The amount of people who don't understand business and political economics is astounding, yet they open their mouths and prove themselves dumb.
we have a Canadian here commenting on American politics and bitching? Lol.
Trumps best eat interest have been to make his companies and brands as profitable as possible. Specifically the textile industry, it must go over seas to compete in Department stores and box stores. So sure, his went over seas and the previous regimes, Obama, bush, Clinton, allowed him to do so with tax incentives and tax breaks. But you weren't bitch then? Too many team players showing their heads and ignorance.
Also, before you hang trumps brands, you should learn what it takes for a product to be called American made. There are some real good examples out there like a men's tie, it will be transported sometimes 3-4 times in the mnfg process before its packaged to be sold. Mnfg threads in foreign country, send threads to America to be colored/died, send back to a different country to be stitched, send to America to be labeled, send back to a different foreign country (most likely Mexico here where the two previous trips where assign countries) for packaging/distribution. You now have an American tie... Just plain stupid.
Previous regimes, Obama and previous made it so difficult to be competitive in the American market place on items manufactured here. Trump is trying to make that better so companies of all kinds will bring mnfg back. Not that hard to see, but many are such team players that since he isn't "their team" they can't think critically and independently. Goes for both sides actually