Clinton's Africa trip cost millions: Pentagon paid price for mission.(Nation)
Washington Times, The , September, 1999 by Boyer, Dave
<!-- BEGIN WIDGET: FA Article Tools --><!--premium article-->
<!--// id="fa_paid_article" --> <!-- google_ad_section_start (name=s1 weight=.7) --> President Clinton's six-nation tour of Africa last year to make amends for slavery was a $43 million taxpayer-funded apology that robbed money from the U.S. military, a Republican senator said yesterday. Sen. Larry E. Craig, Idaho Republican and chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, released a government report detailing three presidential trips in 1998 that cost a total of $72.1 million.
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<!--innerMod--> <!-- google_ad_section_start (name=s2 weight=.3) --> The Africa excursion from March 22 to April 2, 1998, included about 1,300 persons whose travel was paid for by the federal government. On that trip, Mr. Clinton expressed regret ...