Climate Change: Mr. President, We Disagree


Jan 19, 2005
Climate Change: Mr. President, We Disagree

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- message -->Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating climate change.The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear."
With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true.
We, the undersigned scientists, maintain that the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated. Surface temperature changes over the past century have been episodic and modest and there has been no net global warming for over a decade now.1,2 After controlling for population growth and property values, there has been no increase in damages from severe weather-related events.3 The computer models forecasting rapid temperature change abjectly fail to explain recent climate behavior.4 Mr. President, your characterization of the scientific facts regarding climate change and the degree of certainty informing the scientific debate is simply incorrect.

•Yun Akusofu, Ph.D University Of Alaska
•Arthur G. Anderson, Ph.D, Director Of Research, IBM (retired)
•Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D Anderson Materials Evaluation
•J. Scott Armstrong, Ph.D, University Of Pennsylvania
•Robert Ashworth, Clearstack LLC
•Ismail Baht, Ph.D, University Of Kashmir
•Colin Barton Csiro (retired)
•David J. Bellamy, OBE, The British Natural Association
•John Blaylock, Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired)
•Edward F. Blick, Ph.D, University Of Oklahoma (emeritus)
•Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Ph.D, University Of Hull
•Bob Breck Ams, Broadcaster Of The Year 2008
•John Brignell, University Of Southampton (emeritus)
•Mark Campbell, Ph.D, U.S. Naval Academy
•Robert M. Carter, Ph.D, James Cook University
•Ian Clark, Ph.D, Professor, Earth Sciences University Of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
•Roger Cohen, Ph.D Fellow, American Physical Society
•Paul Copper, Ph.D, Laurentian University (emeritus)
•Piers Corbyn, MS, Weather Action
•Richard S. Courtney, Ph.D, Reviewer, Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
•Uberto Crescenti, Ph.D Past-President, Italian Geological Society
•Susan Crockford, Ph.D University Of Victoria
•Joseph S. D'aleo, Fellow, American Meteorological Society
•James Demeo, Ph.D, University Of Kansas (retired)
•David Deming, Ph.D, University Of Oklahoma
•Diane Douglas, Ph.D, Paleoclimatologist
•David Douglass, Ph.D, University Of Rochester
•Robert H. Essenhigh, E.G. Bailey Emeritus, Professor Of Energy Conversion The Ohio State University
•Christopher Essex, Ph.D, University Of Western Ontario
•John Ferguson, Ph.D, University Of Newcastle
•Upon Tyne (retired)
•Eduardo Ferreyra, Argentinian Foundation For A Scientific Ecology
•Michael Fox, Ph.D, American Nuclear Society
•Gordon Fulks, Ph.D, Gordon Fulks And Associates
•Lee Gerhard, Ph.D, State Geologist, Kansas (retired)
•Gerhard Gerlich, Ph.D, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
•Ivar Giaever, Ph.D, Nobel Laureate, Physics
•Albrecht Glatzle, Ph.D, Scientific Director, Inttas (Paraguay)
•Wayne Goodfellow, Ph.D, University Of Ottawa
•James Goodridge, California State Climatologist (retired)
•Laurence Gould, Ph.D, University Of Hartford
•Vincent Gray, Ph.D, New Zealand Climate Coalition
•William M. Gray, Ph.D, Colorado State University
•Kenneth E. Green, D.Env., American Enterprise Institute
•Kesten Green, Ph.D, Monash University
•Will Happer, Ph.D, Princeton University
•Howard C. Hayden, Ph.D, University Of Connecticut (emeritus)
•Ben Herman, Ph.D, University Of Arizona (emeritus)
•Martin Hertzberg, Ph.D, U.S. Navy (retired)
•Doug Hoffman, Ph.D, Author, The Resilient Earth
•Bernd Huettner, Ph.D
•Ole Humlum, Ph.D, University Of Oslo
•A. Neil Hutton, Past President, Canadian Society Of Petroleum Geologists
•***** D. Idso, Ph.D, Center For The Study Of Carbon Dioxide And Global Change
•Sherwood B. Idso, Ph.D, U.S. Department Of Agriculture (retired)
•Kiminori Itoh, Ph.D, Yokohama National University
•Steve Japar, Ph.D, Reviewer, Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
•Sten Kaijser, Ph.D, Uppsala University (emeritus)
•Wibjorn Karlen, Ph.D, University Of Stockholm (emeritus)
•Joel Kauffman, Ph.D, University Of The Sciences, Philadelphia (emeritus)
•David Kear, Ph.D, Former Director-General, Nz Dept. Scientific And Industrial Research
•Richard Keen, Ph.D, University Of Colorado
•Dr. Kelvin Kemm, Ph.D, Lifetime Achievers Award, National Science And Technology Forum, South Africa
•Madhav Khandekar, Ph.D, Former Editor, Climate Research
•Robert S. Knox, Ph.D, University Of Rochester (emeritus)
•James P. Koermer, Ph.D, Plymouth State University
•Gerhard Kramm, Ph.D, University Of Alaska Fairbanks
•Wayne Kraus, Ph.D, Kraus Consulting
•Olav M. Kvalheim, Ph.D, Univ. Of Bergen
•Roar Larson, Ph.D, Norwegian University Of Science And Technology
•James F. Lea, Ph.D
•Douglas Leahy, Ph.D, Meteorologist
•Peter R. Leavitt, Certified Consulting Meteorologist
•David R. Legates, Ph.D, University of Delaware
•Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
•Harry F. Lins, Ph.D. Co-Chair, IPCC Hydrology and Water Resources Working Group
•Anthony R. Lupo, Ph.D, University Of Missouri
•Howard Maccabee, Ph.D, MD Clinical Faculty, Stanford Medical School
•Horst Malberg, Ph.D, Free University of Berlin
•Bjorn Malmgren, Ph.D, Goteburg University (emeritus)
•Jennifer Marohasy, Ph.D, Australian Environment Foundation
•James A Marusek, U.S. Navy (retired)
•Ross Mckitrick, Ph.D, University Of Guelph
•Patrick J. Michaels, Ph.D, University Of Virginia
•Timmothy R. Minnich, MS, Minnich And Scotto, Inc.
•Asmunn Moene, Ph.D, Former Head, Forecasting Center, Meteorological Institute, Norway
•Michael Monce, Ph.D, Connecticut College
•Dick Morgan, Ph.D, Exeter University (emeritus)
•Nils-axel Morner, Ph.D, Stockholm University (emeritus)
•David Nowell, D.I.C., Former Chairman, Nato Meteorology Canada
•Cliff Ollier, D.Sc., University Of Western Australia
•Garth W. Paltridge, Ph.D, University Of Tasmania
•Alfred Peckarek, Ph.D, St. Cloud State University
•Dr. Robert A. Perkins, P.E. University Of Alaska
•Ian Pilmer, Ph.D, University Of Melbourne (emeritus)
•Brian R. Pratt, Ph.D, University Of Saskatchewan
•John Reinhard, Ph.D, Ore Pharmaceuticals
•Peter Ridd, Ph.D, James Cook University
•Curt Rose, Ph.D, Bishop's University (emeritus)
•Peter Salonius, M.Sc., Canadian Forest Service
•Gary Sharp, Ph.D, Center For Climate/Ocean Resources Study
•Thomas P. Sheahan, Ph.D, Western Technologies, Inc.
•Alan Simmons, Author, The Resilient Earth
•Roy N. Spencer, Ph.D, University Of Alabama-Huntsville
•Arlin Super, Ph.D, Retired Research Meteorologist, U.S. Dept. Of Reclamation
•George H. Taylor,MS, Applied Climate Services
•Eduardo P. Tonni, Ph.D, Museo De La Plata (Argentina)
•Ralf D. Tscheuschner, Ph.D
•Dr. Anton Uriarte,Ph.D, Universidad Del Pais Vasco
•Brian Valentine, Ph.D, U.S. Department Of Energy
•Gosta Walin, Ph.D, University Of Gothenburg (emeritus)
•Gerd-Rainer Weber,Ph.D, Reviewer, Intergovernmenal Panel On Climate Change
•Forese-Carlo Wezel, Ph.D, Urbino University
•Edward T. Wimberley, Ph.D, Florida Gulf Coast University
•Miklos Zagoni,Ph.D Reviewer, Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
•Antonio Zichichi,Ph.D President, World Federation Of Scientists

1.Swanson, K.L., and A. A. Tsonis. Geophysical Research Letters, in press: DOI:10.1029/2008GL037022.
2.Brohan, P., et al. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006: DOI: 10.1029/2005JD006548. Updates at
3.Pielke, R. A. Jr., et al. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2005: DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-86-10-1481.
4.Douglass, D. H., et al. International Journal of Climatology, 2007: DOI: 10.1002/joc.


I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Bruce let me explain something to you and every name on that list..........This SOB doesnt give a rats ass what you and they think.....He doesnt even care if hell freezes over tomorrow.......This crisis , just like all his others is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide in while he turns over this entires countries wealth to anyone smart enough to take it from him......His only goal in life is to break every white man on the face of the earth and these BULLSHIT stimulus plans are just reparations in his sick, sick mind....

Jan 19, 2005
Bruce let me explain something to you and every name on that list..........This SOB doesnt give a rats ass what you and they think.....He doesnt even care if hell freezes over tomorrow.......This crisis , just like all his others is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide in while he turns over this entires countries wealth to anyone smart enough to take it from him......His only goal in life is to break every white man on the face of the earth and these BULLSHIT stimulus plans are just reparations in his sick, sick mind....

I've noticed

But then of course he said he heard nothing that went on in that funny little church with that crazy silly guy, what was his name again..........

.........oh yeh


Jan 19, 2005
EPA's Greenhouse Gas Finding Endangers U.S. Economy

WASHINGTON, APRIL 17, 2009--The Environmental Protection Agency today formally declared that carbon dioxide and five other heat-trapping gases are pollutants that threaten the public health and welfare.
Heritage Foundation environmental expert Ben Lieberman reacted to the announcement as follows:
"This clears the way for the most expensive and expansive environmental regulation in history. The EPA approach to regulating COs will dramatically affect the lives and day-to-day practices of all Americans... all for a change in the Earth's temperature too small to ever notice."The finding opens the door to federal regulation of almost anything that emits carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. That includes virtually everything that moves, from cars, trucks and ships to lawn mowers and tractors. The agency could also go after things that stand still—regulating millions of emissions-producing hospitals, restaurants and other commercial buildings, and perhaps even eying backyard barbeques.
"Even advocates of the finding recognize that a harsh regulatory regime would yield only negligible benefits. Yet the proposed regulations carry tremendous costs.
"The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis has found that, in just 20 years, the proposed carbon dioxide rules alone would lower gross domestic product by $7 trillion, with single-year GDP losses exceeding $600 billion. Job losses would exceed 800,000 annually for several years. The already-struggling manufacturing sector would be hit especially hard.
"Today's announcement, though expected, is a tremendous disappointment for those seeking policies that will improve the environment without devastating our economy."


"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Global warming is about one thing and one thing only, a global tax.

Obama isn't ignorant, nor is Bush, Gore, or other supporters of this fraud. They flat out don't care about the facts, it's all about scamming the public to implement the global carbon tax.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I really don't care about the global warming arguement.

Our mother earth faces serious enviromental problems. So whatever it has to be labled as to take steps to better the situation, I am all for it.

Jan 19, 2005
Glenn Beck: Whatever happened to air pollution?

<TABLE style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 15px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px" vAlign=center>
</TD><TD>Audio Available: </TD><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px"><TD> </TD></TD><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px"><TD> </TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
April 22, 2009 - 12:22 ET

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Celebrate Earth Day with our exclusive Hydro-Carbon Powered Eco-Vehicle bumper sticker

VOICE: The Glenn Beck program presents more truth behind America's march to socialism.

GLENN: We are so green today, we are. Happy Earth Day. I'm excited. Well, I was going to decorate my tree but that would require me to try to hey, by the way, do we have anybody on the phone yet with a chainsaw that's willing to cut down a tree for Earth Day? Well, I'm all excited. It is Earth Day. It's even more exciting to see how Democrats have kicked off three full days of hearing on cap and trade. 770 firms and interest groups have now hired 2300 climate lobbyists in the last 12 months. That's fantastic. I'm sure they're there representing your best interests. There's a sense of urgency now for those who are pushing cap and trade because environmental concerns are polling their lowest ever in the 25 year history of the poll. Perhaps before we rush into a system that taxes us with the energy we use, let's take a look how some of our past environmental problems have panned out.

You remember our air pollution concerns? Well, if you don't, it was basically the 1970 version of global warming and the fear mongers of today. From the first Earth Day in 1970, scientists said then that, quote, air pollution is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in just the next few years alone. Quote: By 1980 the life expectancy of all Americans will be 42 years. By 1985, quote, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by 1/2.

Now, consider that since 1970 the population is up 50%. Miles driven has increased by 159% and real GDP has increased 159% and here's how the air pollution, you know, that has reduced our life expectancy to 42 years, my gosh, I've been dead all these years and I didn't even know it.

Here's how the air pollution is played out. 91% decrease in the lead air quality from 1980 to 2007, 76% national decrease in carbon monoxide air quality 1980 to 2007, and 68% national decrease in sulfur dioxide air quality. And here's what's really weird about all this. We were able to do all those things without a cap and trade transfer the wealth system or any lobbyists there that were saying we're all going to burn to death in a fiery flood. But you know what, don't look at those results. You know, there's look, there's something shining over there! Is that a new Al Gore book? Oh, jeez, we're in a crisis; we need cap and trade now, everybody!

VOICE: That was even more overwhelming evidence that we are destined to be a bunch of socialist pigs very, very soon on the Glenn Beck program

Don't assume people in charge know what they are d
Aug 16, 2006
I really don't care about the global warming arguement.

Our mother earth faces serious enviromental problems. So whatever it has to be labled as to take steps to better the situation, I am all for it.

I agree! We are ruining the earth!
The problem.......`too many people!
The animals don`t seem to be phucking anything up, or the plants.

Why there is no population control is amazing.

Nov 2, 2008
I really don't care about the global warming arguement.

Our mother earth faces serious enviromental problems. So whatever it has to be labled as to take steps to better the situation, I am all for it.
Yes, we may have enviromental problems....but global warming is no one of them.

Jan 19, 2005
Press Release

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Libertarians urge “no” vote on $1.9 trillion Waxman-Markey tax hike

Pelosi hopes to rush tax hike to a vote this week

WASHINGTON – America’s third largest party urged the U.S. House Tuesday to defeat plans for a $1.9 trillion energy tax hike over eight years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is attempting to rush H.R. 2454, the Waxman-Markey energy tax bill, to a vote this week.
“With unemployment rising above and beyond what President Obama said it would be with the multi-hundred billion dollar stimulus bill, now is not the time to dismantle our economy with a multi-hundred billion dollar energy tax hike,” said William Redpath, Libertarian National Committee Chairman.
“Libertarians urge House members to defeat this job-killing tax hike on Americans,” said Redpath. “Libertarian candidates are out there every day proposing proven solutions to create the jobs we need and restore our prosperity. This $1.9 trillion tax hike would destroy millions of jobs and impose dramatically higher prices for everything.”

At nearly 1,000 pages, H.R. 2454, sponsored by Democrat Reps. Henry Waxman and Edward Markey, imposes new taxes on any economic activity that produces carbon dioxide. Pelosi hopes to rush the bill to a vote, despite no net temperature increase globally over the last decade, significant research showing man-made carbon dioxide isn’t changing the climate and opposition from thousands of scientists.
The economic impact would be harsh. According to research from the independent, non-partisan Heritage Foundation, the bill would have devastating impacts on the average American family.
The research found that by 2035, gasoline prices would increase 58 percent, natural gas prices would increase 55 percent, prices for home heating oil would increase 56 percent, and worst of all, electricity prices would jump 90 percent.
While the average American would pay the tax once in the form of higher energy prices, they also pay it again in higher costs for goods that must be manufactured and services that must be provided using energy.
The average family of four could see $2,979 in higher prices per year, paying $4,609 more in 2035 alone. The total costs to the average family in higher prices, from 2012 to 2035, reach $71,493.
The bill would also destroy millions of jobs, even taking into account Obama administration promises of new “green” jobs. The research finds an average annual job loss of 1,145,000 jobs per year because of Waxman-Markey. In the worst years, 2,479,000 Americans will lose their jobs annually under Waxman-Markey.
For more information on this issue, or to arrange an interview with the Libertarian Party, please call Director of Communications Donny Ferguson at 703-200-3669 or 202-333-0008, x. 225, or email
The Libertarian Party is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom

Nov 2, 2008
I really don't care about the global warming arguement.

Our mother earth faces serious enviromental problems. So whatever it has to be labled as to take steps to better the situation, I am all for it.
Oh so lame.

Nov 2, 2008
Bruce let me explain something to you and every name on that list..........This SOB doesnt give a rats ass what you and they think.....He doesnt even care if hell freezes over tomorrow.......This crisis , just like all his others is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide in while he turns over this entires countries wealth to anyone smart enough to take it from him......His only goal in life is to break every white man on the face of the earth and these BULLSHIT stimulus plans are just reparations in his sick, sick mind....'re not black? The avatar? Where's my brownies?

Jan 19, 2005
Select a state below to learn how the Waxman-Markey legislation will affect energy consumers in that state.

Call each of them and say you want them to vote AGAINST cap and trade....

Here are the names of the Blue Dog Dem that are on the fence about Cap & Trade:

Rep. Michael Ross (AR) 202-225-3772
Rep. Charlie Melancon (LA) 202-225-4031
Rep. G. Butterfield (NC) 202-225-3101
Rep. Zack Space (OH) 202-225-6265
Rep. Michael Doyle (PA) 202-225-2135
Rep. Bart Gordon (TN) 202-225-4231
Rep. Charles Gonzalez (TX) 202-225-3236
Rep. Gene Green (TX) 202-225-1688
Rep. James Matheson (UT) 202-225-3011
Rep. Rick Boucher (VA) 202-225-3861
Rep. Peter Welch (VT) 202-225-4115
Rep. Jay Inslee (WA) 202-225-6311

Jan 19, 2005
Amazing we are letting our Country get sucked into this scam

It makes me sick to think what are Country will look like if the cap and tax scheme would pass.

Lord Christopher Monckton on ‘Climate Change’

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