In case you haven't figured it out already, most sports book owners don't exactly like their information out here on these forums for public record.
While I wish this weren't the case, current hypocricies in the system make this policy a necessary evil. I believe you are looking to hurt innocent people and I don't like this one bit.
How would you like it if someone started emailing people your personal identification?
Next thing we know you will be offering to supply information to Child Welfare because someone posting here you deem to be an unfit mother.
We don't need YOUR type policing the industry.
Click and Bet is located in Officentro La Sabana, in the same physical location as RIO...
What's there not to trust about Click and Bet so long as RIO GUARANTEES them?
It appears to me that you have a personal grudge with one of their backers which just isn't right to smear them for your personal vendetta...
And yes, feel free to email me if there is something that you have which is worthy for me to take them off this site...