Communist Manifesto


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I just saw this today and holy cow is this scary. I am going to list the ten pillars and we are not to far from being a communist country and how Karl Marx philosophies. This is very disheartening to me that we have fallen this far from what are founding fathers wanted for this country.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

Thoughts concerning this if I am off is greatly appreciated but it scares the hell out of me to think how close we are to having everyone of these pillars come to fruition.

Jan 19, 2005
Your about to get a whole lot closer if the chosen one gets voted in tonight

New member
Jul 21, 2008
I am aware I just hope he will fight his urges and will do what is right for the country and not his ideology.

New member
Jul 21, 2008

We are really close to being there and this is no freaking heaven.

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Sep 20, 2000
See this movie then tell me how nice its going to be.


New member
Jul 21, 2006
horns2695, middle class is tired of supporting the elite. a vote for obama is a vote for the engine of the economy, the middle class.

marx taught that the working class would revolt against the elite which enslave them(capitalism) and would strive for a one class society(redistribution). that's beginning to go on right now. capitalism the goal is to enslave you using your mind, body, soul to benefit the elite who control you.

i'm glad that people are finally waking up.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

We are really close to being there and this is no freaking heaven.

But it sounds like heaven in Kenya. Brace yourself for huge influx of Kenyans entering the US.

People across Kenya are praying for Barack Obama, making sacrificial offerings for the Democratic presidential candidate many consider a native son.
One prominent preacher says his church is engaged in "spiritual warfare" to ensure Obama is victorious.
Bishop Washington Ogonyo Ngede, a Pentecostal leader who met Obama during his 2006 visit to his father's village, Kogelo, said a prayer before Obama spoke and "laid hands upon" the Senator, who he believes is anointed by God for victory in the election, Fox News reports.

Other religious figures in Kenya have also pulled for an Obama win.
At Kit Mikayi, a sacrificial rock shrine, about a dozen people have visited on Obama’s behalf, according to Jennifer Okot, an elderly villager who lives near the shrine.
“Customarily, those seeking large blessings sacrifice a goat by swinging it by its legs so that its head and neck are bludgeoned against a large rock in a naturally occurring enclosure between two massive boulders that serves as the shrine's sanctuary,” according to Fox News.
Participants believe the goat's death incurs the blessings of the rock shrine's god.

Very logical group over there.

Oct 31, 2004
horns2695, middle class is tired of supporting the elite. a vote for obama is a vote for the engine of the economy, the middle class.

marx taught that the working class would revolt against the elite which enslave them(capitalism) and would strive for a one class society(redistribution). that's beginning to go on right now. capitalism the goal is to enslave you using your mind, body, soul to benefit the elite who control you.

i'm glad that people are finally waking up.

No one is stoping you from being part of the elite!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Oh my God!
What the fuck!

Take it with a grain of salt chop. Just another college kid spewing what he's been fed by his prof's (even tho he thinks he's a free thinker).

He'll either grow out of it by the time he's 27 or move to Seattle or SF.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i think you guys really need to read up on marxism. i've read the manifesto, followed marx's work.

the whole idea behind marxism is getting rid of this class warfare which has destroyed this country. the idea that everyone should be in it together. everyone will be happy or sad, not just a certain segment of the population.

common ownership, reinvestment in community and being able to do multiple things to benefit the state.

capitalism is a system based on me looking out for myself and myself only. i always bring this point up. would i rather live in a typical american city where people are getting vandalized, robbed, etc. have all the money I want and have to walk outside with a bullet proof vest; or would I rather live in a society where some of the money I bring in is going to raise overall conditions around me.

capitalism is you.
marxism is we.

you are not bigger than we.

i would choose the marxist option 10 out of 10 times. Pay a little more taxes, but live in safe environments where the community is important instead of locked up inside my house praying to god I don't get killed at night. Marxism eliminates that.

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Middle Class in this Society has a Ton. Under Marx Everyone is broke.

Oct 31, 2004
What a sick thread.

Ask the people in Russia which system they prefer.

Where is the insentive to do anything.

If I was in a Marxist country I would sit on my ass and do nothing.
If there is no reward for your efforts whats the point.

I hope you grow out of this phase one day.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
i think you guys really need to read up on marxism. i've read the manifesto, followed marx's work.

the whole idea behind marxism is getting rid of this class warfare which has destroyed this country. the idea that everyone should be in it together. everyone will be happy or sad, not just a certain segment of the population.

common ownership, reinvestment in community and being able to do multiple things to benefit the state.

capitalism is a system based on me looking out for myself and myself only. i always bring this point up. would i rather live in a typical american city where people are getting vandalized, robbed, etc. have all the money I want and have to walk outside with a bullet proof vest; or would I rather live in a society where some of the money I bring in is going to raise overall conditions around me.

capitalism is you.
marxism is we.

you are not bigger than we.

i would choose the marxist option 10 out of 10 times. Pay a little more taxes, but live in safe environments where the community is important instead of locked up inside my house praying to god I don't get killed at night. Marxism eliminates that.

Fair enough man but it sounds a little paranoid to me. Bullet proof vests? LOL

I'm born & raised in OC and am as whitebread as they come. I have no problems going to Hollywood Park at night (Inglewood), a USC game (the Coliseum/MLK blvd.) or partying in Hollywood. My works takes me all through LA....Lynwood to Long Beach from Compton to Malibu to Santa Ana to Newport Beach. People are just that....people.

Some are less fortunate than me and there are many that are waaay more fortunate.

So by your reckoning, the uber rich that I encounter in the coastal cities should be wearing bullet proof vests around me or locking themselves up in their houses because they are afraid of me because I have less than them?

Of course not because I want to earn what they have....not take it or have it handed to me.

Jan 21, 2007
Please ask someone in the former USSR how they like going to the grocery store and only being to get a 1/2 gallon milk b/c the state says you can only get that one jug. People work hard and smart to be rewarded. Thats what drives people, take away that drive and you have USSR or Cuba

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Fair enough man but it sounds a little paranoid to me. Bullet proof vests? LOL

I'm born & raised in OC and am as whitebread as they come. I have no problems going to Hollywood Park at night (Inglewood), a USC game (the Coliseum/MLK blvd.) or partying in Hollywood. My works takes me all through LA....Lynwood to Long Beach from Compton to Malibu to Santa Ana to Newport Beach. People are just that....people.

Some are less fortunate than me and there are many that are waaay more fortunate.

So by your reckoning, the uber rich that I encounter in the coastal cities should be wearing bullet proof vests around me or locking themselves up in their houses because they are afraid of me because I have less than them?

Of course not because I want to earn what they have....not take it or have it handed to me.

this is more with the hypothetical of continual middle class design and more people getting angered over the bailout. right now in this environment I'd agree with you. depends what happens with the middle class, like i said they are the engine of the economy.

Jan 20, 2002
You guys are putting the cart before the horse. I'm betting if elected he will be just left of center. No more.

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