Good God, I hate this book !
Wil can get you off the the call list.... for awhile.
Did you get a call from 786-522-1040? Read the posts below to find out details about this number. Also report unwanted calls to help identify who is using this phone number.
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client="pub-5924174340736268"; google_alternate_color="FFFFFF"; google_ad_width=468; google_ad_height=60; google_ad_format="468x60_as"; google_ad_type="text"; google_ad_channel="6646360865"; google_color_border="FFFFFF"; google_color_bg="FFFFFF"; google_color_link="0000FF"; google_color_text="000000"; google_color_url="000000"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><iframe name="google_ads_frame" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="60" scrolling="no" width="468"></iframe>
Comments about 7865221040 number:
Rating: +1
Tony - 14 Dec 2007
Not sure who it was but, they called me and did not answer.
Rating: 0
alex - 14 Dec 2007
same with me they calld and hung up !
Rating: 0
Scott - 3 Jan 2008
The keep calling me. I made a bet about a year ago and haven't stop hearing from them since
Rating: 0
djm - 7 Jan 2008
email to be taken off their marketing list. Include your name and phone number. So far the calls have stopped for me
Rating: 0
djm - 7 Jan 2008
Well much to my dismay they have now called again from 786-522-1058 as well as 786-522-1058. When I answer they hang up. Sent another email to I am entering complaints on the federal do not call list each time a call is received.
Rating: 0
DJM - 8 Jan 2008
I would urge anyone who is being called by this number, or any of the 1-786-522-xxxx numbers, to use the national do not call registry. is the site where you register for the list AND where you can file a complaint against the violating caller. I now file a complaint each time I am called. I have gone so far as to file a complaint against the calling number as well as filing one with the customer service line for 1-866-926-6562, since this is clearly the originating phone number of the company calling. If enough violations are received legal action can be taken by the Federal Trade Commision. Please help and report these violations. Make sure to send an email to to be "taken off" their calling list as well.
Wil can get you off the the call list.... for awhile.
Did you get a call from 786-522-1040? Read the posts below to find out details about this number. Also report unwanted calls to help identify who is using this phone number.
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client="pub-5924174340736268"; google_alternate_color="FFFFFF"; google_ad_width=468; google_ad_height=60; google_ad_format="468x60_as"; google_ad_type="text"; google_ad_channel="6646360865"; google_color_border="FFFFFF"; google_color_bg="FFFFFF"; google_color_link="0000FF"; google_color_text="000000"; google_color_url="000000"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><iframe name="google_ads_frame" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="60" scrolling="no" width="468"></iframe>
Comments about 7865221040 number:
Rating: +1
Not sure who it was but, they called me and did not answer.
Rating: 0
same with me they calld and hung up !
Rating: 0
The keep calling me. I made a bet about a year ago and haven't stop hearing from them since
Rating: 0
email to be taken off their marketing list. Include your name and phone number. So far the calls have stopped for me
Rating: 0
Well much to my dismay they have now called again from 786-522-1058 as well as 786-522-1058. When I answer they hang up. Sent another email to I am entering complaints on the federal do not call list each time a call is received.
Rating: 0
I would urge anyone who is being called by this number, or any of the 1-786-522-xxxx numbers, to use the national do not call registry. is the site where you register for the list AND where you can file a complaint against the violating caller. I now file a complaint each time I am called. I have gone so far as to file a complaint against the calling number as well as filing one with the customer service line for 1-866-926-6562, since this is clearly the originating phone number of the company calling. If enough violations are received legal action can be taken by the Federal Trade Commision. Please help and report these violations. Make sure to send an email to to be "taken off" their calling list as well.