Both Texas Senators Kiss ultra right wings ass.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
The both cast their meaningless votes against Sotomayor, thereby makeing themselves look good to the far right but handing the Democrats Texas considerable hispanic vote for decades.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Both Texas Senators Kiss ultra right wings ass."

They are right wingers what do you expect!

Obama kisses "Acorns" ass he's a radical socialist, same thing!

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Are you implying that they are anti-hispanic because they voted against Sotomayor? Should they vote for someone they largely disagree with just to court votes from people of her ethnicity? Did you have a similar opinion when most Democratic Senators voted against Clarence Thomas?

The both cast their meaningless votes against Sotomayor, thereby makeing themselves look good to the far right but handing the Democrats Texas considerable hispanic vote for decades.

Feb 9, 2005
if you want to be partisan, go and look at voting records. i think you will find that the republicans vote for democrat appointees at a much higher rate than democrats vote for republican nominees....

yet democrats are going to point out all the repubs who vote against her and accuse them of playing politics

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I assume that is what he's implying and, by my count, Hispanics voted nearly 70% for Obama in November (not sure of specific Texas %) so don't know why this would change. Also not sure why their vote is "meaningless" ??

by the way BHO voted against both Samuel Alito and John Roberts which I don't remember as being an issue for or against him in the presidential race

a more applicable thread from you would be "punter kisses Obama's c**k"

Jan 21, 2007
i assume that is what he's implying and, by my count, hispanics voted nearly 70% for obama in november (not sure of specific texas %) so don't know why this would change. Also not sure why their vote is "meaningless" ??

By the way bho voted against both samuel alito and john roberts which i don't remember as being an issue for or against him in the presidential race

a more applicable thread from you would be "punter kisses obama's c**k"


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
actually when you think about it (something punter can't do for himself, so I'll do it for him) punter is really applauding the Texas Senators for voting based on their beliefs and not simply appeasing the future Hispanic vote which we all know is the fastest growing voter group out there

that's nice you think so highly of your elected leaders, punt


New member
Nov 8, 2006
I assume that is what he's implying and, by my count, Hispanics voted nearly 70% for Obama in November (not sure of specific Texas %) so don't know why this would change. Also not sure why their vote is "meaningless" ??

by the way BHO voted against both Samuel Alito and John Roberts which I don't remember as being an issue for or against him in the presidential race

a more applicable thread from you would be "punter kisses Obama's c**k"

90% is larger than 70% in Texas how about where you live?

How much meaning does an against vote have when the nominee has the needed votes in their pocket?

Alito and Roberts are further right of center than Sotomayor is left of center.

I think you know what I think of you so I will not address your last sentence.

Feb 9, 2005
just ya'll fuckers wait. remember how obama was able to tie mccain to bush? repubs gonna use same tactic against dems next year -- so and so voted with pelosi 95% of the time. so and so voted for every obama proposal....

and dems will cry foul at the tactics....:cripwalk:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
gee, at the confirmation hearings Sotomayor sounded like a strict constitutionalist, a conservative, practically a right wing extremist.

She denied everything she is / was. Why can't liberals be themselves?

must be hard living in a closet, saying you're being misinterpreted (again)

Feb 9, 2005
gee, at the confirmation hearings Sotomayor sounded like a strict constitutionalist, a conservative, practically a right wing extremist.

She denied everything she is / was. Why can't liberals be themselves?

must be hard living in a closet, saying you're being misinterpreted (again)

all politicians do this shit. it annoys me. it's an insult.

New member
Nov 8, 2006
gee, at the confirmation hearings Sotomayor sounded like a strict constitutionalist, a conservative, practically a right wing extremist.

She denied everything she is / was. Why can't liberals be themselves?

must be hard living in a closet, saying you're being misinterpreted (again)

You RWN have centered all on one statement (which if you believe that experience broadens your knowlege, is true.) and ignore a lifetime of very well thought out and fair decisions.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You RWN have centered all on one statement (which if you believe that experience broadens your knowlege, is true.) and ignore a lifetime of very well thought out and fair decisions.

"one statement" :think2:

which "one" are you thinking?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
All of the legal defense funds out there, they're looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don't make law, I know. I know.


I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.


Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.


Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.


not enough minorities passed the exam


do I need to continue?

BTW: she renounced all these positions during the hearings

Feb 9, 2005
let me see, which statement we talking about

is it the wise latina statement

the statement where "everyone knows we're the ones who make the laws"

the "i'm an affirmative action baby"....

Feb 9, 2005
how many times did the supreme court overturn her decisions by the way? if you were a gambling man it would be about even money whether her decision would pass the supreme court smell test, a supreme court of which she is now a member

New member
Feb 1, 2005
I don't think Sotomayor should be a justice for many reasons, here's one:

* She doesn't believe the Second Amendment applies to state and local

Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor recently held that the Constitution does not protect the right to keep and bear arms against infringement by state and local governments. Her defenders maintain that she was merely applying settled precedent, which only the Supreme Court itself is authorized to reconsider. This is a half truth that conceals more than it reveals.

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Last year, the Supreme Court resolved a longstanding debate by holding that the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms includes the right of American citizens to have weapons for personal self defense. Accordingly, the Court struck down a D.C. statute that outlawed the possession of handguns.

Since 1833, it has been settled that the Bill of Rights does not apply to state laws, but only to federal legislation like that involved in the D.C. case. In 1868, however, the Fourteenth Amendment imposed new restrictions on the States, forbidding them to abridge the "privileges or immunities" of American citizens or to "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."

In several nineteenth century cases, the Supreme Court held that the individual liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, including the right to keep and bear arms, are not among the "privileges or immunities" protected against state abridgement by the Fourteenth Amendment. Whether this was a correct interpretation or not, the Supreme Court has adhered to it ever since, and the lower courts are required to accept it.

In the twentieth century, however, the Supreme Court decided a series of cases in which it concluded that most of the rights protected against the federal government by the Bill of Rights are also "incorporated" against the state governments by the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The Court has analyzed each right separately, but the legal test that eventually emerged focuses on the significance of the right at issue in the Anglo-American tradition of ordered liberty. The Supreme Court has not yet reviewed an incorporation case involving the Second Amendment, but its Second Amendment opinion last year pointedly noted that a due process analysis is now "required" under its twentieth century caselaw.

Judge Sotomayor ignored this instruction from the Supreme Court. She decided that her court was not required to perform this due process analysis because the nineteenth century decisions under the Privileges or Immunities Clause had settled the issue. Several circuit courts had reached the same conclusion before last year's Supreme Court's decision, and one other circuit court reached the same conclusion just this month. Her defenders can therefore plausibly argue that her decision was not wildly out of the judicial mainstream.

It is not true, however, that Judge Sotomayor was faithfully following precedent. The Supreme Court has never said that the Due Process Clause does not "incorporate" the right to keep and bear arms. That Court has never said that the nineteenth century Privileges or Immunities Clause cases foreclose due process analysis. Nor has it ever said that the lower courts are supposed to "wait" for the Supreme Court to rule on due process incorporation. The Supreme Court's twentieth century incorporation cases are the most relevant precedents, and Judge Sotomayor completely ignored them.

Two months ago, the Ninth Circuit performed a careful analysis of those precedents, and concluded that the right to keep and bear arms is indeed incorporated. Nor was this the first court to realize that lower courts are required to analyze and apply those precedents. A number of circuit courts have done so with respect to other individual rights, and none of them has ever been criticized by the Supreme Court.

One illuminating example, from Judge Sotomayor's own Second Circuit, is a double jeopardy opinion written by then-Judge Thurgood Marshall. The Supreme Court later cited his opinion favorably, but Judge Sotomayor apparently decided that she didn't even need to consider the precedent he set, let alone the relevant Supreme Court cases.

President Obama has said that he wants judges whose "deepest values" will help them decide the 5 percent cases that are truly difficult. Judge Sotomayor's deepest values apparently caused her to ignore the precedents that would have vindicated the right of Americans to have the tools they need to protect themselves from violent criminals. Can anyone expect that to change if she is confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Just to be open and honest, I don't think any of the current justices should be on the Supreme Court.

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