Confiscated Money Situation ( 2007 Thread)


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
There are many that say they are suprised by the RX's decision.....from their history, can I ask why?:monsters-

New member
Jun 25, 2005
So take down the banner in protest. IT is the right thing to do. Everyone else is doing it. If you win they take your money. If you lose they take your money. They are criminals and scammers pure and simple and letting them get away with it makes RX owners crooks too. What a complete disgrace.

Heres a guy from across the street no doubt!

You know my wife will tell me something and I'll knod my head and she'll say it again and then say it again the finally I'll stop what I'm doing and say to her

I fucking heard you the first time!

Let's give it a rest till say ............Monday

So did anyone hear about the Fla walk on player that died in a motorcycle accident and had a girl on the back who was a defensive backs main squeeze and she died also.

Think Woodson will be throwing that boy's way more than a few time this sat?

New member
Jun 25, 2005
How can you hear me the first time if that was my first post?

Thats why I deducted your from across the street.

You registered to beat a dead horse you should be pruod of that 1st post.

What you posted has been posted

Again and again and again.

So what do you think Kty can get up 2 weeks in a row.

I'm thinking it's a shoot-out although the total opened 67 and currently at 63.5

What ya think?

Sep 21, 2004
6 players is 180K how much total from the 31?????

New member
Sep 23, 2005
Probably a long sheet is involved and a good portion of revenue comes from it. A lot to lose here, not just a monthly ad check.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
For the record none of our registerd posters have complained yet about confiscating their funds for playing correleted parlays.

The one case I am working is not a poster but natrually I am doing all I can to help him. Another player just registered on October 18th in order to talk about his case but so far I have no email from him.

I have an email from a poster who played at that I am trying to look into but we do not now or ever have had them here as a sponsor. I know they are all sister books but no matter what we do with the banner it will have little effect on player recruitment results down the road.

I get a lot of requests for mediation from non Rx posters and never refuse them unless I know for certain I can refer them to someone who may have a much better chance of getting them help than I can (I always add they can come back if they have no luck).

I have done this with poker site disputes several times and a few times with Bill Dozer at SBR over the years. Just because I am a moderator at The doesn't mean a complete stranger sportsbook has to talk about how it does business with me if they do not want to. Some can be very unfriendly when they find out you want to discuss a slow pay or even worse no pay with one of their players and they have no affiliation with The Rx at all.

What a sad pathetic figure you have become Wil - You rationalize the continued association with a stiff book by stating " gee, I dont know of anybody that got took" BULLSHIT, there but for the grace of GOD go all of us. I know your just an employee of the RX ,but to become nothing more than an ass kissing yes man, spewing lies and BS ... I dont know what to say. If you had an ounce of integrity you would resign - my god, your worse than Journeyman.

New member
Feb 27, 2006
damn it takes forever to get caught up with this thread!!! anyhow... here are my thoughts. first off, i feel bad for those who got money taken away. i'm still waiting for a check from a book who offered me a free $100 with no deposit required. the cashout rule was i couldn't play poker, had to roll the $100 10x, and my cashout had to be between $1500 n $2000. pretty steep freaking requirements. took me 1 day to build that $100 into a little over $1500. been 3 weeks and i'm getting the runaround. we'll see what happens. sooooooo... i've used,,, etc. sucks to get screwed by someone you can't physically get a hold of.

therx should drop as a sponsor, plain and simple. using the "we need to get paid" is a piss poor excuse. says money is more important than integrity. in the long run, this attitude will be the downfall of therx. the people who run this site really need to learn good business practices and take some business courses. maybe read on some historical revolutions.

it is simple... the people are speaking and their voices are NOT being heard. by saying this thread will be kept up is stupid. rick is a moron for thinking keeping this thread up is justification for anything. when the rulers do not keep its peasants happy, there will be revolt and revolution. just ask louis XVI. what is being said by keeping sportsbook as a soponsor is that therx does not really care what the posters think or feel. now, the only recourse is for the posters to revolt. this site will die and there will be no money or jobs for you folks who work here. this is sad that you do not have the vision to see what will happen and have no learned a thing for history. you should have either gone to college and taken some european history courses, or paid attention in class while you were there. don't let your ego let you belive that you are indestructible. don't let stupidity and greed run your lives. do yourself a favor and LISTEN to what the people are saying before they revolt and dump therx. i like it here and like the posters who have valuble information. would be sad to lose this tool for sportsbetting.

i'm not going to proofread what i wrote, so some of the shit might not make total sense or thoughts seem jumbled, but i hope everyone gets the jist of what i'm trying to say.

how the hell can a favorite parlayed with an over be wrong? if they allow it here in vegas, i see no reasonable justification for it being a bad thing. i mean... las vegas is still in business... if it was such a huge edge to go NE + over on a 2team parlay... everyone would be doing it and raping the books in vegas.

also, to the person who said that legit books who run a good operation and advertise here should be ashamed and pissed to be associated with therx right now, i totally agree. the GOOD books should withdraw their ads and disassociate themselves with therx for keeping their ties with then therx will come to the harsh reality that the way to keep getting paid is NOT by keeping as many sponsors as possible, but maintaining integrity and running a class operation that people want to be a part of. when the legit guys start pulling out, rick will finally see his mistake and stupdity.

New member
Feb 27, 2006
Every single person that posted in this thread is in agreement that the is flat out stealing money here.

Sorry, RX management, but there has to be consequences for stealing. Otherwise, you become co-conspirators, and you are simply accepting bribes to look the other way.

well said... i agree 100%. aiding and abetting a known criminal.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Jeffry is that post supposed to reach me on some level?

How sad and pathetic does a person have to be to post the following on a gambling forum?

<TABLE class=tborder id=post4074982 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">04-27-2007, 02:40 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #72 <INPUT id=plist_4074982 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[4074982] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>jeffry22<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_4074982", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Member

Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 362

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_4074982 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I disagree about hispanics - They prob score lower because of a bad education. Not their fault at all - I agree that blacks are stupid though.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I will think about you here at the beach is Costa Rica this January and February while you freeze up there the on the frozen tundra of the great upper midwest.

Be careful you don't go on tilt anytime soon.

BOL. wil...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How sad and pathetic does a person have to be to post the following on a gambling forum?

<TABLE class=tborder id=post4074982 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">04-27-2007, 02:40 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #72 <INPUT id=plist_4074982 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[4074982] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>jeffry22<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_4074982", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Member

Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 362

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_4074982 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I disagree about hispanics - They prob score lower because of a bad education. Not their fault at all - I agree that blacks are stupid though.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I will think about you here at the beach is Costa Rica this January and February while you freeze up there the on the frozen tundra of the great upper midwest.

Be careful you don't go on tilt anytime soon.

BOL. wil...

That was a joke just to piss off the uptight and spice up the thread and you know it. Why are you in Costa rica anyway - running from something? The fact remains your value as an arbitrator to Rx posters is seriously compromised by your condoning theft. If a person can throw their standards and values down the drain for a few measly dollars how can anyone "trust" them about anything?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Right Jeffry you were only joking

<TABLE class=tborder id=post4536842 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">10-01-2007, 02:55 AM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #15 <INPUT id=plist_4536842 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[4536842] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>jeffry22<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_4536842", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Member

Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 363

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_4536842 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Remember when all the black quarterback lovers were gushing about how good mcnabb was and how he was clearly the class of the league.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Trying to hijak the thread now Wil to take the attention away from your lack of integrity. Why dont you do the right thing and stand against stiff books? we know you will absolutly stand against stiff players? There are always jobs out there for a stand up guy - not so many for ass kissing yes men.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005

Did Sportsbook ever correct their decision?

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I would bet a correlated parlay that they didnt.


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