I got some tickets to the Rams game last week in StL. After that playoff trip to that dump dome last year, i vowed not to go back until a new stadium is built. Not even for an NFC Championship game.
Here's to b2b North champ champ champs!:drink<)<@)
sweeeeeeet...as a life long Packer fan I can't wait..Nov 1 and Oct 5th may rank as 1 and 2 most watched games besides super bowls...I am very excited..Aaron Kampman will destroy him..OHHHHH:cripwalk:
With Brett Favre unretiring again I was curious how many other greats have retired only to come back. It happens all the time in Boxing but I'm looking at other sports
...Not sure why folks are excited, unless you are like me and want to see him fail. He fell apart last season, and is going to be in worse shape this time around... I hope one of the 2 guys under center there now can take the job away from him after one of his patented 3 INT performances... Fuckin drama queen.