This is Robbie's company as he is administrative director,,,It is used as a register name for some of the Apex sites and the sites that exclusively market Apex.
Books should be aware that Loudspeaker Media is potentilly were our money went,,,He said he was spending it on marketing!!!I imagine some of these books don't even know this is Robert's company.
There are some big names book on above list who should be aware of his claims to be affilited.
This is Robbie's company as he is administrative director,,,It is used as a register name for some of the Apex sites and the sites that exclusively market Apex.
Books should be aware that Loudspeaker Media is potentilly were our money went,,,He said he was spending it on marketing!!!I imagine some of these books don't even know this is Robert's company.
There are some big names book on above list who should be aware of his claims to be affilited.