Calling all libs/protesters come 1 come all.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
watch Fox news network Fair & balanced news.The home of the "NO-SPIN-ZONE" Come on try it you may learn something new. P.S............. ......... BUSH IN 2004............... LIBERALISM IS DYING YOU WILL SEE...LMFAO
I prefer a variety of news sources consisting, but not limited to, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, Democracy Now, Pacifica, CNN, & C-SPAN.

The more source you read results in more views which results in a better chance of deriving the truth.

P.S. Voting is private for a reason - NOBODY cares who the hell YOU want .. LMAO.
lander, is it just cause this is mainly a gambling forum, or am i getting this correctly and the political conciousness and thought of most americans leaves much to be desired?

I dont blame em, us here in europe have been through 2 wars in this century, political uprisings, civil wars, student rebellions (march of 1968), anarchist takeovers (spains), fascism, you name it, the full monty, while for most americans, and i am not being ironic here, most labour reactions and from what i ve read there was plenty at the beginning of this century, the labour movement was crashed between the twin moronic stones of democans and republicrats. Sadly enough there's a recent wave of ultra consumerism and the taming of political consciousness in europe as well, but there are hopefull signs from the states as well, the internet has helped a lot in that, scares the shit out of the owners of this world to know that a kid might be in front of a media that they have not managed to control yet that facilitates the free flow of information, huge change from the 1950s kid who got a "the commies are coming" ad in his tv. Still i think change is by far not emminent, as gore vidal once said, not all americans are conservative, half of them are, the rest are reactionary.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
face it your a born MORON...Inbreed

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>...the political conciousness and thought of most americans leaves much to be desired?
...I dont blame em, us here in europe have been through 2 wars in this century, political uprisings, civil wars, student rebellions (march of 1968), anarchist takeovers (spains), fascism, you name it, the full monty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! Comparing the plight of a continent, with 40+ countries (many that are thousands of years old), to one country that is less than 250 yrs old...

What’s your point??

Your writing style suggests that an intelligent person is behind the keyboard, but your senseless opinions' beg to differ...



Plus ça change, Plus c'est la même chose
Jack Dee,
I suspect there's much truth behind your thoughts. Years back I had a similiar blind attitude (but an apparently higher education) than "CAN-YOU-DIG-IT" (which btw is a popular phrase of a WWF wrestler - probably explaining his nature) and others. The best thing that happened to me was taking a job from with an English Company in NY. Not that there's a 180 between US and British philsophies, but I was astounded at the contrant in coverages between the BBC & the major American medias. That's more or less what sparked my interest in US Politics and World News.

I figured I just assumed that the US was superior to the rest of the world & that everyone that hated the US was merely jealous of our prosperity. While in some part that may certainly hold true, I'm amazed at the ignorance behind such (sadly common) assertions.

Yes, we are a great nation because of our freedoms, but when hundred of our own are fleeing to Canada in hopes of refuge simply because they have been unfairly labeled as terrorists (without charge or conviction) by their Pakistani decent, then one must assume that there is something has gone horribly wrong ... while the appeasers may call me a "dove" or an "idiot" .. the fact still lies that unless they are of Native American decent then there families at some point were no different than these Pakistani families seeking refuge.

And yeah, some biggot will quickly point out how they might be dangerous "muslim fanatics", but let's hope that their own blood is free of Irish, Russian, German, and many other common European nationalities intertwined with mafia & terrorist acts and just as intertwined with American immigration or they'd be hypocrites - the lowest of all liars.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WOW! Lander >>>

"when hundred of our own are fleeing to Canada in hopes of refuge simply because they have been unfairly labeled as terrorists (without charge or conviction) by their Pakistani decent, then one must assume that there is something has gone horribly wrong ... while the appeasers may call me a "dove" or an "idiot" .. the fact still lies that unless they are of Native American decent then there families at some point were no different than these Pakistani families seeking refuge."

Do you really believe half of the $hit that spews from your mouth???? God, I wish I was a fraction of the man you think you are. Do you wake up and laugh when you look at yourself in the mirror every morning???



Plus ça change, Plus c'est la même chose
Please tell me how you ended up in the whacko thread of the month. Only thing missing here is some crackpot saying god will get you for the way you think. You have ventured into the Cuckoo's Nest:
What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it. .... Randle Patrick McMurphy aka Jack Nicholson.

I can't help it if facts disturb you, but you bring up a good point, "when hundred of our own are fleeing to Canada", was innacurrately typed. It should read "when thousands of our own are fleeing to Canada".

For a prophet, you sure have a hard time with FACTS

I'm starting to believe that the righties know only 5 words - "unhuh, YOU'RE LYING - Go Georgie".

But I'm ok with that. Afterall, I suppose intelligence is all relative, so without all these idiots running around spewing this rightie nonsense there wouldn't be anyone to make us look good

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