so if you were trying to win 500 on the st louis series , you risked ( and lost ) roughly $ 5500 trying to do it ?
3350/ 2645
is that about right ?
actually tried to win $250 so i lost 11 units on St. Louis. Bringing my season record to 180-12 +118 units (not counting the Oakland close last night).@)
BOL to you:toast:
you tried to win 250 .. meaning a unit is 50 , cause you were trying to win 5 units.
if all 3 games were like -130 ( which is real close )
you would have risked
that means you lost $ 2791
that would be about 56 units . 2791 / 50
how did you count it as an 11 unit loss ?
just wondering about the math
your correct sir... 180-12 +73 units
i'm wondering if your math on the other 11 series losses was correct.
not hating here , just wanting accurate info.
the 3 game chase needs to hit at an incredible 93 or 94 % rate to make a penny.
a typical 3 game chase involving a -130 fav would lose $ 1117 trying to win 100 .
which means even if you hit the next 11 in a row , you still havent broken even.
i would like to see you pick maybe 3 or 4 to chase instead of 8 to 10 .
good luck
Your right up close to 6,000 for the year. Hard to cut a system play. Then it becomes Russian Roulette. ^<<^
if you have a specific criteria you use to produce that many series , then proceed on .
here is a little tid bit for ya.
i was looking at home stands . every team in the majors with the exception of washington ( who i didnt track ) won a game by game 4 of a long home stand.
GM1 30
GM2 11
GM3 4
GM4 3
GM1 29
GM2 15
GM3 6
GM4 2
This was as of a week ago. As you can see its never lost . And out by game 3 94 % in the AL and 96 % in the NL.