City Council Speaker Suggests Christopher Columbus Statue Is A Hate Symbol

Jan 17, 2007
Less than a week after Mayor de Blasio called for the review and removal of potential "hate symbols" across New York City, the namesake statue of one of Manhattan's busiest intersections has been called into question. On Monday, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito questioned the merits of the Christopher Columbus statue that overlooks Columbus Circle. In her remarks, the speaker acknowledged that, for many, Columbus is seen as a murderous colonizer responsible for the prolonged oppression and killing of Native Americans.

"There are still to this day conversations happening because of the monuments, other Columbus statues, being talked about," Mark-Viverito said yesterday, according to ABC. "I would want the commission to look at that statue as well," referring to a panel of community leaders and relevant experts that City Hall plans to amass during its hate symbol review.

Mark-Viverito voiced her concern over Columbus while denouncing another statue—that of Dr. J. Marion Sims, which sits near the intersection of 103rd Street and 5th Avenue at an entrance to Central Park. Community groups have called for the removal of the Sims statue, noting his history of conducting gruesome medical experiments on slaves without anesthesia.

The Columbus Circle statue was gifted to the city by Italian-Americans in 1892. City officials, including Mayor de Blasio, regularly march in the annual Columbus Day parade, in which the colonizer/explorer is lauded as an icon of Italian-American culture.

Mark-Viverito called that view of history into question Monday. "There obviously has been ongoing dialogue and debate in the Caribbean—particularly in Puerto Rico where I'm from—about this same conversation that there should be no monument or statue of Christopher Columbus based on what he signifies to the native population...[the]oppression and everything that he brought with him," the speaker said.
Last week, Governor Cuomo announced plans to remove monuments to Confederate generals Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee after a Gothamist report on both statues' presence in the Bronx Community College's "Hall of Fame for Great Americans."

In the case of both the Sims and Columbus statue, any potential removal isn't likely to take place soon. De Blasio's initial announcement of the hate symbol removal plan stipulated a 90-day review period. "I'm not going to get into the business of speaking to each specific situation because I want there to be an objective process," the mayor said at a press conference Monday, according to the Post.

In a statement to Gothamist, de Balsio's Deputy Press Secretary reasserted that the hate symbol review plan is still in its early stages, and that a task force "which will develop concrete guidelines for review and removal" is being formed.

Now, who's going to break the news to Geraldo?
Jan 17, 2007
Fuk you, fuk you and Fuk You

Might as well just get rid of All the History in the world !

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Man this is ridiculous He ate Thanksgiving with the Indians dammit. Lol

its our history, good or bad. Again, start removing MLK schit and civil rights statues in Selma Al and see what happens

Fuk em. A statue for a statue

take down Bear Bryant's and Sabans at Bryant Denny. Lot of colleges hated them. Lol

Sep 21, 2001
I was in Santo Domingo a few months ago and took a guided tour of the Colonial Zone - Columbus landed in the DR before America - and he ended up living and bringing his family to Santo Domingo - most Europeans ended up in America and not the DR - Columbus brought a lot of slaves to the DR - the natives of the DR at the time were Indian - hence the dark color of many Dominicans like Big Papi - the guide was clearly a mix of African and Indian (not European) - I specifically asked him if all the people of the DR hate Christopher Columbus - he replied, "no, it's our history - without him we wouldnt be here right now"

Mar 2, 2006
[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Read this...
Christopher Columbus practiced forced labor, human enslavement, human mutilation, child prostitution / child sex slaves, theft, and brutality on the natives whom he governed.

He didn't even discover America, Amerigo Vespucci did, hence why we are named after him.

Why we idolize and give a holiday to such a horrible person is beyond me.

I am going to add to the second answer, the first one is not a very good answer.

Christopher Columbus did horrible things to the Taino, I will say what he did.

In 1492 he landed in the Bahama's (People say he landed in the America's but that is not true.)

When Christopher Columbus landed on the islands he wrote in his journal, the first thing he said was this: "They... brought us parrots and balls of cotten and spears and many other things... They would make fin servants... With fifty men we could subjygate them all and make them do whatever we want." That is exactly what he wrote.

After his ship the Santa Maria fell he built a mansion called the Navidad.

He left back to England, leaving 42 of his men at the island.

When Cristopher Columbus returned he found that all 42 of his men were dead.

Yes the Taino attacked, but why did they attack?

This letter was found while Cristopher Columbus was looking around.

It was written by one of his men.

" band feeling had arisen and had broken out of warfare because of the licentious conduct of our men towards the Indian women, for each Spaniard had five women to minister to his pleasure."

That being said, the reason the Taino attacked is because Columbus's crew had used those women as sex slaves.

There are a lot more things that Christopher Columbus did to those innocent Taino people.

I encourage you to research and learn how badly he treated those people. He is not a hero at all.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=2]Someone destroyed Baltimore’s 200-year-old monument to Christopher Columbus with a sledgehammer this morning.[/h]

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Oldest Christopher Columbus Statue In North America Destroyed By Vandals Citing Racism![/h]Nobody was bothered by these historical monuments when Barack Obama was president. Now that Donald Trump is president, they’re offensive. The hate is strong from the left.
How is smashing the statue of the explorer who discovered America going to help black people living in ghettos? Maybe they should stop voting Democrat as I did and things might improve for them.

The status read: “Sacred to the Memory of Chris. Columbus Oct. XII MDCC VIIIC.

In the video, one person smashes the monument with a sledge hammer as another holds a sign. An unidentified narrator explains why the action was being taken:
“Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European capitalism into the Western Hemisphere. Columbus initiated a centuries-old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capitalist exploitation of labor in the Americas. That Columbian wave of destruction continues on the backs of Indigenous, African-American and brown people.
“Racist monuments to slave owners and murderers have always bothered me. Baltimore’s poverty is concentrated in African-American households, and these statues are just an extra slap in the face. They were built in the 20th century in response to a movement for African Americans’ human dignity. What kind of a culture goes to such lengths to build such hate-filled monuments? What kind of a culture clings to those monuments in 2017?”

Just under two minutes, the video was posted on the YouTube channel, Popular Resistance. It appears to have been filmed early this morning.
There are two other monuments to Columbus in Baltimore, one located at Druid Hill Park, the other at the edge of Little Italy.
It was unclear this morning if they had been vandalized as well.

Whites are the largest demographic of welfare and government assistance recipients, that happen to live in red states. Those statues have nothing to do with poverty, nor the millions more of whites living in poverty than blacks.
Funny how this destruction of statutes that have nothing to do with Confederate. Just another cop out! It’s just an excuse to vandalize and throw tantrums.
I think that this kind of behavior is going to result in far more racism than we had before. Now that we realize there are whole swaths of the populace who feel no common purpose and history as Americans but who are permanently angry and aggrieved at the rest of us. They will not be placated short of the rest of us renouncing our history–and actually, not even then.
Be mad at the Democratic Party, the party of slavery and the KKK for perpetuating the victim mentality for well over a 100 years, not some statues.

Feb 6, 2007
[h=2]Someone destroyed Baltimore’s 200-year-old monument to Christopher Columbus with a sledgehammer this morning.[/h]



Active member
Jun 18, 2007


You`re people are destroying my country.

Black people always crying the fucking blues.

We cant get a NFL head coaching job.
We can`t get any nominations at the Oscars
We always get pulled over by cops.

Fuck off!
Dec 11, 2006
Wish the obelisk fell on his head as he sledged away.

These people really want another civil war.

Oct 29, 2005

This is getting outta hand...


Jan 15, 2010
Don't really care about statues, if a community don't want it, auction it off, make some money, and let someone who cares put it on private property. The Ironic thing about the civil war statues is that most of the were put up by racist Democrats during the Jim Crow era, and now democrats want to vote to take them down. It's not my community, but why should conservatives even care. All this bull shit was created by Democrats, closing down a park or statue and putting it into private hands, like a Museum, or some private property, sounds like smaller government to me, as long as it's done properly through proper channels. To all the Antifa that don't believe in respecting property, rather public, or private, and destroy the property, with no regard for the rule of law and proper channels, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Jan 17, 2007

This is getting outta hand...


yeah this is really getting out of hand now.

How come they're not blaming the European settlers that brought them over in the first place ??

Like Seymour's story, if it wasn't for the History, they wouldn't be here Today

Maybe they just want to erase Everything in History and Start over from Obama !

Sep 21, 2004
i think i will have someone make me a obama and martin luther king statues and then rent a public place and hired a few people to tear the shit of them in the open
Feb 6, 2007
You`re people are destroying my country.

Black people always crying the fucking blues.

We cant get a NFL head coaching job.
We can`t get any nominations at the Oscars
We always get pulled over by cops.

Fuck off!

My people are your people. What are you destroying bro? Why would you do that
Feb 6, 2007
Nominations at Oscars hahahhahahhahahaha. And they had to make it a law in the nfl to interview black coaches lol. Probably because no owner wanted to sign one lol. The rooney rule. Would make sense if 70% of the leagye is black. To at least interview them. How would it look fot 70% of blacks working for all whites? We wouldn't hear the end of slavery. Come on man. You know this.

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