British Airways Replaced a Meal With a Candy Bar, and Passengers Are Less Than Thrilled

Jan 17, 2007
British Airways recently changed its economy World Traveller menu so that instead of a second meal, the airline will serve a fun-sized chocolate bar (or another snack sized-item) on some long-haul flights.

The fun-sized menu was introduced last month on flights less than eight-and-a-half hours, and some passengers are not happy about it.

I paid 500 for a World Traveller Plus seat and the breakfast was OK but to then get just a fun size chocolate bar six hours later is outrageous, one passenger told The Sun.

We offer customers on all of our transatlantic flights a three course meal, bar service and snacks and on our longer transatlantic flights, including to the west coast, customers are offered an extra meal during the flight, a British Airways spokesperson told Travel + Leisure. We regularly review our catering to ensure we are investing where it matters most to our customers.

And although transatlantic passengers leaving from the East Coast will no longer wake up to an in-flight breakfast on the other side of the pond, the airline will offer the ability to pre-order alternative second meals for purchase.

A few months ago, the airline gained a new CEO, Alex Cruz, who used to work at low-cost airline Vueling. When he came on board, the airline denied that it was going to start charging for food services. But in May, the airline was rumored to be considering a partnership with a British supermarket chain to provide meals for purchase.

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