<table border="0" height="69" width="635"><tbody><tr><td height="65" valign="top" width="587"> Cops Stop And Search Vegas Couple For Having Ron Paul, Infowars Bumper Stickers
First amendment no longer exists in the new America <!--end-->
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Monday, August 4, 2008
In the new America an endorsement of Congressman Ron Paul now gives the police probable cause to pull you over, ask you for identification and search your vehicle.
If this If this happened to me, and I do have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, I would sue the shit out of the police.
First amendment no longer exists in the new America <!--end-->
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</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" width="632"> <tbody><tr> <!--start--> <td height="34" width="161"> Steve WatsonInfowars.net
Monday, August 4, 2008
In the new America an endorsement of Congressman Ron Paul now gives the police probable cause to pull you over, ask you for identification and search your vehicle.
Much to their surprise Rick and Ingrid, friends from Las Vegas, discovered this recently when police pulled them over and cited a Ron Paul and an Infowars bumper sticker on the back of their car as having aroused suspicion.
The couple sent the following email explaining their experience:
The couple sent the following email explaining their experience:
It was late afternoon here Las Vegas and we were pulling into Sam's Town Casino and Hotel. As we were pulling into the parking lot of Sam's Town we heard what sounded like a fog horn type of horn. Anyway since I never have heard a police siren like that I figured it was some guy who was in a hurry going no where honking his weird horn. We drove a little further and we saw the colored lights of the police in the rear window. They were pulling us
We pulled over and stopped and the police car pulled behind us. There were two officers in the car, one of the officers got out on the drivers side of the police car and walked over to my friends window (the drivers side) and he (my friend) asked the officer is there problem and he responded by saying "I just want to know what is going on". Next he wanted to see his ID and had he ever been arrested. He did not ask for the registration to the car or for proof of insurance. I thought that was strange since every officer I ever encountered wanted to see all of the paperwork.
Then he asked for my ID, and I handed it to him. Right after that another officer shows up on the passenger side and asked for my ID, I told him I gave it to the other officer and he said "Don't you have more than one ID".? I said no only one.Then they told us get out of the car and put our hands behind our backs, and to stand in front of the police car.
We complied with their request and never once gave them any trouble. Then one of the officers called me back to the side of the car, said he wanted to talk to me. He asked me if there was anything illegal in this car, I said no. He said you had better being telling the truth because we are going to search this car. He then asked where we were before we came here, I replied we just came from Big Lots shopping. Well, Alex they (the police) started searching my friend and myself. They then they went to the car and told us to stay there and not turn around. In the meantime Sam's Town security joined the cop sand they were eager to play "Lap Dogs" for the cops. Finally they emerged from the car and told us we could go now.
As we are walking to the car one officer comes walking towards me and says "You know why we had to do this right"?
I said pardon me officer, I don't know understand, he then repeated it. Then he pointed at our RON PAUL and INFOWARS stickers on our car. I was going to question his actions but my friend said let's just go. Our stickers are still on the car and will remain there.
Rick and Ingrid from Las Vegas.
Then he asked for my ID, and I handed it to him. Right after that another officer shows up on the passenger side and asked for my ID, I told him I gave it to the other officer and he said "Don't you have more than one ID".? I said no only one.Then they told us get out of the car and put our hands behind our backs, and to stand in front of the police car.
We complied with their request and never once gave them any trouble. Then one of the officers called me back to the side of the car, said he wanted to talk to me. He asked me if there was anything illegal in this car, I said no. He said you had better being telling the truth because we are going to search this car. He then asked where we were before we came here, I replied we just came from Big Lots shopping. Well, Alex they (the police) started searching my friend and myself. They then they went to the car and told us to stay there and not turn around. In the meantime Sam's Town security joined the cop sand they were eager to play "Lap Dogs" for the cops. Finally they emerged from the car and told us we could go now.
As we are walking to the car one officer comes walking towards me and says "You know why we had to do this right"?
I said pardon me officer, I don't know understand, he then repeated it. Then he pointed at our RON PAUL and INFOWARS stickers on our car. I was going to question his actions but my friend said let's just go. Our stickers are still on the car and will remain there.
Rick and Ingrid from Las Vegas.
Rick and Ingrid clearly have not heard that in the new America you are not permitted to support a political figure such as Dr. Paul who rallies against big government, campaigns for individual liberty, as well as a strong economy free from endless borrowing and a fiat currency, has vehemently criticized aggressive and imperialistic U.S. foreign policy and the espouses the law according to the Constitution.
These views are now considered subversive.
Did the pair never see the reports of how fellow Ron Paul supporters were ordered to remove campaign signs from their own private property when the Congressman was running for President?
Moreover, to endorse people such as Alex Jones and the freedom movement, and engage in first amendment rights in general is most certainly outlawed in the new America.
Citizens should never attempt to inform others of their views and insights, or provide them with materials such as flyers and DVDs, this is an arrestable offence.
They should not attempt to engage in any form of protest against authorities or policies they do not agree with, this is also an arrestable offence.
A free press able to count on unimpeded documentation of events and occurrences in the new America is also now outlawed.
If this If this happened to me, and I do have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, I would sue the shit out of the police.