So somebody saying liberals like to call themselves moderates somehow proves the poll is wrong.
I need just a little more substance.
At the end of the day, many people may not be entirely accurate about how they define themselves, and the media obviously has reasons to define themselves as moderate (supposed objectivity), but that's a long way from proving the poll is wrong.
There are many key issues that prove we are a right of center country. As a nation:
1) we believe in capitalism, more so than our current crop of elected officials. we don't support the bailout
2) we believe in low taxes
3) we don't support national health care still, and the Democrats were run out of town when they tried to take over health care in 1994
4) we believe in a strong national defense
5) we believe in individual responsibility.
at the end of the day, if people are ashamed to call themselves liberal, there's a reason for that.
Maybe conservatives need a new party.
1) The bailouts were lead by both parties and even the republican presidential candidate suspended his campaign to get them going.
2)Low taxes but Reagan the name we always here brought forward to what the republicans need to go back to raised taxes 5 out of 8 years. Reducing them only 1 year. We dont need another Reagan. Bush I raised taxes despite saying "no new taxes" and forced states to fund federal programs forcing the states to raise taxes.
3) No national health care under republicans for sure and no attempt to fix the system either.
4) Strong national defense....lmao...if you mean invading countries sure then you are right...but remember the last terrorist attacks and the exploding border issues have happened under the republican watch and I know the dems wouldn't do any better.
5) Personal responsiblity? Are you kidding me? Then why are the majority of conservatives against legalizing drugs, gambling, prostitution, anti-choice, gay unions, etc.?
I believe the true liberals which there are very few in politics believe way more in personal freedoms as do true conservative like Barry Goldwater. You want conservatism then stop calling out for another Reagan and start calling out for another Goldwater.
Willie you are obviously a smart guy. Unfortunately you seem to want to push forward this partisanship. Aren't everyones point of views suppose to be respected and protected as long as they don't invade or take aways other freedoms?
The only reason I wouldn't call myself a liberal is because it associates me with democrats. I am liberal and believe in legalising the above issues I stated as well as having very little government regulations of guns. I want both arties to stop taking away our personal freedoms.