Classic Joe C? I will contribute!
Ron Paul: pacifist and moral relativist. Subscribes to a "see no evil, hear no evil" philosophy. Believes it's practical for America to return to it's 19th century policy of isolationism -- which is such a laughable contemplation in an era with WMD proliferation, it is hardly worth taking seriously. Take that to the "illiterate masses," you condescending weazel.
sd2: afflicted with an 'underdog' fetish. Had a series of traumatic bullying experiences growing up. Now his brain produces a mixture chemicals which suspend his ability to reason: sd2 cannot look at a strong man without automatically suspecting he became that way by preying on the weak. If this sounds familiar, it is. It's the same disease, brought on by a similar emotional event, which causes many liberals to irrationally 'sympathize' with rapists, murderers and drug dealers here at home, advocating 'rehab,' and "blaming society" (read: "those greedy capitalists") rather than a punishment that fits the crime, laying the blame squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator.
So with this background, here's a question for our resident "underdog" fetishist:
Currently the United States has nuclear weapons -- enough to blow the world to pieces 7 times. Israel purportedly has nuclear weapons as well. Can you honestly say in your heart, if the poor "underdog" in this fight (Hezbollah: the marionette on a string, being pulled by Iran and Syria) had the same capability, that the world would not be a totally different place? Would "Israel be wiped off the map?" Moreover, when have you heard any high level bureaucrat from Israel ever make a statement that Lebanon, Iran or Syria have no right to existence?
And another thing. Many sensible Palestinians have fled the hatemongering ghettos of their youth, rightly concluding there is little hope for peace in their homeland, and thus choosing a better life for themselves and their families in other parts of world, including .cough. Israel. These Arabs and Muslims, as individuals, have more rights, more prosperity, more opportunity, than any Jewish person ever could have, immigrating to say, Iran, Syria, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia. I have met dozens of wealthy Arab Christians who have fled the middle east, fearing for their lives, unable to openly speak of and express their faith, because if these intolerant Muslim bastards. Back at home in our modern free society, Muslims are allowed to be...well Muslims, proudly wearing their heritage and religion on their sleeves, in our streets and communities, without fear of.oh.I dunno.being beheaded? In fact, often modern Western states, go so far as to change their own laws in order to accommodate anti-Western values, culture and beliefs. Ask yourself: can an American wear a Brett Favre jersey, or NYY ball cap, in the heart of say, Tehran, Gaza, Damascus or Riad? Anyone care to post a chart how many mosques there are in North America and Europe, versus how many synagogues and catholic churches there are in the all the "underdog" Islamofascist hotbeds?
Remember the kid back in school who was always out of control? No matter many adults and kids tried to talk to him, no matter how often the others gave in, he wouldn't change. No sooner was one conflict over, the ****** would find some new "issue" or trouble to stir up. More often than not, his behavior forced the teacher to punish everyone - denying a free reign -- perks -- that came with the ability to play and treat others responsibly. That's what these Islamofascists are. They fuck up the party FOR EVERYONE, making themselves a constant disruptive force. And yet, we have self-righteous know-it-all buffoons, like sd2, vomiting out meaningless moral relativist terms such as "underdog" justifying and excusing and appeasing, these ruthless actions -- looking for sympathy and coverts.
Appeasement has never worked -- and it never will. But liberals still cling to this fallacy like a drug addict needs his crack. They try and use reason to explain someone else's unreason, then call themselves, 'rationalists.'
Israel has done nothing wrong, and is doing what it needs to do defend it's own existence -- now and in the future.
You want lasting peace in the middle-east? I have a simple solution. Not easy, but simple:
Give the remaining 2/3rds of the "axis of evil" an ultimatum. Send in swarming B52s in attack formation, dropping thousands of leaflets explaining our position. If these misfits (the kid who refused to play peacefully with others) do not accept our ultimatums - disarm, disclose or face serious consequences, just like Uncle Saddam -- pound them into extinction. Then send in ground troops to clean up the remnants.
Without state sponsors, effective wide reaching terrorist organizations and insurgencies (proxies) cannot exist. Without Iranian missiles, Hezbollah would not have been able to unleash their weapons of terror on a peaceful democratic civilian population. Thus, Israel would not currently be dropping bombs in southern Lebanon, planning for a ground invasion.
Tell me sd2, does your underdog fetish extend to cheering for the guy endangering other motorists during police car chases? How bout felons that escape the brutal oppression of the local state penitentiary?
"Shock and awe was the real act of terror, while those underdog 9/11 hijackers are valiant freedom fighters." What a fucking embarrassment you are, sd2. Maybe we should all chip in and start an RX fund for some stronger meds in helping you deal with your childhood trauma.
I'm tired of waking up and reading another headline of "Muslim extremism" setting off a bomb, or "raising tensions" in different parts of the world. Sure one can keep swatting at the individual stingers around the yard, but is this really a lasting solution? At some point someone's gotta go in there and vaporize the nest!
"Christian death squad"...
Who started it, eek? Israel wants only to be left in peace. What people gladly inhabit our communities but do not allow others to inhabit theirs? A Muslim or Arab has more rights, more freedom living in a Jewish society, than a Muslim or Arab ever will under an "underdog" Islamofascist regime.