Do the people commenting understand OU is a public university? I know Nick doesn't, but anyone else reading may want to understand that and consider the ramifications.
Racist speech is constitutionally protected. There is
case law on this and it doesn't support the OU President.
I hope these students sue OU and the President loses his job over this.
This is why I kind of brought this up in the first place. From the LA Times:
But at least two legal experts say the fraternity’s racist song, although offensive, may be protected by the 1st Amendment.
“The irony here is that [Boren is] arguing he’s protecting the rights of some students while infringing on the 1st Amendment rights of other students,” said Joey Senat, an associate professor who teaches media law at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. “The speech is offensive, the speech is abhorrent, but the 1st Amendment protects unpopular speech.”
Eugene Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, agreed. “Racist speech is constitutionally protected, just as is expression of other contemptible ideas; and universities may not discipline students based on their speech,” Volokh wrote in the
Washington Post.“That has been the unanimous view of courts that have considered campus speech codes and other campus speech restrictions.”