I recently had some time to spend with one of the more recognized and accomplished bookmakers in the world. While he and I shared out thoughts regarding bookmaking, it became very clear to me that he pereceived the Public as being quite naiive about how hard it is to be a successful bookmaker...
He stated, " I appreciate speaking with knowledgeable people on the subject as opposed to someone who watches ESPN and thinks they know how to be a bookmaker. If I had a dime for everyone who thought that all you had to do is take the bet to make money, I would be a rich man. It is funny as I often heard of the way the bettor would want me to book, but of course, giving the advantage to the bettor. But, working on the other side of the counter and being just as competitive if not more, while always important to be fair, you book to make money, not to make friends."
Truer words could not have been spoken with regards to bookmaking. However, the same thing can be said when it comes to being a successful sports bettor.
So, the question that immediately pops into my head is WHICH occupation requires more overall talent, BOOKMAKING or BETTING ON SPORTS.
One could argue both sides easily. A valid argument that a bookie could make to defend his side is that the bookmaker has to spend so much time trying to come up with a GOOD LINE on EVERY game, whereas the bettor can pick and choose his spots. However, many gamblers I know personally who couldn't make a living at sports betting have done well when they switched to the other side and started booking bets.
So, I'd like to throw this topic out for discussion and save my opinion for later...
Which takes more talent, being a successful bookmaker or gambler?
Thanks for the thoughtful responses in advance,
He stated, " I appreciate speaking with knowledgeable people on the subject as opposed to someone who watches ESPN and thinks they know how to be a bookmaker. If I had a dime for everyone who thought that all you had to do is take the bet to make money, I would be a rich man. It is funny as I often heard of the way the bettor would want me to book, but of course, giving the advantage to the bettor. But, working on the other side of the counter and being just as competitive if not more, while always important to be fair, you book to make money, not to make friends."
Truer words could not have been spoken with regards to bookmaking. However, the same thing can be said when it comes to being a successful sports bettor.
So, the question that immediately pops into my head is WHICH occupation requires more overall talent, BOOKMAKING or BETTING ON SPORTS.
One could argue both sides easily. A valid argument that a bookie could make to defend his side is that the bookmaker has to spend so much time trying to come up with a GOOD LINE on EVERY game, whereas the bettor can pick and choose his spots. However, many gamblers I know personally who couldn't make a living at sports betting have done well when they switched to the other side and started booking bets.
So, I'd like to throw this topic out for discussion and save my opinion for later...
Which takes more talent, being a successful bookmaker or gambler?
Thanks for the thoughtful responses in advance,