Drumpf is an absolute idiot, dude. The best and the brightest laugh uproariously at him. You put Mark Cuban in that spot, someone who actually knows what he's doing, knows what he wants to do, and can do REALISTICALLY, would actually get the best and the brightest, because they respect him, as opposed to the Idiot Drumpf, I'm right there with you.
That's in 2020, or 2024. Right now, the only thing that matters is keeping the idiot Drumpf as far away from the Whitehouse as possible, so we'll still have a country for Cuban to advance, if he so chooses.
Dagone It, I of course agree that the cat is a fuggin idiot but those Best & Brightest "laugh" yes
in a moment
but then a whole new Moment arrives and they know they have to Stand.
They have no choice, but to Stand. Its in their DNA, the whole reason (potentially, at least) they worked so hard to get where they are
& CHIEFLY: Got Blessed with the gifts they did.
I ain't gonna go all "Ethereal" here, no way. Pointless to do that but Dagone It Guesser we have a Window Here, to maybe escape through.
Lets Do This
You're over-estimating the importance of the fact that, Yes, the guy is an idiot cuz that perception is mostly borne of him talking. Saying Stuff.
Like....words coming out of his mouth. If we can get him to talk less, the level of his Idiocy would diminish.
He is the opposite of an Idiot when it comes to delegation, to recruiting those best & brightest and I promise you Guesser. They will come. If We Build this, they will come Guesser. Elon Musk-type people....."Herb Cohen"-level Master Negotiators to re-negotiate our Trade Deals...
....You argument against Trump up there requires one buy in to the belief that Trump would NUKE The Caliphate or grab a Chinese Ambassador and hurl his thieving soul-less ass across a table like this Guesser
which I personally would not just completely approve of but even recommend, as I believe it would aptly express our displeasure over them taking advantage of "negotiators" such as Caroline Kennedy
and Administrations that are wholly In The Bag to completely HOSE US ON TRADE for as long as they've been doing that
plus that in that GIF up there in my opinion would be JUSTICE.
Justice paying a Visit Guesser.
Here is The Point:
Were I to be as near the White House as Trump I'd fully recognize that Nuking Arabia and beating up the Chinese Ambassador would be...
"poor choices to make." I'd totally be down with Conducting The Orchestra, Wizard behind the Curtain.
Trump is or at least will be if elected about the exact same thing Guesser. Its how he manages to create such magnificent Hotels and Resorts.
Delegation Guesser. Bringing In the best and brightest available.
It would be a Crime Guesser for you to allow the fact that he is an idiot to deprive us this chance at Evolution out of the mess our Prostitute Politicians have buried us in, it would be the saddest thing in our whole lives Guesser if you just cavalierly toss aside this opportunity for US to dig ourselves out of this whole that these sociopath barbarians have cast us into, just bcuz one dude is an idiot.
Which....again Guesser and PRIMARILY....its him TALKING that comprises the vast majority of why he is an Idiot.
Give Your Country this
CHANCE GUESSER. Give your Nation, your Homeland this Chance Guesser. Accepting another 4 years of Rising Debt and Decreasing Jobs is an infinitely worse option.
Derailment Guesser, due to the dude's idiocy, would be the same as missing the obvious and so so desperately important MESSAGE
in the Vid below, cuz one was not able to see past the extreme Gayness of the Messenger.
You're so much better than that Guesser.
And if you can just see beyond the dude's faults to be able to see the chance here
we'd, you and I Guesser, and this Country.....we'd emerge so much Stronger.
Stronger Together.
all about City of Angels baby
soundtrack genius that makes even Q Tarantino look like the village idiot
of soundtracks.
less to do with the actual plot of the movie than the amazing music assembled.