Bush can go fuck himself ... ANWAR is like the phony "war on terror"

Oct 21, 2004
This guy:

1) Lies about everything
2) Is on crack cocaine and JD for breakfast
3) Has a base of COMPLETE DITTOHEADS that think this POS can walk on

Bush Press Conference: ANWR and Economic “Magic Wands”
By: SilentPatriot on Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 at 3:32 PM - PDT <script type="text/javascript"> digg_url = 'http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/04/29/bush-press-conference-anwr-and-economic-magic-wands/'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_title = 'Bush Press Conference: ANWR and Economic “Magic Wands”'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_skin = "compact"; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function() { var ds=typeof digg_skin=='string'?digg_skin:''; var h=80; var w=52; if(ds=='compact') { h=18; w=120; } var u=typeof digg_url=='string'?digg_url:(typeof DIGG_URL=='string'?DIGG_URL:window.location.href); document.write("<iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u="+escape(u)+(typeof digg_title=="string'?('&t='+escape(digg_title)):'')+(typeof digg_bodytext=='string'?('&b='+escape(digg_bodytext)):'')+(typeof digg_topic=='string'?('&c='+escape(digg_topic)):'')+(typeof digg_bgcolor=='string'?('&k='+escape(digg_bgcolor)):'')+(ds?('&s='+ds):'')+"' height='"+h+"' width='"+w+"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>"); } )() </script><iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u=http%3A//www.crooksandliars.com/2008/04/29/bush-press-conference-anwr-and-economic-magic-wands/&t=Bush%20Press%20Conference%3A%20ANWR%20and%20Economic%20%26%238220%3BMagic%20Wands%26%238221%3B&s=compact" frameborder="0" height="18" scrolling="no" width="120"></iframe>
During his nonsensical press conference today, President Bush argued that the best way to help the struggling economy and the staggering price of gas was to either start drilling immediately in ANWR or to get him a magic wand.
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Download | Play (h/t David)
Somehow if you mention ANWR it means you don’t care about the environment. Well, I’m hoping now people, when they say “ANWR,” means you don’t care about the gasoline prices that people are paying.

I think that if there was a magic wand, and say, okay, drop price, I’d do that.


Opening an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil development would only slightly reduce America’s dependence on imports and would lower oil prices by less than 50 cents a barrel, according to an analysis released Tuesday by the Energy Department.

It is a widely published estimate that 10.4 billion barrels of oil are in ANWR. United States consumption in 2004 was 20.7 million barrels per day. Why on earth would we destroy a pristine wildlife refuge for 500 days worth of oil?

The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels (3,200,000 m³) daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption — most is imported from Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[12] — the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m³), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was used to meet 100% of U.S. demand, it would last for 215 days under the low estimate, and 525 days or just 1.4 years if it contained 10.4 billion barrels (1,650,000,000 m³).

Telling us sheeple that ANWAR is part of the answer is like saying to me to tear down my garage and my roof won’t leak as much.

The U.S. needs the oil to dominate the world for the next 30 years. The oil the US uses every year is 146 billion gallons a year. One barrel is equal to 46 gallons. Between 5.7 (95 percent probability) and 16.0 (5 percent probability) billion barrels. A mathematical estimate of 2622000000000 gallons represents between (.17 to .27 )about 25-30 years of foreign oil supposedly lie in ANWR. ANWR will put off the question of oil for another three to five generations.

Then what? Energy consumption and fuel costs are already rising along with the prices. We already use too much energy getting off oil is the only solution. Bio-fuels need larger areas to sustain, harvest, and produce. The damage to ANWR is inestimable. Groups like the Venetie and Gwich’in are opposed to the drilling, while the Katovik agree with drilling to benefit a comfortable life and modernize. Does the United States need the development of Katovik? Yes, if they want to develop.

But at the cost of the other two native groups and their way of subsistence, I don’t think so.

These are great articles. Also Bush’s Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton was a paid shill put into place by Rand Corporation and Grover Nordquist to create the Astroturf environmental organization known as the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (C.R.E.A.), and likely ties to the Nature Conservancy groups. The monied know the gas tank is running on fumes and are trying to alleviate pressure.


Mar 7, 2005
LOL...only the Dems could rationalize not using your own oil.

I wonder why we spend so much over seas? Duh :think2:

Thank you Dems...for higher gas prices. :103631605

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
OK...lets actually look at ANWAR. I"ll provide the link later but this is something I saw National Geographic. Whether you people on the right wanna say that N.G. is a leftist propaganda show as well then...i can't help you.

In any case. Here's what the study deduced about this Northern region of Alaska.

Aproximate barrells of underground oil. = 1.7 billion barrels
Annual U.S. consumption of oil = 7.0 billion barrels / year
Net supply of oil after project = 3 months avail.
Time from breaking ground to consumer = 9 years.

Seems to me the overal all cost of starting a project up there equates to barely a drop in the bucket as far as what we need. Again I"ll find a link but the above I"m typing from memory from last night.

eitherway...that project in the Alaskan Bay makes no sense what so ever.
Jul 30, 2006
OK...lets actually look at ANWAR. I"ll provide the link later but this is something I saw National Geographic. Whether you people on the right wanna say that N.G. is a leftist propaganda show as well then...i can't help you.

In any case. Here's what the study deduced about this Northern region of Alaska.

Aproximate barrells of underground oil. = 1.7 billion barrels
Annual U.S. consumption of oil = 7.0 billion barrels / year
Net supply of oil after project = 3 months avail.
Time from breaking ground to consumer = 9 years.

Seems to me the overal all cost of starting a project up there equates to barely a drop in the bucket as far as what we need. Again I"ll find a link but the above I"m typing from memory from last night.

eitherway...that project in the Alaskan Bay makes no sense what so ever.

Let's give it a try and start the wheel in motion and see if those towel heads call our bluff. If they lower prices and increase output it worked. If they don't, fuck em all we'll use our oil until it's gone and then go and bomb the hell out of them and take their shit, like CW would do.

Mar 7, 2005
OK...lets actually look at ANWAR. I"ll provide the link later but this is something I saw National Geographic. Whether you people on the right wanna say that N.G. is a leftist propaganda show as well then...i can't help you.

In any case. Here's what the study deduced about this Northern region of Alaska.

Aproximate barrells of underground oil. = 1.7 billion barrels
Annual U.S. consumption of oil = 7.0 billion barrels / year
Net supply of oil after project = 3 months avail.
Time from breaking ground to consumer = 9 years.

Seems to me the overal all cost of starting a project up there equates to barely a drop in the bucket as far as what we need. Again I"ll find a link but the above I"m typing from memory from last night.

eitherway...that project in the Alaskan Bay makes no sense what so ever.

That is by far, the strangest analysis I have ever seen.

Mind blowing. Simply mind blowing the way the left thinks.

I realize you are just parroting lefty talking points...but think man.

C'mon! :ohno:

Jesus Christ.

New member
Sep 26, 2004
This guy:

1) Lies about everything
2) Is on crack cocaine and JD for breakfast
3) Has a base of COMPLETE DITTOHEADS that think this POS can walk on

Bush Press Conference: ANWR and Economic “Magic Wands”
By: SilentPatriot on Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 at 3:32 PM - PDT <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> digg_url = 'http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/04/29/bush-press-conference-anwr-and-economic-magic-wands/'; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> digg_title = 'Bush Press Conference: ANWR and Economic “Magic Wands”'; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> digg_skin = "compact"; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> ( function() { var ds=typeof digg_skin=='string'?digg_skin:''; var h=80; var w=52; if(ds=='compact') { h=18; w=120; } var u=typeof digg_url=='string'?digg_url:(typeof DIGG_URL=='string'?DIGG_URL:window.location.href); document.write("<iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u="+escape(u)+(typeof digg_title=="string'?('&t='+escape(digg_title)):'')+(typeof digg_bodytext=='string'?('&b='+escape(digg_bodytext)):'')+(typeof digg_topic=='string'?('&c='+escape(digg_topic)):'')+(typeof digg_bgcolor=='string'?('&k='+escape(digg_bgcolor)):'')+(ds?('&s='+ds):'')+"' height='"+h+"' width='"+w+"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>"); } )() </SCRIPT><IFRAME src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u=http%3A//www.crooksandliars.com/2008/04/29/bush-press-conference-anwr-and-economic-magic-wands/&t=Bush%20Press%20Conference%3A%20ANWR%20and%20Economic%20%26%238220%3BMagic%20Wands%26%238221%3B&s=compact" frameBorder=0 width=120 scrolling=no height=18></IFRAME>
During his nonsensical press conference today, President Bush argued that the best way to help the struggling economy and the staggering price of gas was to either start drilling immediately in ANWR or to get him a magic wand.

Download | Play
Download | Play (h/t David)
<I>Somehow if you mention ANWR it means you don’t care about the environment. Well, I’m hoping now people, when they say “ANWR,” means you don’t care about the gasoline prices that people are paying. </I>​

<I>I think that if there was a magic wand, and say, okay, drop price, I’d do that.</I>


Opening an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil development would only slightly reduce America’s dependence on imports and would lower oil prices by less than 50 cents a barrel, according to an analysis released Tuesday by the Energy Department.

It is a widely published estimate that 10.4 billion barrels of oil are in ANWR. United States consumption in 2004 was 20.7 million barrels per day. Why on earth would we destroy a pristine wildlife refuge for 500 days worth of oil?

The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels (3,200,000 m³) daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption — most is imported from Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[12] — the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m³), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was used to meet 100% of U.S. demand, it would last for 215 days under the low estimate, and 525 days or just 1.4 years if it contained 10.4 billion barrels (1,650,000,000 m³).

Telling us sheeple that ANWAR is part of the answer is like saying to me to tear down my garage and my roof won’t leak as much.

The U.S. needs the oil to dominate the world for the next 30 years. The oil the US uses every year is 146 billion gallons a year. One barrel is equal to 46 gallons. Between 5.7 (95 percent probability) and 16.0 (5 percent probability) billion barrels. A mathematical estimate of 2622000000000 gallons represents between (.17 to .27 )about 25-30 years of foreign oil supposedly lie in ANWR. ANWR will put off the question of oil for another three to five generations.

Then what? Energy consumption and fuel costs are already rising along with the prices. We already use too much energy getting off oil is the only solution. Bio-fuels need larger areas to sustain, harvest, and produce. The damage to ANWR is inestimable. Groups like the Venetie and Gwich’in are opposed to the drilling, while the Katovik agree with drilling to benefit a comfortable life and modernize. Does the United States need the development of Katovik? Yes, if they want to develop.

But at the cost of the other two native groups and their way of subsistence, I don’t think so.

These are great articles. Also Bush’s Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton was a paid shill put into place by Rand Corporation and Grover Nordquist to create the Astroturf environmental organization known as the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (C.R.E.A.), and likely ties to the Nature Conservancy groups. The monied know the gas tank is running on fumes and are trying to alleviate pressure.


Hey Doc maybe we can all walk to the free clinic when BO is president just like the undocumented workers do today.
Jul 30, 2006
Hey Doc maybe we can all walk to the free clinic when BO is president just like the undocumented workers do today.

I know I'm getting in the cheese line for sure.:dancefool

Vote for hope, vote for change, vote for free shit. Vote for Obama.

Why don't we all just sign our entire paychecks over to Mr. Hussein?

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