Call_Me_Marquee aka Catsoverunders


New member
Jan 7, 2013
For those of you who don't know "Call_Me_Marquee", he is a former poster here at the Rx and his old handle here was "Catsoverunders". He ditched that name after he went tout and failed, and now he's back. If you would like a little confirmation just search his old name and read his threads and style of writing and you will see that his denial of such is all a lie. He's trying to hide from that old handle because nobody liked him and he doesn't want anyone to know that he is a failed tout.

Anyway, he also enjoys stating in his threads that he's the best handicapper in the world and his win percentage, even though he has only posted 30 plays and only 6 sides, is among the best in the world lol. He also enjoys coming into my threads and other peoples threads bashing them and running his cockwasher in order to try to boost his popularity since his threads have the lowest views of any thread. So, I decided since he likes to make these false claims and since he thinks he's the best in the world and I'm the worst capper in this forum, which we all know that's a line of BS, I would make a thread for a little challenge.

Hey Marquee/Catsoverunders, let's have a little capper challenge the rest of the NFL season. Don't be scared or coward away let's show everyone how bad you are and how good I am. I'll agree to have anyone who wants to in this forum, be in charge of monitoring the picks as a 3rd party. Simple rules.....Pick every remaining game in the NFL, side or total, through the Super Bowl. It's only a few games but I would wager you wouldn't be above .500 lol. Let's see who can win more games of the 7 or so that we have left. NO TEASERS. I know you love those because you can't cap a side but we are doing just sides or totals. If you would like, after I embarrass you in the NFL, to continue into another sport just say the word. I'll continue until you say mercy.

Lets see how you do. Maybe this will get you to shut your mouth and show some respect to other cappers who are several notches above you. You ready? All you have to do is not be the coward that you are and agree. Hell, a mod can even be in charge of this, I don't care. Ready to do this Matt Zylbert? let's see if you have a backbone or if your just some dumb keyboard warrior who likes to trash other people like touts do.

Ill be waiting for your acceptance and we can start with this weekends games. Don't shy away with everyone watching. That would look awfully bad for you lol.

New member
Jan 7, 2013
"NFL 2016-17 Season Betting Record: 30-15-2 (66.7%) ... one of the best seasons in the History of the RX"

That is your signature that appears in all of your posts. Lets put that to the test kid. What do you say, huh? You up for it? I doubt it but let's see if you take the challenge or show the real coward that you really are.

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Hmmm. Where is he? Hiding? I know you read it coward. Lets go, YES OR NO.

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Anyone who would like to volunteer to start the challenge thread and monitor it say the word. I don't care who it is. It can be his mommy for all I care.

New member
Jan 7, 2013
He's a little to busy trolling in my threads I guess. Come on Call_Me_Marquee aka Catsoverunders. Its a simple YES or NO (Im a coward).

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Lol. Are you typing a essay of how great you are or how bad I am? Lol. 3 letters...YES or No big boy!

New member
Sep 11, 2016
For those of you who don't know "Call_Me_Marquee", he is a former poster here at the Rx and his old handle here was "Catsoverunders". He ditched that name after he went tout and failed, and now he's back. If you would like a little confirmation just search his old name and read his threads and style of writing and you will see that his denial of such is all a lie. He's trying to hide from that old handle because nobody liked him and he doesn't want anyone to know that he is a failed tout.

Anyway, he also enjoys stating in his threads that he's the best handicapper in the world and his win percentage, even though he has only posted 30 plays and only 6 sides, is among the best in the world lol. He also enjoys coming into my threads and other peoples threads bashing them and running his cockwasher in order to try to boost his popularity since his threads have the lowest views of any thread. So, I decided since he likes to make these false claims and since he thinks he's the best in the world and I'm the worst capper in this forum, which we all know that's a line of BS, I would make a thread for a little challenge.

Hey Marquee/Catsoverunders, let's have a little capper challenge the rest of the NFL season. Don't be scared or coward away let's show everyone how bad you are and how good I am. I'll agree to have anyone who wants to in this forum, be in charge of monitoring the picks as a 3rd party. Simple rules.....Pick every remaining game in the NFL, side or total, through the Super Bowl. It's only a few games but I would wager you wouldn't be above .500 lol. Let's see who can win more games of the 7 or so that we have left. NO TEASERS. I know you love those because you can't cap a side but we are doing just sides or totals. If you would like, after I embarrass you in the NFL, to continue into another sport just say the word. I'll continue until you say mercy.

Lets see how you do. Maybe this will get you to shut your mouth and show some respect to other cappers who are several notches above you. You ready? All you have to do is not be the coward that you are and agree. Hell, a mod can even be in charge of this, I don't care. Ready to do this Matt Zylbert? let's see if you have a backbone or if your just some dumb keyboard warrior who likes to trash other people like touts do.

Ill be waiting for your acceptance and we can start with this weekends games. Don't shy away with everyone watching. That would look awfully bad for you lol.

Wow, uh, this is pathetic lmaooooo

I get the comparisons, the guy was an all-time great here, finished in 1st Place in MLB Totals on Vegas Insider in '13 and '14, and 3rd in NFL Totals in '15, while also faring well for his weekly USA Today baseball pitchers column, that's flattering.

So thinking that, that's why you attempt To troll me and get my attention as much as possible? That's basically stalking and calls for banishment. And it's pretty creepy. I mean, you've ALREADY BEEN BANNED FOR STALKING AND GOING INTO OTHER PEOPLES THREADS, and you continue to do the SAME EXACT THING JUMPING INTO MINE AND STARTING YOUR BULLSHIT. Retard, you posted in my thread first (which can be proven by time stamps, by the way. Wanna bet on it? Oh I'm sure you'll turn that down also), that's the only reason I wasted my time going into your threads (that are read by 25 people lmao!!! Yeah, I saw that one thread that YOU pumped up with page views, which can also be proven by the number of "Unique Visitors", wanna bet on that also??) and responding to your usual crap.

When have I ever jumped into anyone else's threads??? Lmao another delusional lie from this worthless piece of shit who is probably the most useless member at the RX. That, too, can be proven by simply looking at my post history. How fucking dumb are you??

Sooo now we can add "Bad_Cat lies about everything" to the list of why hes so hated by everyone here. Loses in all of his threads, has a 40% winning percentage, then constantly tries to HIDE AND RE-STARTS HIS RECORDS IN NEW THREADS, continues going into other peoples threads (think about it RETARD: why the fuck would I go into your thread that are visited by 25 people?? You come into MINE that get 5,000+ JUSTA FOR ATTENTION. YOU'VE BEEN BANNE FROM THE RX FOR THIS VERY REASON BEFORE)

I already gave you a bet moron and its an even EASIER bet to win! Take it or leave it: We go through ALL OF YOUR POSTED NFL PLAYS ON THE RX THIS SEASON and see if you even finished above 44%. Ok, is that fair??? If you finish Over 44.5% on your posted NFL plays this year, you win the bet and I pay you whatever amount you want. If its below 44.5%, which I'm very very very sure it is, I win the bet. Very simple, surely you hit above 44% this year????? Right??? Oh wait you didn't, WHICH IS WHY YOU'RE ALWAYS RE-STARTING YOUR RECORD AND STARTING 29753 THREADS.

Deal??? Can a Mod make that happen?? A very simple request. Bad_Cat's winning % on posted NFL plays this year: Over/Under 44.5%

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Lol I knew you were typing a lame essay. I don't give a fuck if my posted plays are 0-200. I could give a fuck.

YES or NO to the capping challenge? Simple answer. Nobody cares about all your other bullshit dude. Accept or run like a coward. Its simple.




New member
Jan 7, 2013
Lol. Are you really going to decline in front of everyone? All the shit talking that you do. Your the greatest blah, blah, blah. Come on brah!

New member
Sep 11, 2016
Lol I knew you were typing a lame essay. I don't give a fuck if my posted plays are 0-200. I could give a fuck.

YES or NO to the capping challenge? Simple answer. Nobody cares about all your other bullshit dude. Accept or run like a coward. Its simple.




Lol. Are you really going to decline in front of everyone? All the shit talking that you do. Your the greatest blah, blah, blah. Come on brah!


"I don't give a fuck if my posted plays are 0-200. I could give a fuck." - A Real Quote from Bad_Cat hahahagahahahahahahahaha is this real life????? How does he not get banned --AGAIN-- for this stupidity alone?? Come on is this real? This troll is funny

Man I can see you practically begging... Too bad I don't waste my time with low-life scrub trolls who are praying they can get my attention for some random three-game contest.

I laid out the bet, dickhead: If your winning % this year was over 43/44%, I'll pay you whatever money you want. AND I'll tell ya what.. If your winning % was above 43/44, I'll enter this random three-bet contest with you. LMAOOO deal??? Prove to me you were even 44% this year and I'll do it. Simple request.

May 16, 2008
Cat asked you to walk the walk, you'd rather talk the talk....that's checkmate where i come from - either put up or shutup

New member
Sep 11, 2016
Cat asked you to walk the walk, you'd rather talk the talk....that's checkmate where i come from - either put up or shutup

LMAOO yes because you really know what's going on here. How brain dead are you? He wants to do his little TWO OR THREE GAME CONTEST BECAUSE ANY IDIOT CAN GO 2-0 or 3-0.

And I said I'd gladly do it... He just has to show me he hit More than 44% this year on his NFL Plays. He started a 100 different threads constantly re-starting his losing records, prove to me he's even worth dealing with. Youre not supposed to give obvious trolls like Bad_Cat attention. I'm one of the biggest people here, with one of the best posted records, with one of the most-read threads on the entire site, and he's... Bad_Cat, one of the worst cappers in the history of this site who has a below 44% record. He has everything to gain and nothing to lose on a three-game competition that is the smallest sample size of all-time. Not how it works, pal, and 99% of people agre with me.

Or, again, if he simply shows he hit more than 44% of his plays this season and playoffs, ill gladly do it. But not going to reward some clown troll who is just blatantly looking for attention, who has been banned multiple times for the SAME GODDAMN THING, yet is still doing the same shit that got him banned in the first place

New member
Sep 11, 2016
So, Bad_Cat, what do you say???? Very simple request. Document your plays and show you Over 44% this year. Please show us!!!! Please!!!

Since you always re-started your record and have the respect of no one. This is mandatory if you want me to take your random, fluke 3-game challenge... Oh, and that's probably why you're one of the worst "handicappers" (you flip coins and win 40% of the time so can't even call you that) in the history of the site. You just automatically assume and prefer to force bets wayyyy ahead of time, that's what losers do, and another reason why to are the biggest loser on this site, begging for my attention to try and impress the forum that universally hates you and talked so much shit about you while you were banned... News flash, I have my eyes on maybe one of the four games this weekend, may not even bet one of the two Conference title games, and who the hell knows what the Super Bowl matchup is? You. Are. Pathetic.

And you're about to be banned, YET AGAIN, for randomly starting shit

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Lol your the dumbass who came into my threads running your cockwasher you punk.

YES or No to the CAPPING challenge. Let me say this again. I don't give a fuck if I'm 20%, 30%, 40%, 70%. It doesn't matter to me as much as it is to you.

YES or NO? Challenge or are you going to run like a coward. Come on tout. Scared?


I asked the wanna be rejected tout to, "walk the walk, you'd rather talk the talk....that's checkmate where i come from - either put up or shutup"

Guess what kid. I just put up with a challenge but it looks like the coward will remain a coward lol

New member
Jan 7, 2013

Like your buddy said. Put up or shut up. Accept my challenge rejected tout? Huh? Come on coward. Let's do it. Come on kid. I mean you are the self proclaimed "Best capper in the history of the rx" lmfao

New member
Jan 7, 2013
I even have a respected Rx member that will provide the challenge thread and moderate the picks. You don't have to do anything but post your losing picks for the rest of the NFL playoffs. Come on tout.

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Lmfao. You talk all this shit then run when challenged. Your one of those who gets their lunch money taken. Come on boy. 7 games left in the NFL. Let's see how you do head up with me.

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