Also average lines since 1991.
Year AvgOfLINE
1991 5.36
1992 4.65
1993 8.44
1994 6.09
1995 4.97
1996 5.97
1997 6.85
1998 7.14
1999 4.89
2000 5.25
2001 5.84
2002 6.82
Prior to this year, I didn't include any pick 'em games in the averages so the averages would actually be just a little bit lower, but not that much. So, to answer your question, this is the fourth highest average line in the past 12 years. I didn't double check these averages so they could be off but I think they are probably pretty close.
Also, looking back to the three highest lined years (1993, 1997 and 1998) the dogs didn't do anything special, including doing horrible in 1997.