There is no way you are going to scalp a wager with 1 million outcomes and assure a profit no matter who wins. Books dont give fair odds on the longshots. For instance the longest shot should be something like 10,000,000 to 1 odds ( if there are 1 million outcomes ) and you will be getting maybe 40 to 1 odds.
That is like trying to cover every team on the prop -- WHO WILL WIN THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP. You can go find the best price available on every team and you still wont be close to a scalp. Teams like Orlando should be 50,000 to 1 and you probably cant find them at 500 to 1.
As far as scalping a 4 team division, that may be more likely but I still doubt you could truly scalp it. Yes, you could just ignore the Jets and The Bills and get NE at + 150 and Miami at +125 and call that a scalp. But, it isnt really a scalp if there exists a possibility that you might lose.
If you do get lucky and find good enough odds on all teams to make a real scalp, you will probably be risking $50,000 to make $100 profit.
In a 4 month season, you have to be making at least 3 % profit I would say ( that is close to a 10 % APR ). If you are only making back .2 % on what you have to invest, you might as well leave the money in a 4 % C.D. . That way you dont have to worry about the book that has the winning play going under as well.