From Pro Poker Player
"Kennedy was ruled by the Catholic Church"
"aboritions would quadruple over a few years"
"liberals want to control your political freedoms"
"destruction of the constitution and the enslavement of its
people to build a new world gov.."
"liberty will soon be a four letter word"
All five statements are incredible. Maybe one would argue you
are taking them out of context, please go read the whole thing.
Number 1--any proof at all, of course not complete nonsense.
Number 2--when in doubt just throw out any number you like. (quadruple)
Where does that come from, please?
Number 3--"liberals want to control your personal freedoms"
Another lad that doesn't know the mean of the word. The f...
liberals, I think they are probably the devil
Number 4--This is J Kerry's main goal, it has been a secret up to
now. He fought in VN to come back here and figure out a way
to destroy the constiution and enslave us.
Number 5-libety will soon be a four letter word.
On this one he could be correct, if Shrub wins the election.
I read this post, and I reread it and I thought, well I didn't really
know what to think. First, I said this must be a joke-no really for
a second I did think that. Then, I went blank, I admit I was dumbfounded
couldn't think of one thing to say. I still am in a semi type coma, spinning
like a top and trying to get my senses back. I am not trying to be
dramatic here, I am serious. Took a swig of 7 up with a little whiskey
and came back to my keyboard. Still not sure how to reply.
Please remember I just finished reading about 60 pages of Molly Ivins
"who let the dogs in" so you can easily understand my confusion.
Find it unbelievable that any person would have enough ba...
to print such garbage. I just can't say anymore. Help me guys,
maybe I had a small storke. Please!