Ok. Apologies. I do appreciate the response.
Lemme try to come at this from another angle.
Do teams ever run someone out there too many times because of what he did last year? Or course. We're probably going to run into the same thing this year with arrieta.
See what I mean?
i think it's sports. When someone has their best year and it's in the level like an arrieta had, a porcello even, and to a little lesser extent wright, they can repeat that. So only one way to go, people think it's mediocrity, but reality it's back just a little most likely from a relaxed state, a high. Look at Dallas kuechel, dominated two years ago, no way to repeat that level of success, and he did not. But now look at him, young enough to rebound and practice to get back to that elite status.
This is above theory is why the tiger woods, lebrons, etc of the world are label elites and not just good.
A more narrow scope is a pitcher coming off a no hitter. They usually have a fairly short outting giving up more than a couple hits and runs.