Sorry Journey, your right as usual
Nothing to be gained but dissapointment and ego in NFL for Saban...
January 05, 2004
Saban gets big payday for BCS win
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Nick Saban has to be a very happy man today. Not only did his team win the BCS National Championship last night, but Saban also cleaned up in the pocketbook.
One of the more under-reported benefits of winning the the BCS championship for Saban is a
huge payday from LSU:
In a bit of irony, Saban, who makes $1.6 million per year in salary in addition to other coaching perks, has a stipulation in his contract that calls for him to earn $1 more than the highest-paid college coach in the country if he won a national title. That man is Oklahoma's Bob Stoops, whose salary is close to$2.5 million.
First you beat the guy on the field, then you get to go cash his $1. Does it get any better than that?!