Bush is a Lying SOB, He`s the One not Supporting our Troops


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
While the american public is being diverted w/the Iraq invasion, the Republican Congress is slipping the budget & tax cuts by during the confusion. Huge tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% and reduced programs in every category for the other 99% of us. Medicare, SS, programs for children, etc. But the most egregious aspect is his cutting 14 BILLION from Veteran`s programs, while sending us into his war!! I was at the VA hospital Friday and budget cuts have crippled every aspect of care. Where are the promises that were made to "take care of our boys"? Down the drain like this whole country`s gong to be after 4 yrs of the 7 Dwarfs! O&U, Patriot, FF, all you RW loonies give me a justification for cutting VA benefits, while sending our guys over to be killed and wounded. But we can give his oil & gas buddies ALL the tax breaks in the world. We ALL need to support the troops! Why doesn`t the "Commander and Chief"??

I love my country but fear my government.
Most if not all of that stuff would be passed anyway, war or not...

Remember, the Repubs own all 3 branches of gov't.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Please at least post references with respect to the cuts in the VA. Also, I support Bush on this war, I have said before I don't agree with him on all subjects under the sun. but before I respond, I'd like to see what bill that was, when it passed and who supported it, Democrats included. Thanks.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
First of all FF you`re missing the point. I know all too well who controls the ship. And of course this bill will pass. The POINT is some of these cuts should never have been part of the pkg in the first place. Jazz, this is all part of Bush`s tax cut proposal currently on the floor of the Senate. A total cut of 726 Bil, w/approx 500 Bil worth of cuts for the upper 1%, paid for by cutting programs for the rest of us w/475 Bil in cuts, one of which is 14 Bil for Veteran`s. On one hand we have all the rhetoric calling for sacrifices in a time of war on the floors of Congress, which is to be expected. But how does giving ea millionaire a $90.000 gift a sacrifice? The sacrifices are being made by our troops, who are being sold down the river by their "Leader"?. This bill has not passed yet, there was an effort by moderates to cut it down to 350 bil which was defeated last wk. Just as most of the posters on this board, the country is so busy worrying about Iraq, Dubya and "friends" are slipping this thru w/out a wimper of protest from the public. These cuts in taxes will paralyze this country and with the huge expenses to come as a result of this war I believe could lead to a depression. Yes we are a wealthy nation but our riches are finite. Call your Congressman NOW!!!

I love my country but fear my government.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'll look into the VA cuts, thanks, I have a disabled veteran brother, as far as the tax cuts, I never respond to simplistic arguments from either side since they are always BS - EITHER side. Lots of stuff to consider, I will admit, but I'm not up to the effort now of exhaustively reviewing the specific tax cuts. No offense.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I consider myself an "conservative liberal". There ARE some things I believe in not on the "liberal" ageda, i.e. The Death Penalty. I`m for it, against abortion, against affirmative action. And I HAVE to believe that there is some good in most RW Loonies. Also the war is now a moot subject, we`re in it let`s "kick ass"! Not like we did in Nam, a half assed effort by our govt. if there ever was one. Having said that and I also firmly believe this, Bush is not qualified to be our President, but he is, so I hope for the best. But what really worries me is what I consider a "heart of darkness" among his advisors. Mainly Cheney, Rumsfield, Wolfowitz, to name a few. I can`t believe Dubya is evil, but easily misled by those with motives that don`t have anything but profit and control in mind. They are leading this country down a path to ruin. We (veterans) shed our blood willingly for love of country and would do it again. But not for elements within the government unworthy of that sacrifice! God bless this Nation, we need it!!

I love my country but fear my government.
>First of all FF you`re missing the point.

How so?

This is how YOU started this thread "While the american public is being diverted w/the Iraq invasion..."

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I`ve noticed you have an amazing nack for taking things out of context. The remainder of the quote was actually the gist of the post. The post wasn`t ABOUT THE WAR, which is a fait accompli. It`s about the obfuscation used by Dubya to pass an imbecilic TAX CUT! And the repercussions re. VA hospitals. Either you`re being deliberately obtuse OR we have another "C" student on our hands.

I love my country but fear my government.
>It`s about the obfuscation used by
>Dubya to pass an imbecilic TAX CUT!

Great strategy on Dubya's part! Notice the proposed tax cut will be reduced BUT BUT now the White House has the Dems fussing over how much tax cut instead of touting "no tax cuts" their usual chant.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
silver, good work. I've changed my mind about Bush being an idiot. If he can manage to sell his budget and tax cuts to go along with this war then he is a genius...or at least an idiot savant(sp?). Bush is not pushing a 3rd round of tax cuts to go along with more spending and deficits increasing at a parabolic rate. If this isn't the most idiotic economic policy this country has ever seen, then I don't know what is.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
FF, yeah great strategy. He's been doing that every year and adding on top to the tax cuts and deficits year after year. There has to be someone on Capitol Hill standing up and demanding that the Admin come up with at least some sort of proposal on how to pay for the war other than adding to an already record deficit. Anyone???
>FF, yeah great strategy.

I agree... Dubya should be admired!

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
"If he can manage to sell his budget and tax cuts to go along with this war then he is a genius...or at least an idiot savant"

A genius? I don't know, but one thing he is for certain is IRRESPONSIBLE. We have a 300,000,000 deficit. We're slashing taxes during war? That only equals a larger deficit. Any idiot can (and does) borrow money, but (just like the war Bush isn't fighting) the burden to foot the bill will be on us, our kids & worse - our grandchildren.

The righties will continue to blindly praise Bush, but nobody can deny that Bush's economic proposals are naive & irresponsible.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lander: I assume since I don't know that you must trot this 'our children and grandchildren' line out when speaking of the enormous costs of the various social programs as well, yes?
Exacltly which social programs?

If you are counting eduction, then 'No', Bush is cutting this by over 100 million dollars.

My theory is since his daddy bought all of his (Prep school isn't for average Americans - in the economic sense, that is), the dummy figures the rest of America can afford private education too.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No, no, any of the massive social programs you may be in favor of - we've never discussed which, but I'm assuming you are consistent if you are, by prefacing your support of any program or proposal by using the same catch phrase as a way of being fair about it when using with respect to defense costs.
"No, no, any of the massive social programs you may be in favor of - "

No leading statements Jazz.
Ask about specific programs and I'll gladly give my view (if I have one) on each program.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jazz, I would. Cost is cost. The government spends way too much on a lot of BS. Repubs sort of throw out this stuff here and there but where is their initiative to do anything about this? I don't hear Bush talking specifically about cutting programs. If that's his plan to pay for it, then fine. But let's be honest about it. Tell us what your specific proposal is, how much will be cut/eliminated, the reasons it should be cut and how much it will save. And I want specifics. Don't just say 'social programs'. Tell me that you are cutting Head Smart, or AIDS research or whatever. If the policitian doesn't have the guts to say specifically what is being cut and why then it probably isn't justified. Of course the reality is that whatever cuts are planned will happen in secrecy slipped into bills, apparently like this VA cut.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lander: leading statement?

D2: I agree - in general I do think the government spends too goddamn much and is always looking to increase the taxes, with the welcome relief of some administrations. Whether I agree with the particular way to do it is another thing, but I am opposed to the view that government exists to shape society and to guide us along in life - govt does have importance but to me it's number 1 purpose is protection of this nation, and I wish it would get the hell out of the way on a lot of bullshit.

As far as what Bush is doing, I'm not arguing that - I have to say this one every 5 topics - I support Bush on this war, not on everything.

I'm also not launching into a debate on social programs with you, or now with anyone. That was not my intention in my earlier comments. My intention was simply to say to LANDER that this 'my children and grandchildren will have to pay' phrase has been all over the place recently but I do not recall the people using it now using it before - not Lander per se, but others including some local Democrats. It's the expediency of the moment and they are taking it - I'm just cynical about it, that's all, same as when people use the 'babies die in war' argument as if I'm going to swoon and say 'no mas'!


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