Can a university expel students because they are racist?


May 27, 2007
Words from Oklahoma's President today after a video was released this week showing members of a fraternity using racial derogatory terms on a private outing.

I guess he can do pretty much whatever he wants to do.

"I have acted today to expel two students who were leaders in the singing of a racist chant."

Sep 5, 2010
Words from Oklahoma's President today after a video was released this week showing members of a fraternity using racial derogatory terms on a private outing.

I guess he can do pretty much whatever he wants to do.

"I have acted today to expel two students who were leaders in the singing of a racist chant."

I'll bet the parents are proud

New member
Sep 11, 2005
Yes a University absolutely can expel a student for this. There is a rumor that one OU football commit has decommitted because of the video and im sure there would have been more fallout from this if nothing was done.

Too many people misunderstand what the term freedom of speech means. It does not mean that you can say whatever comes to mind without repercussions. It means that you cannot be arrested for saying what you think, although even this has its limitations.

OU really had no choice but to act fast and swiftly. I do admit that it still came as a surprise.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Ummm, Vlad, you're up.....

New member
Sep 15, 2010
Thought the letter by the school President was a little funny. In one sentence he says " You will be expelled because of your leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant which has created a hostile educational environment for others." What the fuck? Why did he not just stop at racist chant? Is he clueless?

Pretty much the definition of any frat or sorority is exclusion. People are excluded from frats and sororities for all kinds of superficial reasons and I would say a large percentage of fraternities create a hostile educational environment on campus. It is not like everyone that applies gets accepted. And this is coming from someone who was in a frat.
May 8, 2014
It's true pocket. A place of higher education? Ok, then lets get every jackass that is unable to put a sentence together here.

Basketball would be better too. Funny that you never hear of the lack of whites in the NBA but they want to talk about it like crazy in MLB.
Dec 21, 2008
It's true pocket. A place of higher education? Ok, then lets get every jackass that is unable to put a sentence together here.

Basketball would be better too. Funny that you never hear of the lack of whites in the NBA but they want to talk about it like crazy in MLB.

Have you had any black friends ever? Or you just have bad experiences with black people? I know a lot of black people who are noble, educated and will not think twice about helping someone.

Don't get me wrong, I hate thugs, don't matter the race.
May 8, 2014
Go to any poor city or poor part of town; what do you see? Some have been getting tons of assistance and handouts for decades.

I have a solution to these problems. We could even roll it out into parts

Jul 4, 2012
Yes a University absolutely can expel a student for this. There is a rumor that one OU football commit has decommitted because of the video and im sure there would have been more fallout from this if nothing was done.

Too many people misunderstand what the term freedom of speech means. It does not mean that you can say whatever comes to mind without repercussions. It means that you cannot be arrested for saying what you think, although even this has its limitations.

OU really had no choice but to act fast and swiftly. I do admit that it still came as a surprise.

You of course are 100% wrong and have literally no idea what you are talking about.

Jul 4, 2012
Do the people commenting understand OU is a public university? I know Nick doesn't, but anyone else reading may want to understand that and consider the ramifications.

Racist speech is constitutionally protected. There is case law on this and it doesn't support the OU President.

I hope these students sue OU and the President loses his job over this.

Jul 4, 2012
Words from Oklahoma's President today after a video was released this week showing members of a fraternity using racial derogatory terms on a private outing.

I guess he can do pretty much whatever he wants to do.

"I have acted today to expel two students who were leaders in the singing of a racist chant."

No, he can't just do whatever he wants. This is still America.

Students generally may not be expelled, suspended, or otherwise disciplined for what they say in student newspapers, at demonstrations, in out-of-class conversations, and the like. The Supreme Court made this clear in Papish v. Board of Curators, 410 U.S. 667 (1973), and Healy v. James, 408 U.S. 169 (1972). Lower courts have followed suit, especially in the late 1980s and 1990s cases that have struck down student speech codes. See, e.g., Dambrot v. Central Michigan Univ., 55 F.3d 1177 (6th Cir. 1995); Iota Xi v. George Mason Univ., 993 F.2d 386 (4th Cir. 1993); UWM Post v. Univ. of Wisc., 74 F. Supp. 1163 (E.D. Wis. 1991); Doe v. Univ. of Mich., 721 F. Supp. 852 (E.D. Mich. 1989).

May 27, 2007
Do the people commenting understand OU is a public university? I know Nick doesn't, but anyone else reading may want to understand that and consider the ramifications.

Racist speech is constitutionally protected. There is case law on this and it doesn't support the OU President.

I hope these students sue OU and the President loses his job over this.

This is why I kind of brought this up in the first place. From the LA Times:

But at least two legal experts say the fraternity’s racist song, although offensive, may be protected by the 1st Amendment.

The irony here is that [Boren is] arguing he’s protecting the rights of some students while infringing on the 1st Amendment rights of other students,” said Joey Senat, an associate professor who teaches media law at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. “The speech is offensive, the speech is abhorrent, but the 1st Amendment protects unpopular speech.”

Eugene Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, agreed. “Racist speech is constitutionally protected, just as is expression of other contemptible ideas; and universities may not discipline students based on their speech,” Volokh wrote in the Washington Post.“That has been the unanimous view of courts that have considered campus speech codes and other campus speech restrictions.”
May 8, 2014
Have you had any black friends ever? Or you just have bad experiences with black people? I know a lot of black people who are noble, educated and will not think twice about helping someone.

Don't get me wrong, I hate thugs, don't matter the race.

I bet they are running around Costa Rica like crazy. i have played sports with them, have had conversations although I can hardly understand their jibberish. They think everything is hilarious and have to dance all the time. I could go in depth about this but not now. Just do a little research.

And when someone tells you how educated a Tyrone McCorbin is that he could have went to Stanford, look into it. If a highly publicized academic school like Stanford had 99% whites/ Asian, what would happen? Look at the Forbes 400. Money doesn't discriminate.

May 27, 2007
I bet they are running around Costa Rica like crazy. i have played sports with them, have had conversations although I can hardly understand their jibberish. They think everything is hilarious and have to dance all the time. I could go in depth about this but not now. Just do a little research.

And when someone tells you how educated a Tyrone McCorbin is that he could have went to Stanford, look into it. If a highly publicized academic school like Stanford had 99% whites/ Asian, what would happen? Look at the Forbes 400. Money doesn't discriminate.

And just think, a guy like this says he coaches kids at the High School level :(. He's the guy I read about that does the dumbest shit on school grounds and gets fired on the spot.

Dec 21, 2008
I bet they are running around Costa Rica like crazy. i have played sports with them, have had conversations although I can hardly understand their jibberish. They think everything is hilarious and have to dance all the time. I could go in depth about this but not now. Just do a little research.

And when someone tells you how educated a Tyrone McCorbin is that he could have went to Stanford, look into it. If a highly publicized academic school like Stanford had 99% whites/ Asian, what would happen? Look at the Forbes 400. Money doesn't discriminate.

Dude, your jibberish is hard to keep up to as well, and is not that I don't get it, is that you don't make any sense... When you generalize like this, no matter how smart you think you are or how many encyclopedia words you say, you still look dumb.

Feb 28, 2005
This will be interesting to follow and we all know it's not over w/ the expulsion.

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