to its diplomats in East Berlin ordering the April 5 attack on the LaBelle discotheque.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
i agree with her...if Trump was serious about this he knew it had to get done before the midterms. Now that the Dems have the house I see no chance of a wall being built. Not the biggest Coulter fan but glad she has the sack to challenge him on this

For those of us who were ecstatic the night Donald Trump was elected president, who watch election night videos over and over again, it used to be easy to defend him against the charge that he is just a BS-ing con man who would say anything to get elected.

It’s getting harder.
Trump was our last chance. But he’s spent two years not building the wall, not deporting illegals — “INCREDIBLE KIDS!” — and not ending the anchor baby scam.

Within 10 seconds of Trump’s leaving office, there will be no evidence that he was ever president. Laws will be changed, executive orders rescinded, treaties re-written and courts packed.
Trump will leave no legacy at all. Only a wall is forever.
We had no choice. No one else was promising to save America.

“On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above- and below-ground sensors, that’s the tunnels. Remember that: above and below. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels …” –Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

But then he signed a spending bill expressly prohibiting him from building any part of the wall.

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.” — President Trump, after signing a spending bill that blocked any funding for a wall.

Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spending bill that will give him no money for the wall.

Anyone want to bet me that he won’t?

So much for the world’s greatest negotiator.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief. He doesn’t need Congress’ approval to defend the nation’s borders.
But as long as his excuse for not building the wall is that Congress hasn’t appropriated money for it, why on earth would he sign a spending bill that doesn’t give it to him?

There is no tomorrow on this. Republicans are about to lose the House. It’s now or never.

We didn’t need someone to tell us how hard it is to get anything done in Washington. We knew that.

That’s why we hired a builder. We didn’t care what Trump’s position on the lira was. We didn’t care about Syria. We were just looking for the best contractor we could find so we would finally get a wall.

If we were talking about a golf course in Scotland, I think Trump could figure out how to get it done.

But instead of winning, we’re getting whining. We’re told it’s Congress’ fault for not giving Trump money to build the wall! The ACLU will sue! A judge will stop him! Blame Paul Ryan! (Possible Trump epitaph: Chuck wouldn’t let me!)

President Reagan bombed Libya in retaliation for two U.S. serviceman being killed by a bomb in a West Berlin discotheque — TWO!

But Trump thinks he needs the preapproval of Congress, the ACLU and a district court judge in Hawaii to do something about tens of thousands of Americans being killed every year by illegal alien heroin dealers, drunk drivers and straight-up murderers.

Reagan invaded Grenada because the country was becoming a Soviet client state. No Grenadian threatened to touch a hair on any American’s head. One wonders what Reagan’s reaction would have been to someone telling him, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! THE ACLU WILL SUE!

If Reagan had Trump’s advisers, we’d be speaking Russian.

The ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the other anti-American groups opposing Trump on immigration were the very same groups that opposed Reagan. They would have been happy if the U.S.S.R. had nuked this country.

Sadly for them, Reagan kept his promises, and we won the Cold War. So now the back-up plan is to destroy our country
by flooding it with the Third World.

We needed Reagan and got P.T. Barnum instead.

Evidently, Trump knew he could bomb an innocent country based on false information about the Syrian government using nerve gas in April 2018. (Actual reason: Ivanka cried.) No less than the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons spent months testing the bodies allegedly killed by nerve gas. Conclusion: No nerve gas.

But we’re supposed to believe that Trump doesn’t realize that he’s also allowed to defend the citizens of this country. Does he know he’s president?

Even if noted constitutional law scholar Jared Kushner has convinced Trump that he needs congressional approval before he’s allowed to repel invaders at our border — but doesn’t need Congress to bomb an innocent country because Ivanka cried — the president could order the troops to invade Mexico and build the wall 10 yards in.

But all we get are bombastic tweets and useless half-measures. The conservative media have been excitedly reporting that Obama put illegal alien kids in cages too! Obama used tear gas on the invaders too!
Yes, exactly — and none of that worked. That’s why we voted for the guy who promised to build a wall.
Unlike the president, we knew that the deluge of poor people flooding our country would never stop until we had an impenetrable border.

And whatever happened to that executive order on anchor babies? Is Trump “trying” to sign that, too? Maybe he got writer’s cramp.

Trump also promised to deport illegals — even the ones Democrats have given cute names to.

“We’re always talking about ‘Dreamers’ for other people. I want the children that are growing up in the United States to be dreamers also. They’re not dreaming right now.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

“The executive order (on “Dreamers”) gets rescinded.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

Is it Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump did a 180 on “Dreamers,” called them “INCREDIBLE KIDS” and tried to give them amnesty?

Every day that Trump does not keep his promises on immigration, thousands of immigrants turn 18 and start block voting for the Democrats, while thousands of traditional Americans die off.

Florida and Texas are about five years away from turning solid blue. Trump was our last chance. After this, the country is never going to elect a Republican president again.

So the next time you watch one of those election night videos, remember: If Trump doesn’t keep his immigration promises, Hillary might as well have won.

Trump will leave no legacy whatsoever. Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble.

Chemical or Nerve Agent who gives a dam . Justifiable use of force by Trump. You act on probability at the time, you don't wait for investigation and report months after

On 6 July, a preliminary report issued by the OPCW said "no organophosphorus nerve agents or their degradation products were detected, either in the environmental samples or in plasma samples from the alleged casualties". However, it added, "various chlorinated organic chemicals were found in samples from Locations 2 and 4, along with residues of explosive".

The OPCW said the FFM team was now working to establish the significance of the results. It is also assessing the association of the two gas cylinders with the incident, the relative damage to the cylinders and the roofs, and how the cylinders arrived at their respective locations.

The chlorinated compounds included those used to treat drinking water, as a disinfectant, a wood preservative, or a flame retardant. However, the same compounds were detected at other sites in Syria where the OPCW has concluded that chlorine was likely used as a weapon, including Saraqeb and Latamina.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
i agree with her...if Trump was serious about this he knew it had to get done before the midterms. Now that the Dems have the house I see no chance of a wall being built. Not the biggest Coulter fan but glad she has the sack to challenge him on this

For those of us who were ecstatic the night Donald Trump was elected president, who watch election night videos over and over again, it used to be easy to defend him against the charge that he is just a BS-ing con man who would say anything to get elected.

It’s getting harder.
Trump was our last chance. But he’s spent two years not building the wall, not deporting illegals — “INCREDIBLE KIDS!” — and not ending the anchor baby scam.

Within 10 seconds of Trump’s leaving office, there will be no evidence that he was ever president. Laws will be changed, executive orders rescinded, treaties re-written and courts packed.
Trump will leave no legacy at all. Only a wall is forever.
We had no choice. No one else was promising to save America.

“On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above- and below-ground sensors, that’s the tunnels. Remember that: above and below. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels …” –Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

But then he signed a spending bill expressly prohibiting him from building any part of the wall.

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.” — President Trump, after signing a spending bill that blocked any funding for a wall.

Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spending bill that will give him no money for the wall.

Anyone want to bet me that he won’t?

So much for the world’s greatest negotiator.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief. He doesn’t need Congress’ approval to defend the nation’s borders.
But as long as his excuse for not building the wall is that Congress hasn’t appropriated money for it, why on earth would he sign a spending bill that doesn’t give it to him?

There is no tomorrow on this. Republicans are about to lose the House. It’s now or never.

We didn’t need someone to tell us how hard it is to get anything done in Washington. We knew that.

That’s why we hired a builder. We didn’t care what Trump’s position on the lira was. We didn’t care about Syria. We were just looking for the best contractor we could find so we would finally get a wall.

If we were talking about a golf course in Scotland, I think Trump could figure out how to get it done.

But instead of winning, we’re getting whining. We’re told it’s Congress’ fault for not giving Trump money to build the wall! The ACLU will sue! A judge will stop him! Blame Paul Ryan! (Possible Trump epitaph: Chuck wouldn’t let me!)

President Reagan bombed Libya in retaliation for two U.S. serviceman being killed by a bomb in a West Berlin discotheque — TWO!

But Trump thinks he needs the preapproval of Congress, the ACLU and a district court judge in Hawaii to do something about tens of thousands of Americans being killed every year by illegal alien heroin dealers, drunk drivers and straight-up murderers.

Reagan invaded Grenada because the country was becoming a Soviet client state. No Grenadian threatened to touch a hair on any American’s head. One wonders what Reagan’s reaction would have been to someone telling him, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! THE ACLU WILL SUE!

If Reagan had Trump’s advisers, we’d be speaking Russian.

The ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the other anti-American groups opposing Trump on immigration were the very same groups that opposed Reagan. They would have been happy if the U.S.S.R. had nuked this country.

Sadly for them, Reagan kept his promises, and we won the Cold War. So now the back-up plan is to destroy our country
by flooding it with the Third World.

We needed Reagan and got P.T. Barnum instead.

Evidently, Trump knew he could bomb an innocent country based on false information about the Syrian government using nerve gas in April 2018. (Actual reason: Ivanka cried.) No less than the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons spent months testing the bodies allegedly killed by nerve gas. Conclusion: No nerve gas.

But we’re supposed to believe that Trump doesn’t realize that he’s also allowed to defend the citizens of this country. Does he know he’s president?

Even if noted constitutional law scholar Jared Kushner has convinced Trump that he needs congressional approval before he’s allowed to repel invaders at our border — but doesn’t need Congress to bomb an innocent country because Ivanka cried — the president could order the troops to invade Mexico and build the wall 10 yards in.

But all we get are bombastic tweets and useless half-measures. The conservative media have been excitedly reporting that Obama put illegal alien kids in cages too! Obama used tear gas on the invaders too!
Yes, exactly — and none of that worked. That’s why we voted for the guy who promised to build a wall.
Unlike the president, we knew that the deluge of poor people flooding our country would never stop until we had an impenetrable border.

And whatever happened to that executive order on anchor babies? Is Trump “trying” to sign that, too? Maybe he got writer’s cramp.

Trump also promised to deport illegals — even the ones Democrats have given cute names to.

“We’re always talking about ‘Dreamers’ for other people. I want the children that are growing up in the United States to be dreamers also. They’re not dreaming right now.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

“The executive order (on “Dreamers”) gets rescinded.” — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

Is it Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump did a 180 on “Dreamers,” called them “INCREDIBLE KIDS” and tried to give them amnesty?

Every day that Trump does not keep his promises on immigration, thousands of immigrants turn 18 and start block voting for the Democrats, while thousands of traditional Americans die off.

Florida and Texas are about five years away from turning solid blue. Trump was our last chance. After this, the country is never going to elect a Republican president again.

So the next time you watch one of those election night videos, remember: If Trump doesn’t keep his immigration promises, Hillary might as well have won.

Trump will leave no legacy whatsoever. Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble.


The appointment of a United States Supreme Court Justice is one of the most profound legacies that a U. S. President can achieve.

x2. Yes 2 Times .


President Trump’s appointment and subsequent confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to replace the deceased Antonin Scalia was a profound choice.

President Trump’s appointment and subsequent confirmationof Brett Kavanaugh to replace the retiring jurist Anthony Kennedy is equally brilliant.

If Trump does nothing else during his tenure in the White House, for conservative Americans, Trump’s presidency has been a rousing overwhelming success.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The appointment of a United States Supreme Court Justice x2.Legacy Assured.

If Trump does nothing else during his tenure in the WH, for conservative Americans, Trump’s presidency has been a rousing overwhelming success.


New member
Nov 10, 2010


The structure is separate from a concrete wall prototype built near San Diego as part of Trump's signature White House campaign promise in 2016

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Nielsen spoke after workers fixed a plaque to the barrier which featured names several high-ranking officials including Trump



Javier Caro, left, and Michael Nolta attach a plaque to the newly fortified border wall structure

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Border Patrol agents stood next to a new stretch of border wall in Calexico, California


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
jesus beets please don't insinuate this little section of fence REPLACEMENT is what trump meant by THE WALL ... that is vit-level stupidity

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