Colin Kaepernick’s lawyer says he will be signed in next 10 days


New member
Aug 28, 2012
So far all I can see thats wrong is that New York has a backlog of cases... with more criminals and criminal charges than they have judges and courts...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Keep watching until it starts to click for you.

Of course he didn't make a good decision stealing a bakery truck. A lot of kids make dumb decisions and do dumb shit. Are you implying all black people should be nuns and priests?

He is a 15 year old kid.

Nobody is saying it is the white mans fault. I never said that. That is what you are thinking up. NFL players are not protesting against white people. Lol wtf? It's black Injustice.

I don't care if you arr white brown orange grey purple blue. If there is injustice against a certain race.....that is the problem.

I said I try to be understanding of those who are born into situations like these. I guess you are incapable of that lol

They are born into. You will find out later that this "Mother" is the adopted mother. She takes all those kids in. That's why very few of them look alike.

And it isnt oppression either... it CHOICES that are being made in the culture that snowball. Then instead of pointing the blame at the real cause and take responsibility... it easier and looks better to point it at someone else.
Feb 6, 2007
I'm not saying it's the white mans fault. It is the SYSTEMS fault. A lot of black people take a part(which you will see) which will shit all over your point of "against the white man." A lot of black people play a part in the system.

And it begs the question...... is there really something broken in the system? Or is the system doing exactly what it is intended to do?

In other words.....modern day slavery. If you can't see the connection you are dumb as shit, I'm sorry.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I'm not saying it's the white mans fault. It is the SYSTEMS fault. A lot of black people take a part(which you will see) which will shit all over your point of "against the white man." A lot of black people play a part in the system.

And it begs the question...... is there really something broken in the system? Or is the system doing exactly what it is intended to do?

In other words.....modern day slavery. If you can't see the connection you are dumb as shit, I'm sorry.

You must commit a crime to be in jail or prison... HENCE, he committed a crime of stealing a truck and crashing it, BUT had he not done that, would he have spent those years in prison? Thats what caused his snowball effect, when he was accused of another crime... had he not done the first crime, he would have not spent time in jail.

Also it just stated that there are more black men in prison for violent crimes compared to those of any other race...

Why did it leave out the fact that BLACK MEN commit over 50% of the violent crime in America!!! WTF, this shit is funny

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Who the hell directed this biased bullshit hahahaha... BLM or some clown?

Sep 20, 2017
Huh. I don't know what you're talking about.

How many of you have asked....."why are they protesting? "

I gave you your answers with this documentary.
So...they are kneeling for this individual case

Honestly....when black people say the "system" everyone know they mean white people are just racist and oppressing blacks. There is no system withput people to run it. I mean, the word racism is always put in their too, ya know.

But, just out of curiosity.....what do you think would be the outcome would be if white athletes took a knee on the field because of disproportionate black on white violence? And it's not just a black thing. White people refuse to talk about it as an issue. The media ignores it for fear of what would happen.

Just curious if you care about the slaughter of white people in S Africa? I doubt it. Or how the president sings songs about killing them. Just like the media ignores it..I'm sure you are happy to do the same.
Feb 6, 2007
You must commit a crime to be in jail or prison... HENCE, he committed a crime of stealing a truck and crashing it, BUT had he not done that, would he have spent those years in prison? Thats what caused his snowball effect, when he was accused of another crime... had he not done the first crime, he would have not spent time in jail.

Also it just stated that there are more black men in prison for violent crimes compared to those of any other race...

Why did it leave out the fact that BLACK MEN commit over 50% of the violent crime in America!!! WTF, this shit is funny

Lol its making you angry wow.

Yeah man. They also will tell you how this happens every day. Arrested for something they didn't do because they have a record. THAT seems okay to you? Lmfao. Keep missing the message
Feb 6, 2007
So...they are kneeling for this individual case

Honestly....when black people say the "system" everyone know they mean white people are just racist and oppressing blacks. There is no system withput people to run it. I mean, the word racism is always put in their too, ya know.

But, just out of curiosity.....what do you think would be the outcome would be if white athletes took a knee on the field because of disproportionate black on white violence? And it's not just a black thing. White people refuse to talk about it as an issue. The media ignores it for fear of what would happen.

Just curious if you care about the slaughter of white people in S Africa? I doubt it. Or how the president sings songs about killing them. Just like the media ignores it..I'm sure you are happy to do the same.
I only read your first sentence.

They are kneeling for cases just like this.....exactly. yes.

Sep 20, 2017
I only read your first sentence.

They are kneeling for cases just like this.....exactly. yes.
Of course you claim you only read the first sentence. You have no answers for the questions I asked. Ican't hear....alalalallalala.....Fingers in my ears

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lol its making you angry wow.

Yeah man. They also will tell you how this happens every day. Arrested for something they didn't do because they have a record. THAT seems okay to you? Lmfao. Keep missing the message

Did you know the reason BLACK have a higher incarceration rate? Cause they are the biggest REPEAT OFFENDERS!!! Duh....!

Not angry, but YES... ANYONE OF ANY COLOR who commits a crime and has a RECORD, usually has a higher bail, and if on probation, has a no-bail option as well.

Can you show me how this law only applies to black people?

Federal statistics show people who grew up in single family homes, drop out of school, and are convicted of violent or gun crimes are more than likely to be arrested again... Which culture is more than likely to fall into this category?


Inmates who didn’t finish high school are 10 points more likely to be arrested again than those who got a high school diploma – and 40 points more likely than those who finished college. This is a useful number for those who advocate Pell grants and other education programs behind bars.

Prisoners released before turning 21 had a rearrest rate of about 68 percent; those released at age 60 or older had a rate of 16 percent. This is useful data for advocates of “compassionate release” of elderly inmates, who also tend to be the most expensive to house and tend to.

Recidivists are most likely to commit their new offense within two years of release. This suggests that society should spend heavily on supervision and reentry programs for the newly released, and not so much after four or five years.

Blacks are about 17 points more likely to be arrested after release than whites, but blacks are more likely to be arrested in the first place. The report does not address the mix of reasons for this — poverty, broken families, racism and lack of opportunity —

Offenders convicted of crimes involving guns are far more likely (68 percent) to end up being arrested again.

The Sentencing Commission promises to roll out a series of reports diving deeper into their new data.
Feb 6, 2007
This story happens everyday. Just rare so many bad things happen to one person. But police arrest and lock up innocent people every day who will plea to something they didn't do in order to go home.

But think....what do you think happens if that kid is right? They say it in there.....if the kid is right then you have to look at everybody else. If that kid pleas guilty.......everyones work is simplified. The only snowball effect is this brutual system. They all are corrupt as fuck. Unethical. They don't look at poor minorities as human beings. And this is evidence of that and easy to understand WHY black athletes are kneeling after watching all of this.
Feb 6, 2007
Did you know the reason BLACK have a higher incarceration rate? Cause they are the biggest REPEAT OFFENDERS!!! Duh....!

Not angry, but YES... ANYONE OF ANY COLOR who commits a crime and has a RECORD, usually has a higher bail, and if on probation, has a no-bail option as well.

Can you show me how this law only applies to black people?

Federal statistics show people who grew up in single family homes, drop out of school, and are convicted of violent or gun crimes are more than likely to be arrested again... Which culture is more than likely to fall into this category?


Inmates who didn’t finish high school are 10 points more likely to be arrested again than those who got a high school diploma – and 40 points more likely than those who finished college. This is a useful number for those who advocate Pell grants and other education programs behind bars.

Prisoners released before turning 21 had a rearrest rate of about 68 percent; those released at age 60 or older had a rate of 16 percent. This is useful data for advocates of “compassionate release” of elderly inmates, who also tend to be the most expensive to house and tend to.

Recidivists are most likely to commit their new offense within two years of release. This suggests that society should spend heavily on supervision and reentry programs for the newly released, and not so much after four or five years.

Blacks are about 17 points more likely to be arrested after release than whites, but blacks are more likely to be arrested in the first place. The report does not address the mix of reasons for this — poverty, broken families, racism and lack of opportunity —

Offenders convicted of crimes involving guns are far more likely (68 percent) to end up being arrested again.

The Sentencing Commission promises to roll out a series of reports diving deeper into their new data.

Stfu and watch it. The first episode just sets the stage.
Feb 6, 2007
You have to look at the police, the DA, everyone who is in power you have to look at sideways if that kid is right and telling the truth. Obviously Kalief was telling the truth. Which is why so many people got fired after all of this. Mostly Correctional officers. But also people in power.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
This story happens everyday. Just rare so many bad things happen to one person. But police arrest and lock up innocent people every day who will plea to something they didn't do in order to go home.

But think....what do you think happens if that kid is right? They say it in there.....if the kid is right then you have to look at everybody else. If that kid pleas guilty.......everyones work is simplified. The only snowball effect is this brutual system. They all are corrupt as fuck. Unethical. They don't look at poor minorities as human beings. And this is evidence of that and easy to understand WHY black athletes are kneeling after watching all of this.

Kneeling because black people arent oppressed, and are in fact a victim of their own culture... and trying to point the blame at something else, instead of trying to fix the real problem.

They or you, Cant point to 1 single law thats racist in nature and specifically only charges black people with that crime, and any other race that commits that crime, doesnt see any charges, or 1 system thats racist or oppressive.

What you and the "Kneelers" are trying to promote is that it isnt the responsibility or culture... that somehow, its white America and the system keeping them down and oppressed.

When in reality, its their own culture, upbringing and choices they make.

Black people have a problem stereotyping themselves... they seem to think they ALL must dress a certain way, wear certain brands, listen to certain music, like certain foods, etc.

Now, what happens when a black teen decides he likes heavy metal? Do other black teens respect his choice in music?
What happens when a black teen decides to try and do good in school, go to the library, try and get extra credit? Do other young adults support him?
What happens if a black teen decides he is going to dress in khakis, a polo shirt and loafers.... what happens?
What happens if a black teen decided he supported the Republican party? Does he get support from his peers for his choice?

I can go on and on. For some reason the last 50 years, the time since the civil rights act, the black community has become a mob mentaility, where they all must act and think exactly the same.... If not, they get called out for "Trying to be white" or an "Uncle Tom" for not doing exactly what the others are doing.

So in your opinion, during the last 50 years since the civil rights act... has America become more racist? If so, how? If not, has the Black Community become racist? IF not... What has caused the Black culture to reach such a decline if the Civil Rights act has declined racism in the Black and White communities?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You have to look at the police, the DA, everyone who is in power you have to look at sideways if that kid is right and telling the truth. Obviously Kalief was telling the truth. Which is why so many people got fired after all of this. Mostly Correctional officers. But also people in power.

While I agree it was handled wrong, and people should have been jailed or fired over this... this is a very rare case. I would say odds are better of someone getting struck by lightening than something like this happening before or after again. It has probably happened may half a dozen times in history of the US Im guessing, and has happened to those of all races (ill look it up later).

But, had his parents, community and himself had not failed him, he wouldnt have been in that position in the first place. You CANNOT point to the outcome as the problem... you have to point to the CAUSE. Everyone knows that, no matter how others try and spin it.
Feb 6, 2007
Kneeling because black people arent oppressed, and are in fact a victim of their own culture... and trying to point the blame at something else, instead of trying to fix the real problem.

They or you, Cant point to 1 single law thats racist in nature and specifically only charges black people with that crime, and any other race that commits that crime, doesnt see any charges, or 1 system thats racist or oppressive.

What you and the "Kneelers" are trying to promote is that it isnt the responsibility or culture... that somehow, its white America and the system keeping them down and oppressed.

When in reality, its their own culture, upbringing and choices they make.

Black people have a problem stereotyping themselves... they seem to think they ALL must dress a certain way, wear certain brands, listen to certain music, like certain foods, etc.

Now, what happens when a black teen decides he likes heavy metal? Do other black teens respect his choice in music?
What happens when a black teen decides to try and do good in school, go to the library, try and get extra credit? Do other young adults support him?
What happens if a black teen decides he is going to dress in khakis, a polo shirt and loafers.... what happens?
What happens if a black teen decided he supported the Republican party? Does he get support from his peers for his choice?

I can go on and on. For some reason the last 50 years, the time since the civil rights act, the black community has become a mob mentaility, where they all must act and think exactly the same.... If not, they get called out for "Trying to be white" or an "Uncle Tom" for not doing exactly what the others are doing.

So in your opinion, during the last 50 years since the civil rights act... has America become more racist? If so, how? If not, has the Black Community become racist? IF not... What has caused the Black culture to reach such a decline if the Civil Rights act has declined racism in the Black and White communities?

You aren't watching. Lmao. Dear God dude. Calm Down
Feb 6, 2007
What haplens when a black teen likes heavy metal? Wtf are u talking about?

Why are you going so off topic? Listen to what they are saying in this doc. You clearly aren't.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
What haplens when a black teen likes heavy metal? Wtf are u talking about?

Why are you going so off topic? Listen to what they are saying in this doc. You clearly aren't.

We are talking about the problems in the black community, where the blame NEEDS to be placed.

You cant point the blame at the outcome, but at the start of a problem.

He, his parents, his peers, and his own community started this snowball effect... thats where the blame needs to be cast.

And yes, I do agree him being held for so long and the trial being pushed back for almost three years shows a problem with THE SYSTEM (that same system affects everyone of any race), that doesnt give the community a free pass.

And the reason I stopped watching was because they started with the biased statistics, while not pointing out the other meaningful statistics that had more to do with the story.
Feb 6, 2007
While I agree it was handled wrong, and people should have been jailed or fired over this... this is a very rare case. I would say odds are better of someone getting struck by lightening than something like this happening before or after again. It has probably happened may half a dozen times in history of the US Im guessing, and has happened to those of all races (ill look it up later).

But, had his parents, community and himself had not failed him, he wouldnt have been in that position in the first place. You CANNOT point to the outcome as the problem... you have to point to the CAUSE. Everyone knows that, no matter how others try and spin it.

Rare case as in there hasn't been a case where there is so much corruption, yes. But the sad fact is this happens every single day.

Once you get to episode 4 or 5 you will see something like it happened to his older brother lmfao. Yeah very rare bahahhahahahhahahahha.

Only thing rare about it is this story proves that there are so many flaws in the justice system. Annd its rare because the atory throughout is fucking insane.

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