indians -1.5 -111 1.5 units
mariners -1.5 -117 3.5 units
braves -1.5 even 1 unit
astros -1.5 +305 half a unit
angels -1.5 +175 1 unit
jays -1.5 +250 1 unit
braves ttotal over 5 -125 2 units
phils ttotal over 4.5 -120 2.5 units
astros ttotal over 3 +125 2 units
indians ttotal over 5 +105 2 units
mariners ttotal over 5.5 -125 2 units
royals ttotal under 5.5 -120 2 units
indians -2.5+140 1 unit
texas -2.5 +205 1 unit
mariners -2.5 +125 1 unit
mariners over9.5 -115 2 units
mariners over 10 +111 1 unit
texas ttotal over 5.5 -130 1 unit
whats going on? hope all is well. chat better be up and running for nhl and nba. keep me informed in your threads. hey dbl, hope your first week went well. not so good over here for week 1.
take care, naz