Big Golf bet- plunge


The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
What time did Montys plane come in? he is plus 8.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
also gulity of taking monty against him, in addition to the other two guys. Monty was favored over Calch so it seemed sensible when the line was even more favorable. Oh well.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="75%"> <TD vAlign=top width=1 bgColor=#000000>
</TD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=""></SCRIPT><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="85%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>Find a Player</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><FORM onsubmit="searchMainLdbd(document.getElementById('txtname').value);return false;" action= method=get><INPUT type=hidden value=10100 name=page><INPUT type=hidden value=9583 name=select><INPUT id=txtname style="WIDTH: 125px"> <INPUT type=image src="" value=btni name=btni></TD></FORM><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>Scoring View</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><FORM action= method=get><INPUT type=hidden value=10100 name=page><INPUT type=hidden value=9583 name=select><SELECT style="WIDTH: 130px" onchange=submit() size=1 name=select3><OPTION value=1 selected>Leaderboard</OPTION><OPTION value=99>Full Leaderboard</OPTION><OPTION value=98>Titleist Players</OPTION><OPTION value=97>US Players</OPTION><OPTION value=96>Int'l Players</OPTION><OPTION value=95>Players On Course</OPTION></SELECT> <INPUT type=image height=15 alt=Go width=15 src="" value=GO border=0 name=GO></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>Sort By</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SELECT style="WIDTH: 130px" onchange=submit() size=1 name=select2><OPTION value=0 selected>Position</OPTION><OPTION value=2>Player</OPTION><OPTION value=3>Today's Round</OPTION><OPTION value=4>Thru Hole</OPTION><OPTION value=5>Overall</OPTION><OPTION value=6>Round 1</OPTION></SELECT> <INPUT type=image height=15 alt=Go width=15 src="" value=GO border=0 name=GO></TD></FORM></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom noWrap align=middle rowSpan=3>
Pick your favorites with our Custom Leaderboard!</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
</TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE borderColor=#999966 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE id=tblscores style="BORDER-TOP: #999966 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px" borderColor=#999966 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=1 name="tblscores"><TBODY><TR vAlign=bottom><TH width=33 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>Pos.
</NOBR></TH><TH width=188 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>Player</NOBR></TH><TH width=45 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>Overall
</NOBR></TH><TH width=42 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>Today</NOBR></TH><TH width=40 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>Thru</NOBR></TH><TH width=23 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>R1</NOBR></TH><TH width=23 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>R2</NOBR></TH><TH width=23 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>R3</NOBR></TH><TH width=23 bgColor=#cccc99><NOBR>R4</NOBR></TH></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>1.</TD><TD width=188>Furyk, Jim </TD><TD align=right width=40>-4</TD><TD align=right width=45>-4</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>68</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>2.</TD><TD width=188>Johnson, Zach </TD><TD align=right width=40>-3</TD><TD align=right width=45>-3</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>69</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>2.</TD><TD width=188>Sabbatini, Rory </TD><TD align=right width=40>-3</TD><TD align=right width=45>-3</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>69</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>2.</TD><TD width=188>Stenson, Henrik </TD><TD align=right width=40>-3</TD><TD align=right width=45>-3</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>69</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>2.</TD><TD width=188>Woods, Tiger </TD><TD align=right width=40>-3</TD><TD align=right width=45>-3</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>69</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>6.</TD><TD width=188>Calcavecchia, Mark </TD><TD align=right width=40>-1</TD><TD align=right width=45>-1</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>71</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>6.</TD><TD width=188>Harrington, Padraig </TD><TD align=right width=40>-1</TD><TD align=right width=45>-1</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>71</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>8.</TD><TD width=188>Casey, Paul </TD><TD align=right width=40>E</TD><TD align=right width=45>E</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>72</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>8.</TD><TD width=188>Fasth, Niclas </TD><TD align=right width=40>E</TD><TD align=right width=45>E</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>72</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>8.</TD><TD width=188>Singh, Vijay </TD><TD align=right width=40>E</TD><TD align=right width=45>E</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>72</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#cccc99 colSpan=9><SCRIPT language=Javascript src=""><!--></SCRIPT>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>8.</TD><TD width=188>Stricker, Steve </TD><TD align=right width=40>E</TD><TD align=right width=45>E</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>72</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>8.</TD><TD width=188>Westwood, Lee </TD><TD align=right width=40>E</TD><TD align=right width=45>E</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>72</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>13.</TD><TD width=188>Wetterich, Brett </TD><TD align=right width=40>+1</TD><TD align=right width=45>+1</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>73</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>14.</TD><TD width=188>Couples, Fred </TD><TD align=right width=40>+2</TD><TD align=right width=45>+2</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>74</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=33>14.</TD><TD width=188>Donald, Luke </TD><TD align=right width=40>+2</TD><TD align=right width=45>+2</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>74</TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD><TD align=right width=23> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffcc><TD align=middle width=33>16.</TD><TD width=188>Montgomerie, Colin </TD><TD align=right width=40>+8</TD><TD align=right width=45>+8</TD><TD align=right width=42>18</TD><TD align=right width=23>80</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
I decided to take the 1 day deal at -155 at 5dimes. Thanks for the 5 Franklins Rail!


New member
Sep 21, 2003
railbird, when you paste articles with images and such, paste them into the "quick reply box" at the bottom of the page, this will remove the photos and the forum errors.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
I just cut off a piece of this bet on Tiger Woods winning the tournament. He's 1 back from leading this tournament which is in his back yard.

<TABLE class=module borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 border=0 rgfloat="440,600"><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=bottom bgColor=#f6f6f6><TD noWrap>Fri 12/14</TD><TD noWrap>591 </TD><TD noWrap>T.Woods WinsTarget Challenge</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M1_0 name=radiox>-130 </TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=top bgColor=#f6f6f6><TD noWrap>12:50PM (EST) </TD><TD noWrap>592</TD><TD noWrap>Field WinsTarget Challenge</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M2_0 name=radiox>+100 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
From the Fred Couples fan page website forum

<TABLE class=sfposttable><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=sfuserinfoside>5:03 pm
December 13, 2007

Joe S.

<FORM class=proflink name=extprofile1541 action= method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=19 name=profileext> </FORM>PLAYERS Champion

posts 333
</TD><TD class=sfpostcontent>
Wow. Double on 18 to open with a 74. Me suspects the back got progressively worse through the round. Hope I’m wrong but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a WD on the leaderboard. I’m totally bummin’.


</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=sfuserinfoside>6:11 pm
December 13, 2007


<FORM class=proflink name=extprofile1545 action= method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=400 name=profileext> </FORM>John Deere Winner

posts 5
</TD><TD class=sfpostcontent>
Well I suspect that his short game is by far the worst out of all 16 players…really tired of the back excuse, if it’s that bad then don’t tee it up. I’ve never seen Fred stand so far away from the ball on his putts and it looks like he’s got one foot clearly in front of the other. The chip on 11 was embarrassing. He did get a bad break on 16, but a very disappointing finish.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The lucky son of a bitch just birdied 18 with a ridiculous hole out when he was staring bogey in the eye. Huge swing.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
After two rounds - got a battle between Fredy and Calc.

Target World Challenge
After 36 holes
Position Player Score
1 Tiger Woods -13 (shot a new course record 10 under par 62 on Friday)
2 Jim Furyk -9
3 Zach Johnson -8
4 Padraig Harrington -6
5 Paul Casey -5
6 Vijay Singh -4
T7 Steve Stricker -3
T7 Luke Donald -3
T7 Henrik Stenson -3
10 Mark Calcavecchia -2
T11 Fred Couples -1
T11 Lee Westwood -1
13 Niclas Fasth E
14 Brett Wetterich +2
15 Colin Montgomerie +3
16 Rory Sabbatini +6

Tiger Woods (69-62) is at 13-under par and leads by four shots over Jim Furyk (68-67) at the halfway mark. His four-shot margin is the largest 36-hole lead in tournament history, breaking the previous record of three strokes by Michael Campbell in 2005.

• Tiger Woods' 10-under-par 62 today is the lowest score in tournament's history: Tiger Woods 62, 2007, Round 2; Padraig Harrington 63, 2002, Round 1; Davis Love III 63, 2003, Round 3; Michael Campbell 63, 2005, Round 1.

• There were only two players who shot 10-under par scores on the PGA TOUR during the 2007 season. Rookie Brandt Snedeker shot an 11-under 61 in the opening round of the Buick Invitational and Zach Johnson shot a 10-under 60 in the third round of THE TOUR Championship presented by Coca-Cola.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Calch pulling away. Wetterich still well back of Couples though. Monty now tied with Fred. About halfway through the round.

Faded fred in todays round big also. That is going to work out well!! Need Monty to beat him for the tourney really bad.

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