climb aboard my time machine and go sit front row at any event , where ya going ?

Sep 21, 2004
Would have to be ancient times. Probably Rome. When Death matches really were. Bullbaiting, Bearbaiting. Matches that happened for over a thousand years. The real Bulldog has been bred out of existence. Would love to see 5 of them take down a bull. 4 would lose, but 5 could win. Was very big for a very long time in Germany, also Britain. Most older breeds were bred to fight other dogs/animals. Modern bullfighting a total joke. Bull has close to zero chance. Can you imagine a great big bear fighting 4 Rottweilers? These matches took place for close to 2,000 years. No referees, no judges. Very popular with royalty and commoners alike. If I am going to use a time machine, I want to see something not recorded on video...OF:103631605

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Hearrns-Hagler April 15, parents were there, I was a senior in high school at home throwing a party.

I was in front row seats(not far from Bonds, Primetime,etc..) at the Bowe-Holyfield/Paraglider bout in 1993..surreal!

Secretariat at 1973 Belmont.

'85 Villanova-Georgetown Finals in Lexington.

Reggie's three homer game in '78 Series.

Texas Western-Kentucky Finals in '66.

San Fran-Cincy SuperBowl XXII in ' help root on Stupak's big win at Mayday's.

Season tix to Yankee Stadium in 1927.

A quite primal choice OF.
Sep 21, 2004
A cruel and barbaric sport, by today's standards. But the number one sport of its time. As we tend to forget our humanities less than proud moments, this was acceptable to all, Kings and Queens included. Very big business. A corrupted version still exists today in remote Pakistan. Do not read wrong, I would never condone any cruelty to a person's pet. These animals were pack dogs. Trained to operated as a unit, a team. Pack of wild dogs cliche originated from this practice. Although the dogs were outweighed, outsized and outmuscled, they collectively with cooperation could tackle huge beasts. Good enough for royalty. Best Wishes...OF

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=591 colSpan=7 height=456 rowSpan=3>
Bear Gardens

Bear Gardens, SE1

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</TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top width=36 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=40 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=96 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=13 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=466 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD><TD vAlign=top width=4 height=22></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=9 height=467></TD><TD vAlign=top width=13 height=467></TD><TD vAlign=top width=36 height=467></TD><TD vAlign=top width=40 height=467></TD><TD vAlign=top width=603 colSpan=10 height=1456 rowSpan=3>A single red brick house set among warehouses and offices down this narrow side street marks the site of the last bear baiting ring on Bankside. An unimposing building screened by trees, it now sits in a quiet backwater. Three centuries ago, this place echoed to the shouts of traders and the shrieks of whores as rich and poor alike came to sample the pleasures of Southwark's notorious 'stewes'. Located just a few paces from both the Globe and the Rose Theatres, Bear Gardens was at the centre of the entertainment industry. Bear and bull baiting were major spectator sports and there were several purpose-built arenas in this area. They were all great crowd pullers and a source of stiff competition for the playmakers.

Bear and bull baiting were immensely popular in Tudor times and even monarchs were pleased to spend an afternoon watching the gristly set-piece fights. Both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I visited a baiting ring that stood just north of this site, the Queen apparently thinking it such an excellent amusement that she took the French and Spanish ambassadors along!

The bear garden that occupied this plot of land was built some time later, in 1662 and although this was after the Restoration, other bear and bull baiting rings managed to survive the Puritan backlash while all the theatres were closed down. This seems a rather surprising choice, considering the strict moral code of the day.

So bear baiting went on all through the reign of Charles II and from its site in Bear Gardens, the Davies amphitheatre, as it was known, did a roaring trade. The attraction continued to appeal to all levels of society and both the diarist Pepys and his contemporary Evelyn came here to watch shows.

The tide of public opinion must have been beginning to change around then, though, for while Pepys notes that he and his wife 'saw some good sport of the bull's tossing the dogs - one into the very boxes' on the evening of August 14, 1666, he adds: 'But it is a very rude and nasty pleasure.'

The house on Bear Gardens is now the Globe Education Centre, part of the new Shakespeare's Globe complex. The Centre, which in keeping with its historic background features a large and fearsome-looking stuffed black bear in the foyer, specialises in organising workshops for student groups from schools and universities. These usually include the chance to work on stage at the Globe. It also hosts staged readings, lectures and seminar groups.

<HR width="75%">
Bear Gardens can be viewed from the street. The Globe Education Centre is not open to the general public but teachers, students and others interested in joining the many educational programmes on offer should write for further information to: Julia Law, Globe Education, Bear Gardens, London SE1 or telephone: 0207-928-6342.

Nearest tube: Mansion House, Cannon Street (District and Circle lines) or London Bridge (Northern Line).

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Revised: January 23, 2002

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New member
Feb 20, 2002
OmniFrog: You've defiantly got some issues dude.....................what a far out post. :WTF:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
World Cup Final Mexico 1986, that was an exciting game! when Germany scored the 2nd time I thought they were going to win
Sep 21, 2004
GMON said:
OmniFrog: You've defiantly got some issues dude.....................what a far out post. :WTF:

It is far out to provoke thought. How horrible and barbaric we were. How will our sporting events of today be judged in our future? Boxing, football, and rugby. You think these sports will also be judged horrible and barbaric years from now? It is very easy to judge how bad we were in the past. What is unacceptable today was totally accepted back then. If I had a time machine, I would want to judge for myself. It was entertainment of the day. No humans were fatally injured, or maimed. No one died in the ring, or on the practice field. We have just graduated from animals to humans, or regressed back to Ancient Rome. Sorry my answer was nonconformist.

I would probably scalp my time machine ride and go fishing.

The signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The trial of bible vs. evolution.

The trial of Jesus.

The Nuremburg trials.

Many events besides sports would have much greater impact to me...OF:howdy:

New member
Dec 20, 2002
If not a sports event, then definitely would love to have seen Jesus multiply the fish and loaves..and walk on water like Chauncey Gardener.

Travel with Lewis and Clark.

Declaration of Independence.

Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel.

Date Seka when she was 17,etc..

Sep 20, 2004
Horseshoe said:
If not a sports event, then definitely would love to have seen Jesus multiply the fish and loaves..and walk on water like Chauncey Gardener.

Travel with Lewis and Clark.

Declaration of Independence.

Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel.

Date Seka when she was 17,etc..

Horseshoe...interesting you followed Micheangelo with Seka

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Horseshoe said:
Hearrns-Hagler April 15, parents were there, I was a senior in high school at home throwing a party.


Was there........been there, done that.


New member
Dec 20, 2002
J-man, what's a bad young Catholic without faith, porn, and gambling?..Sistine and Seka @18..both works of art.

Fish, you were blessed to be there...the '80s ruled!

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Thanks Disney for Texas Western-Kentucky 1966 aka "Glory Road"..

Now, if Nova can navigate back to the Championship Game without Curtis Sumpter, for a Twenty-First Anniversary Title Repeat..I'll be there in the flesh.:103631605

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