I never see any of you say the same about Saddam or OBL, seems strange. Never saw the same outcry when Clintoon bombed Bosnia and Iraq, seems bombs with R's are bad and bombs with D's are good. I never saw the liberals cry about the 76 billion spent on bombing Bosnia for the radical Muslims. Could you explain the clear hypocrisy?
The "clear hypocrisy" of which you speak
cuts both ways, why are you and people like you, so willing to forgive one "side" (ie. Republican) and show nothing but contempt for the other "side" (ie. Democrat). They are two sides of
the same coin. If it is wrong for one it is wrong for both, period.
Why don't you include, in your analysis, the first attempt at bombing the Trade Centre. This terrorist thing is
nothing new. Regardless of which SCUMBAG, PUPPET is voted in the system is essentially the same. Democrats throw bombs in Bosnia, Republicans throw bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. From a macroscopic perspective the world still witness the good ole' boys from the USA throwing bombs and killing whomever they see fit.
IT IS NO WONDER you have people from around the globe wanting to TERRORIZE your country. Does anybody truly believe you will eradicate "evil" and "danger" from the globe ? Terrorism is not something that exists in a bubble ... it is the result of a COGNISANT decision to WREAK HAVOC on other human beings .... when the US can justify any and all the things it does, why are you surprised when others justify their extreme measures ??
Will people ever wake up and realize we are ALL ON THE SAME PIECE OR ROCK HURTLING THROUGH SPACE. There is nothing particularly special, or inherently "good" about the way your corner of the globe has progressed ... you are but one example of how to live on this planet ... YOURS IS NOT THE ONLY nor BEST WAY to live.