So the American Memorial Day isn't good enough for them? They don't want to be remembered with the fallen service men and women of this great country? Move all those idiots to Russia where they belong.
So the American Memorial Day isn't good enough for them? They don't want to be remembered with the fallen service men and women of this great country? Move all those idiots to Russia where they belong.
There's only 1 problem with your theory. Which came first the chicken or the egg ?
Confederate memorial day began in 1866 while regular memorial day (then called decoration day) didnt begin until 1888.
Is there anything wrong with celebrating both?
I think so. In separating out just the Southern states soldiers it is dishonoring the United States of America. Emphasis on the UNITED. It shows a total lack of respect for all the lives lost in all wars including the Civil War, not honor them. Confederate soldiers can be celebrated on US Memorial Day just like the lives of soldiers lost in every other war. It's not a celebration of history.
Join the rest of us on Memorial Day and stop bastardizing an import holiday.
What's your point? Just because something came first doesn't make it right. We used to use leeches on people and believe people got sick because of witchcraft. Then we discovered antibiotics and viruses.
It's disrespectful as hell to have a separate holiday as though they aren't part of the United States. Just like flying a confederate flag over the United States flag. If they don't want to be here get the hell out.
The point is that a state does not have to stop having a specific "state" holiday just b/c the government later recognizes a similar national holiday.
The state of Utah has a state holiday on the 3rd friday of july called pioneer day. So what if the federal government all of a sudden decided to have a national holiday called Frontiersman Day in August ? Would Utah have to quit having Pioneer day in july ? Of course not !
Sounds like an odd thing to get hoppin mad & indignant about, Does Monument Avenue in Richmond offend you also, how about
Stone Mountain Georgia a monument to Lee, Jackson & Davis would it please you to dynamite it to smithereens.
What's your point? Just because something came first doesn't make it right. We used to use leeches on people and believe people got sick because of witchcraft. Then we discovered antibiotics and viruses.
It's disrespectful as hell to have a separate holiday as though they aren't part of the United States. Just like flying a confederate flag over the United States flag. If they don't want to be here get the hell out.