Bookie Buster Gets Banned ~ MLB System


New member
Apr 25, 2006
This is a duplicate from the Promo thread:

For awhile he has been posting free service plays and has NEVER tried to get anyone to pay for any tout's picks. I don't know the truth and it is not my business .

With that being said I would think that his track record and previous contributions and character would sway any unclear or misunderstood Issues at hand. If he was trying to sell his or a friends picks...don't you think he would have by now????

Please Admin.. review your decision and if you are uncertain put him on probation .

Free the Buster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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New member
Dec 21, 2006
I agree. There are always two sides to every story. And I am fully aware that I am only getting BB's side of the story right now.

I just hope that this is not a case of confusion (as I pointed out there was that confusing post that was actually a copied e-mail from Bill that could have been mistaken for words coming from BB). I hope that is not the case.

Does anyone know "Bill's" screen name where he posts?

P.S. Hope I didn't break any rules asking that. If so, please ignore.

New member
Dec 21, 2006
There was a confusing post on that thread where BB copied and pasted the contents from an e-mail that he received from Bill. It was confusing at first because it seemed like it was BB talking (not the e-mail). In that copied e-mail Bill announced that he was going no longer give free picks and was accepting payment via Pay-Pal.

At the top of that particular post BB labeled (or titled) the post "E-mail from Bill".

I will admit I was confused at first seemed like BB was asking for money or payment. But then when I re-read it and later saw the title ("E-mail from Bill") then it became clear that BB was simply informing everyone that Bill was charging for the system picks (not BB) and BB was saying that these picks may be coming to an end.

Then in a later post, BB announced that he was going to purchase the picks (which was significant since BB is the king of finding free service picks and service plays...and he himself stated that he had never paid for picks before).

Thanks for clearing that up. I was confused too, but now it makes sense.
Jan 28, 2007
I don't think BB did anything wrong, besides accidentally confusing a select few people. All he has ever done is try to make people money, and the ironic thing is that is what he is being punished for. So what if he said he purchased the picks from Bill (ever heard of something called freedom of speech?) or if he posted an email from Bill where it was slightly promoting Bill's new service (he made it animately clear that it was an email from Bill)? It should have been at the most a warning to BB to avoid posting that stuff, not a straight up ban.

I respect all of the administration here at TheRX, but I've got to say this is a situation where they should take a minute, review was happened post by post, and then come to a collective agreement on whether or not BB was in the wrong, and if he indeed was, was it intentional or accidental. I would leave it up to the administration to decide what is fair for BB and all of the people who are friends with him.

Let's see what happens. I hope everything turns out for the best.

Sep 18, 2006
Great posts everyone. I am sure BB appreciates the words of support and the fact that most seem to want to give him the benefit of doubt.

Sep 18, 2006
Does anyone know "Bill's" screen name where he posts?

P.S. Hope I didn't break any rules asking that. If so, please ignore.

I have no idea Jackson. The only place I have ever seen him referred to was on some of BB's posts here at The RX.

Sep 18, 2006
I don't think BB did anything wrong, besides accidentally confusing a select few people. All he has ever done is try to make people money, and the ironic thing is that is what he is being punished for. So what if he said he purchased the picks from Bill (ever heard of something called freedom of speech?) or if he posted an email from Bill where it was slightly promoting Bill's new service (he made it animately clear that it was an email from Bill)? It should have been at the most a warning to BB to avoid posting that stuff, not a straight up ban.

I respect all of the administration here at TheRX, but I've got to say this is a situation where they should take a minute, review was happened post by post, and then come to a collective agreement on whether or not BB was in the wrong, and if he indeed was, was it intentional or accidental. I would leave it up to the administration to decide what is fair for BB and all of the people who are friends with him.

Let's see what happens. I hope everything turns out for the best.

Well said Intrinzik.

Sep 18, 2006
Come on.

He's has a post that says "Please read if you want to make money" in the promo section.

He's not trying to get people to spend $150 by doing that?

I received an answer from BB about your question (i.e., why would BB create a post in the Promo Forum called "Please Read If You Want To Make Money"?) and he said that although in retrospect it was probably a poor choice for a thread title, he did it to capture attention to the thread so that people would read his side of the story.

In the same e-mail that he explained the reason for the choice for that thread title, he also wondered outloud why he was not given a warning and was immediately banned instead. He hoped that people might question this also (on his behalf) since he is still searching for answers to this question.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
By now most of you probably know that BB has been banned and is now only being allowed to post over in the Site Promotions Forum. BB's numerous daily contributions to the MLB Forum (as well as the rest of the sports forums) are greatly appreciated and will be missed.

Although BB has shared the details of his banishment with me (conversations between him and Wil that were private and WILL REMAIN PRIVATE), the only things that are not clear or certain are:

(1) The length of his banishment, and / or if he will ever be allowed back; and

(2) The difference between posting daily paid service plays and posting the MLB system plays that got BB into trouble.

I have known BB for a while now, both from inside this forum and outside of this forum privately. He is a stand up guy who has never asked anyone for anything and who does not have any hidden agendas or ulterior motives behind his actions. His only goal in posting daily in these forums was in an effort to help others make money by beating their respective books.

In the case of the MLB system plays that got BB into hot water with The RX, he did not see the difference between posting those plays and posting the daily paid service plays (i.e., Ness, Root, Sebastian, Big Al, Cokin and etc.) that appear in daily threads in each of the major sports forums.

It needs to be made clear that BB (his real name is Matt) is NOT the person named Bill (the person who is the creator of the MLB system, whose plays BB was posting) and BB is in no way associated with Bill, the MLB system or the website from which it originates.

BB paid for the MLB system plays like anyone else and he did what he always does ~ he shared the system and respective plays with the rest of the forum in the spirit of making money and helping others beat their books. And now BB has asked me to share his side of the story with the forum so that everyone understands why he will no longer be posting in any of The RX forums with the exception of the Site Promotions Forum.

I have a great deal of respect for Wil and the rest of the RX staff. And in no way am I looking to create any trouble. The RX is great site and after sampling many other similar sports betting forum websites, I am happy to call The RX my "home".

Yeah, this place has its share of goofballs and crazy occurances, but all in all The RX has the best cappers and information I have seen and that is why I choose to ultimately settle down here. And much like the saying "it takes an entire village to raise a child", it also takes "an entire forum to raise a well rounded capper / bettor" and BB was defintiely a significant part of the "village / forum" and his contributions will be missed by many.

Why don't you email the head moderator. I am sure he would explain it to ya

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Regarding Bookie Buster

He is not banned from the site, just the baseball and the two football forums. The Rx has been very clear about promoting services in the sport forums for the last two years. There are a lot of posters that do not want to see touts here in our sport forums and all of a sudden I received several complaints about BBuster. I have no time to read all these threads but do look into complaints when I recieve them by private email or report a post.

Bookie Buster knows he can post whatever he wants in the Site Promotion Forum so he is not being totally censored from the site.

Another problem was posting his email address as a tagline, which is definitely a tout move and against forum rules. He displayed all the symptoms of soliciting funds from posters for plays, his or someone elses makes no difference.

Then he created a ghost which is another reason he should not be allowed at all on the site as I have banned touts in the past for that.

Beat the Bookie
Bookie Buster

Bottom line I know some of you guys are fans of his but Bookie Buster has just crossed the line to much of late. The Best MLB System with 112 straight wins thread has promotional written all over it.

Also none of his posts are deleted they are all in Site Promotions, except the four posts made by the ghost which I deleted.

Here he is acting like he is someone else which is called manipulating posters by using ghosts (this is a deleted post that only mods can see):

<TABLE class=tborder id=post4457902 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">09-11-2007, 08:51 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>Beat the Bookie<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_4457902", true); </SCRIPT>

Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: The Burgh
Posts: 0

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_4457902 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Nicely said Intrinzik but becareful you seen what they did to Bookie Buster and he said the same thing.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Sep 18, 2006
Thanks for clarifying your stance and reasons Wil. Your job is not an easy one.

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006

This seems like an unique case of misunderstanding, especially with how Bookie Buster initially pasted a tout's service in the wrong forum. At first, I think most of the complaints are probably because people thought Bookie Buster was the one who was soliciting for money when he simply was pasting a tout's service. That should have been a warning to Bookie Buster only.

You yourself said:
There are a lot of posters that do not want to see touts here in our sport forums and all of a sudden I received several complaints about BBuster. I have no time to read all these threads but do look into complaints when I recieve them by private email or report a post.

That would mean that you banned him without reviewing all the threads, which in light of your busy schedule recently with the September bash is understandable, but still is a little surprising and that you should re-visit that decision with more time on your hands nowadays.

Yes, you and I both know that when a poster is banned, what's the quick reaction to do? Make a ghost so that the poster's voice is still spoken. You did not ban Bookie Buster because of that because he was already banned (thus the ghost). "Adding the ghost as a rationalization of the ban" is not logical because it was not a factor in the *first place*, right, Wilheim?

I am a strong believer of being warned before someone gets banned, and I see that due process apparently did not happen here with Bookie Buster. The only times someone gets banned outright without further communication is if the posts are an imminent danger to RX's reputation.

Bookie Buster has responded to your post:

Head Moderator


What is the real reason for my banisment?

Please tell everyone that and what did you think I was going to do I had no way to defend myself up in the other treads I ghosted the same day I was banned so do not let the mods fool anyone here about that.

There is a hiden agenda with the powers that be on this site.

If I wanted to ghost I would go to a friends house and us a different IP address or hud my computer and the Mod's would have never know it was me. You think I just learned how to us a computer yesterday I have a degree in electronics I know all about computers.

And if I was crossing the line why was I never warned?

Why not even once?

I have always followed the rules, so why do let people post daily service treads everyday that is the biggest service promotion I have ever seen.

But you let it happen everyday why because you have deals and contracts with some and not others.

If I had been warned it would have been the end of it but no you just shit can me.

And my email address as my tagline was so I could make friends on this site and people could find out how to talk to me, ask anyone on this site if I have ever email them asking for money for service or anything else.

You will not find one person say I did such a thing never.

What is the differance in the best system I ever seen as compared to THE GAME OF THE YEAR or LOCK CITY like I have seen may other posters post daily.

You write titles to get people to notice you and to see a winning system that was all I have done was try to help people make money.

I never ask anyone for MONEY, NEVER!

Bookie Buster

Wilheim, the ball is in your court. Quite frankly, while Bookie Buster has made some questionable posts, he is correct that he never has asked anyone for money unless you have evidence to the contrary, Wilheim. I suspect you will not have any.

Re-consider the "limited ban" because no matter what, as you have seen his fans do, they would just copy/paste his posts into the Baseball forum or the Football forums, so what's the point of the "limited ban" then?


* CalvinTy

New member
Aug 16, 2007
Talked to Bookiebuster he wanted me to pass on that he was given no warning and that he believed it was because he was stealing the spot light from ACE.

New member
Aug 16, 2007
I dunno that is just what he said....passing it along. I wonder now though since the Wilheim posted that he had a ghost name...either way if he is Bill I don't care he is picking winners! We won the o/u game today and went 2-1 on the 1st inning plays.

The Great One
Oct 13, 2004
I've handled situations like that where I moderate atBodybuilding dot com many times. The easiest course of action is to have Wilheim and Bookie Buster email each other. In the moderator user CP, Wilheim has all the information he needs regarding a member, from email, date of registration, IP addresses used, etc. With the PM system down here, emailing is the easiest way to go. What goes on from here is up to them. Wilheim has a site to run/uphold, so ultimately it's his decision.

GL on the course of action.
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