I'm always amazed at how successful extortionists can be. For about 10 years it was the norm for better restaurants and pubs in Budapest to pay extortion money. Starting entrepreneurs knew it was part of the deal and they calculated with it like a type of tax. Interestingly, they were able to cheat on taxes by not declaring most of the income etc. so in the end it evened out for them.
Government officials were paid off by the mafiosi to leave them alone, higher payoffs at higher levels, and the mafiosi provided better protection than the police. If the owner forgot to unlock the door at night, he wouldn't have much to worry about.
Ironically the system worked much the same as the American system, only the various de facto roles and payments were not officially part of the legal system, so the average naive voter got screwed. For the restauranteur it was a doable thing and for the mafiosi and politicians it was a great deal.
Today it's similar except the thugs represent actual security companies who charge exorbitant prices with an oligopoly to keep them that way, but at least they give a valid invoice and pay taxes, so the average Joe also gets a cut. But restaurant prices have gone up sharply so Joe has to give his cut back when he dines out, but at least it's Joe's choice now, unlike in the past.
Our modern world has come a long way from the pure principles handed down from the early inhabitants of our respective lands. It's a shame really and to get such reminders like these successful sportsbook extortions is quite depressing in my view.