last year was different. after winning game 1, the twins were simply over powered and the yanks won the series in 4 after taking the next 3.
this one is a little different. this is what the yanks do. they beat you down in a pshycological fashion and it tottaly takes the wind out of your sails. to be frank, i think after this years DS we have seen the last of the twins in the playoffs for a while. they just pissed away a 2-0 lead as well as the series. yanks bats in the metrodome = chaos for the 'twinsys' like you expensive cracker and cheese eating people like to casually refer to them as.
until someone steps up to the yanks and screws them in a playoff series in a pshycological fashion, they will kept beating down everyone in the AL year after year like a senior does to a freshman even if they are going against a more talented team.
youre damn right its pshyce