Does anyone have contacts at bookmaker that could assist in answeringquestions about a payout? I have had acceptable payout times in thepast with no issue around my requests. My requests aren't large(usually around $700-$1000). However, this one has been extremelypainful.My initial request was made on Nov 7th. I was asked for proof ofdeposit which I faxed in. Upon reciept of my information, they askedme to re-submit my request. I did so on the 10th or 11th. I followedup several days later to make sure the informaton met thier needs andcheck on my request. I was told to re-request again. I never got aclear reason why all the re-requests. I asked the CS representitiveonline to enter my request this time to see if that would help get itgoing. I followed up on the 17th with online chat and was told myrequest was denied. He instructed me to check with the payoutdepartment during thier working hours. I call today (18th) and chatwith them and am told my original request is still valid, not deniedas I was told just 2 days ago.The painful part about this is that each time I have to "re-request" Iget pushed back in the queue for processing of the payout.Most times I'm very passive with these situations and let them workout but am really frustrated with the incorrect communication whichhas caused the delay.I'd appreciate if anyone here can put me in touch with someone atBookmaker who can provide me with some status and directon. Pleasecontact me via PM if you can help.