You guys are all a fvcking joke. Just to read this kinda shit, it makes me sick in the fvcking stomach.
American has a point. Costa Rica IS primarily a xenophobic, racist and overall non-tolerant culture. The governing elite is more concerned in avoiding a healthy competetive market, than in actually lowering the cost of the basic services, while increasing and diversifying the services provided.
Furthermore, it has been proven over any doubt, that people down here are not open to criticsm. The inmediate answer is "if you don't like it, then leave..." Puuuuuullleease. That will not change the mediocracy that reigns in this country.
It'd be safe to say there's a new generation of Costa Ricans, that understand the importance of having the right business ethics. That's good for the country.
American: Despite of the validity of your points, being an ass-hole will never help any cause. I understand where you're coming from, but don't act like you possess the absolute truth. There's no absolute truth.
In an effort to understand your arguments a little further, do you generally agree with George W. Bush? His foreign policy and "economy activators"?
Ticos: American has fvcking valid arguments. He might be an ass-hole (more a rhetoric position than his real personality, if I have to guess), but there's truth in what he's saying.
Stop blaming Nicas, Colombians or Americans for the kind of "despiche" this country has come to. If nothing is done, Costa Rica will collapse, economically speaking, in a period of time of 10 years. The very things that made this country an exception in the past are bein threatened. Socially speaking, the gap between high class and low class is increasing by the day. Education has hit an all time low. Social security is a fvcking joke. The informal econmy has reported more revenue than teh legitimate market. It's time to accept the crticism coming from external sources and try to put remedy to this rampant theft going on. And I'm sure as fvck you guys know what I'm talking about.
If not, answer this question: How come politicians can get their 4x4 cars exonerated, while the average citizen has to pay up to 100% import tax on an used car. Think RECOPE. Think INCOFER. Think. Just fvcking think.
OffshoreoWOW! I'm speechless. With that thinking, I'm sure you come form Trailer Haven, Alabama. There's a reason for you to be down here, despite of you NOT being a book owner. Make no mistake, numbnuts, poor mentalities come in all races, colors and nationalities. You're the living proof of that. BTW, can I rent your cell phone at $300 a month. Capitalism? I'd rather say stupidity.
FYI, the owners of the most reputable books are most likely not American. Sure there are a lot of redneck hillbillies scumbags down here, but they're most likely to be the next stiff-job.
To all, fvck politics. Use your time in more evolved things, such as:
Peace out, numbnuts.