BUSH has created a disaster


Sep 22, 2004
According to some on here he's as great as FDR.

A man of vision and integrity.

Oct 21, 2004
that is too funny!!

I "pity the fool" who made that statement in here comparing Bush to FDR ...

If that is the case, living proof we should have to submit to take a breatherlizer before posting as folks say the dumbest things when drunk

Bush & FDR in the same sentence is a real slap in the face to FDR and on behalf of all Americans, I apologize for the ignorance of some of our fellow Americans

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Bush is awesome! actually, he gave us the best advice you could possibly get in this scenario. he said "hang in there" to the florida hurricane victims. (which was solid advice IMO. what else are you going to say to people who just lost family members and their homes)

well now it is some of us who feel the nation is kind of being victimized a bit

so people who actually give a hoot about the nation and the world: 'hang in there'

204 weeks of presidency left
and in 140 weeks or so we can start talking about the primarys :toast:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
excuse me Rob Funk

Somewhere along the line I got the impression that the country being victimised was Iraq. And the folk doing the victimising were the USA.

I have no idea where I got this impression from. The only straws I can clutch at are the thousands of dead & maimed civilians, the hundreds of thousand homeless & sleeping rough, the war crimes, the economic waste land scenario.

Apart from that all is fine and dandy over there.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You guys are sure gonna have alot to whine about the next 4 years. It should be quite amusing.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
i love the stick to my guns republican attitude "our boy is'nt doing a damn thing right and were all going to have to deal with it. naaaanananaaaa"

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Rob - I find your whining quite amusing! What'll you do when another Clarence Thomas gets nominated to the Supreme Court?

Wow, I can hear the teeth gnashing and vitriol spewing threats of death in the streets and a return to the Third Reich, and all the rest of the drivel that you commies haul out everty time the right does something that you disagree with.

I just wish there were no 22nd ammendment so Bush could run again, but Condi Rice as President will be OK with me.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
bblight said:
Rob - I find your whining quite amusing! What'll you do when another Clarence Thomas gets nominated to the Supreme Court?

Wow, I can hear the teeth gnashing and vitriol spewing threats of death in the streets and a return to the Third Reich, and all the rest of the drivel that you commies haul out everty time the right does something that you disagree with.

I just wish there were no 22nd ammendment so Bush could run again, but Condi Rice as President will be OK with me.
just more of the same BB. BB I know what youre doing with that post, but I wish the situation was as laughable for us as it was for some of these red states. at the end of the day, bush can do whatever he wants but mass will have great schooling, health care, job training, excellent economy, benefits and a system for those unemployed to not miss a step and get back to action, prisons that are like country clubs, I joked the other day pot holes make the 6 oclock news, sure enough last week randy price talked about some harvard kids with a new technological way to cut down pot holes, crime rate will still be low state wide, i live in a very small city we have enough police power to take down a medium sized riot its rediculous. we have the pats and the sox the awesome economy allows for fan support so great its retarded the sox have a 3.2 million large parade, minimum wage is 6.75 etc etc

BB I can be pro bush all day, because i know that mass is a finely tuned engine run by conservative dems they find a way to work well with republicans like romney and the few others. stuff gets done around here. you can put god damn osama as president, but the truth is mass does so well governing itself its irrelavant who sits in the white house.

but what about those poor red states?! nothing to support them in hard times, weak ass economy, no jobs, kids with 12 year old text books in 60 full classes with sorry low caliber teachers, no health care it goes on and on what those states unwillingly and unknowingly sacrafice to keep feeding the rich.

me, you and pat and a lot of other new englanders we can be hypocrits all day living in our plush little haven called massachusetts

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