CiC Forum: Lauer Confirms Double Standard And Sexism Towards Hillary Clinton.
By El Mito
Thursday Sep 08, 2016 · 4:24 AM PDT
Media is rightfully being scorned by his abysmal performance moderating last night’s CiC Forum
the NYT
By El Mito
Thursday Sep 08, 2016 · 4:24 AM PDT
Media is rightfully being scorned by his abysmal performance moderating last night’s CiC Forum
the NYT
Granted 30 minutes with each candidate, who appeared back-to-back at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in Manhattan, Mr. Lauer devoted about a third of his time with Mrs. Clinton to questions about her use of a private email server, then seemed to rush through subsequent queries about weighty topics like domestic terror attacks.
When an Army veteran in the audience asked Mrs. Clinton to describe her plan to defeat the Islamic State, Mr. Lauer interjected before the candidate could begin her reply.
“As briefly as you can,” he said, one of several moments where the anchor spoke over Mrs. Clinton to remind her that their time was running short.
Zero deference for the real CiC questions, he wanted to delve in the tedious headlines of emails and “scandal” not letting the candidate finish or sometimes start to express a thought. But then
'tweets went on a storm
'from WaPo
Trump blatantly scolded our generals , right there
When an Army veteran in the audience asked Mrs. Clinton to describe her plan to defeat the Islamic State, Mr. Lauer interjected before the candidate could begin her reply.
“As briefly as you can,” he said, one of several moments where the anchor spoke over Mrs. Clinton to remind her that their time was running short.
Zero deference for the real CiC questions, he wanted to delve in the tedious headlines of emails and “scandal” not letting the candidate finish or sometimes start to express a thought. But then
Mr. Trump stormed onstage in his familiar motor-mouth style, often talking over Mr. Lauer and declining to directly answer many of his questions. At times, Mr. Lauer — who has conducted fewer adversarial interviews with Mr. Trump than his colleagues on NBC’s political desk — appeared flummoxed by his subject’s linguistic feints.
Drawing particular ire was the moment when Mr. Trump asserted, with his usual confidence: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.”
It is on record that that was a lie... Lauer let it pass Drawing particular ire was the moment when Mr. Trump asserted, with his usual confidence: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.”
'tweets went on a storm
'from WaPo
Trump blatantly scolded our generals , right there
When Mr. Lauer asked if Mr. Trump actually believed he knew more about the Islamic State than American generals, the candidate replied: “The generals have been reduced to rubble.” When Mr. Lauer brought up Mr. Trump’s admiration for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, noting that Mr. Putin had invaded Ukraine and was suspected of hacking Democratic emails, Mr. Trump refused to say a negative word about him. “Do you want me to start naming some of the things that President Obama does?” Mr. Trump asked.
It was surreal....