I seem to have read the other day you were going to limit your post to two to three plays a day. yesterday was a bunch and today quite a few.
I guess you changed your mind.
Big Bookie isn't posting plays.
He's posting what he needs.
How can he limit what he needs? His players play what they play. He has no control over what he needs.
This info might well be considered when making one's own plays.
Col-2 Over
Det-10 Under
Cin Over
Clev-8 Under-4
Atl-7 Over (jefferson Hot)
Tor-8 Under-1
Nyy-3 Over-3
Mets-6 Under
Az-7 Over
Fla-2 Under-2
Tb-7 Over-3
Pit-1 Under-1
Bal-3 Over
Wash-1 Under-1
Bos-5 Over-1
Hou-2 Under
Mil-7 Over
Min-6 Under-1
Stl-6 Over
Kc-8 Under-1
Sea-2 Over
Sd-11 Under
Sf-2 Over-1
Oak-4 Under-1
Phi-9 Over-3
Tex-2 Under-1
Laa-23 Over-1
Lad-3 Under-2
Cubs-3 Over-2
W.sox-11 Under-1