i am writing a script for greek tv, part time job, but a lucrative one. i ve "reviewed" a few actresses over the past few weeks, and mind you, them past weeks have been rewarding if you know what i mean, but only recently we ve come across this director who we d like to shoot our series, he's a good one, problem is his lessie girlfriend and him are having a thing for my, supposed, girfriend of an actress to be, and although i ve already cast her, they are giving me a hard time in terms of, well, sexually courting her, signalling she is theirs, in this messed up little tringle of theirs, and although my flirting seemed to be going on just fine, there come them and mess it up. I cant sack the director, he's good and i know he ll give my series a fair shot, but i cant either let my provisional babe go, i am in a tight spot, ain't i ?
I was thinking of maybe spending some, a lot of dough, taking her out, away from the assholes for awhile, pretending i am explaining her role, for a few weeks, and then if i get lucky get bac k to it....
I was thinking of maybe spending some, a lot of dough, taking her out, away from the assholes for awhile, pretending i am explaining her role, for a few weeks, and then if i get lucky get bac k to it....